Yesterday's post was prophetic?
(*Momentarily....reels with disorientation*).
(*Heard house / appliances creak hard...*).
(*Perceived head / wooziness / thoughts....clearing up*).
Yea. Moving on from here..., moving on from a decades length rut of witnessing 'subanime' 'toxic' 'waste' 'dump' 'pseudouniverses', means being unhindered....and undamaged at all of the scams.
No 'baggage' mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or physically.
No alcoholism.
No 'simp*ng' & 'muh' 'wyfe' bull**** over some 'NASTY' & 'gend*rless'....'snakebody' (passed around like a cigarette...far before the fake marriage)..
No 'muh' 'job'.
No 'muh' 'kiedz'.
No 'drugs'.
No 'Chr*stianity'.
No ***desperately*** ***clutching*** to the fake '*EGO*' identities, the fake 'g*nder' '*EGO*' 'paradigms'.....'offered' '/' 'advertised' '/' 'sold'... .
While it has, to my *own* standards, been a very slow year (just like noting 2001-2002)... had some new types of events (*feels nails blaze with caution & warning*).
(*Thinks carefully*).
Events that lead to me witnessing extreme ri*t reactions, and vengeful ars*n outbreaks.
Ok. Let's get into reporting the events.
So..last night, I inadvertently found myself witnessing an anime episode....referenced by pseudomonkey tier voice / behavior N*ne.... .
Click to view
I was not particularly expecting it.
I was just.....looking to pass the time via witnessing anime / doing tactical analysis training...whilst witnessing at anime.
While I did say "uh oh"....when I witnessed the anime character from the N*ne video, I was prepared...for..but not necessarily expecting to witness such a sickening episode.
Some awful.......r*** fodder gimmick episode (*felt nails blaze in disgust at anime in general*).
Wasn't 'coincidence'...., such an awful episode with 'surgical' 'strike' 'timing'.
'N*ne's' 'big' 'd*but'.
A 'token' 'squeaky' 'character' of a set....of weak and helpless....'d*filed' 'f*dder'?
(*Feels nails blaze in defiance and disgust*).
(*Shakes head*).
Not sure if I note a 'N*ne' 'obl*teration' 'operation'...over these past few months...or what.
Click to view
Me though?
I calmly stated that I noted the anime episode was a scam, an 'advertisement' for false paradigms. (*Feels nails blaze with conviction*).
An advertisement for false 'g*nder' 'paradigms' featuring 'false' 'examples'.
A scam advertisement for / of false n*rratives.
Wakeful state, I remembered what my mission is / was, and who I strive to protect & support...via the mission.
Also of particular note, ***very*** intense cravings for chocolate & caramel candy (*facepalms*) were upon me....all through last night. No amount of veggies or pasta.....made the cravings ebb? Even writhing spasms (*blinks*) took place?
But I ***refused*** to touch the II boxes of chocolate (over 4lbs) kept right in front of me. Yes. Chocolate / chocolates used for direct discipline training (*felt nails flash*). Direct discipline & self conttol training.
It was like a body storm went down.
Spasms. Writhing. Upset stomach responses. Even heart palpitations.
Me? I had a *hunch* that new performance levels would awaken...if I could just make it through the night...without opening ANY chocolate.
[Yea. I have been implementing a no sugar / candy / soda...sweets training seeking boosted performance for visions & visuals].
The events.
Very long gauntlets of witnessing useless subanime took place...come fluid world event time.
I will skip reporting tge vasty majority of those experiences.
After making it back to the farmhouse multiple times, and voicing my concerns aloud, subsequent fluid world events...shifted in character.
A parricular fluid world event seemingly had me waking to a possibly (?) transformed farmhouse.
After a gap of a year, a couple years, or more, I (*cringes*) (*felt left nails blaze cringingly*) found myself...viewing at 'K*gome'?
(*Felt nails blaze with fright / learned fright, and caution*).
Yea. '***NO***' good has ever come of the one? The one is 'olde' 'guard', 'b****y', 'bossy', 'and' 'helpless'.
Yea. 'Not' a drop of fun. Innocent fun. 'Not' a drop of fun for *ANYBODY*. (Not saying I am "better", but it is what it is).
(*Nods as remembers noting just how 'ubiquitously' 'unfun'....ones like Sh*man King Ann*, 'M*sty', and other olde guard 90's / early 2000s anime characters were.....*).
The setting.....seemed to be daylight?
But if it *was* here, the recliner couch was in an open air...setting, and the farmhouse transformed to what seemed like an inn.....or bed & breakfast.
Yea. I was reclining / lying on the couch / bed (it kept shifting in configuration), and noted a N*gro male dubbing like usual, *but* I noted 'K*gome' seated at my direct left.
The one was clad in two piece pajamas?
Unknown figures, like a flash mob..., skulked at the area?
The unknown Kagome clutched at my bed covers, taking at them?
That amidst turning over left, and facing left somewhat?
I groaned, wondering if I observed at the one acting 'in' 'character'.
Some haggard voice.....present at the area near the fluid build entrance...started going on about gross 'occult' stuff? That in an anime style?
The one may have mentioned 'blood' 'magic', 'blood' 'sorcery', or some of that gross and negative / sinistet stuff I ***DON'T*** have anything to do with. The one was implying weird stuff relating to that 'Kagome'.
Unh unh. I didn't want to hear 'occult' 'nonsense'. I was trying to sleep / get to sleep.
***Too***, I *didn't* want to hear *ANY* gross old guard scammer s*** involving 'K*gome'.
Hmmmm..... .
Did the 'K*gome'...sit up to listen to the haggard speaker / voice?
Well, with hands blazing with laughter, I did a tickle style grab at the 'K*gome's' 'sides' (*raises eyebrows, and blinks*).....and sternum, that amidst laughing.
I could have *sworn* I momentarily heard laughter.... .
But then it was like I slumped over. Slumped over, and went prone.
Whatever / whoever (??) I grabbed....also went prone.
Everything within reach to my available perception went white, and then sleep came.
The next event, for me, was ***HILARIOUS***.
I'm even laughing about witnessing the 'ri*ts', and 'ars*n' afterwards (*cackles as remembers viewing at the worst damage control 'operation'....'ever', specifically some disgruntled dreadl*cked crackhead.....that refused at my playful handshake / dap...*) (*cackles*).
So...long after the 'Kagome' notation, I was deep into another gauntlet.
It *seemed* I was viewing at a reset 1990's, and one featuring A*ron, Brandon, and other 1990's goons in t*en forms.
A*ron sold an alternate script though, about a half brother? A h*micidal and dangerous one?
Likely a setup for a random kn*fe or g*n attack?
I *did* detect at m*rderous int*nt....from some sinister entity...bearing diwn / skulking at the area.
But ***right*** as I was intently listening, ***HAIR***, ***LONG*** ***HAIR***, was perceived as pouring / flowing....over my face. (*Feels nails ablaze with laughter*).
The 'N*gro' male subanime body was warping away?
Gasping, I instinctively tried to reach my hands to my brow / forehead.
There was a *LOT* of hair, translucent hair, in my field of vision / covering my field of vision / spilling over my face.
Yea, but instead of seeing "fingers" usual, I noted amorphous looking 'toon' 'hoofs' (!!!!) (*felt nails flash with laughter*).
Uh oh. The 1990's boys f***** up th*ir 'no-selling'?
The ones looked at me.....with severe 'frowns' and or 'frozen' 'expressions'?
Whatever building I had been in before, a fluidity gripped school, vanished.
A resonance wave blasted the area, and I seemed to view at toonish pink skies, and a toonish dawn or toonish countryside / landscape.
Some sort of "body wave" took place, and I found myself lying on my side with that pinkish to rainbow...multi-colored hair...spilling everywhere.
Me? I was laughing (*cackles*) about it, on the inside....anyway.
Oh. And I also noticed *one* of the 1990's subanime Caucasian boys....(???)...going / warping..into a toon pony. A pink pony? A pink pony with a long main, and toony eyes?
A momentary overhead view...had me viewing myself on the ground, and the pink the adjacent area?
The subanime Caucasian boys had disappeared by that point, or were beginning to disappear?
Scenes following that event were kind of blurry, and hectic.
I was woozy, lurching around, and experiencing *deep* metabolic adjust (*recoils as a *DEEP* flashback or even...repeat...event....happened amidst typing*).....(&feels cranium throbbing*)....adjustment.
Seemed like I was trying to note at a 'ranking' 'up', a fingers equipped 'Equ*stria' 'G***s' 'body'? Or maybe...just trying to perceive my real form.
When I woke up next, I was seated at akin to a subanime movie theatre, but one full of restless and agitated th*ggos.
The ones were setting f*res, and or doing something untoward.
Flipping from noting a N*gro perhaps perceiving long rainbow (?) colors hair, I woozily watched at some crackhead stomp up the theatre ramp?
I woozily said muttered words, and playfully / greetingly offered a handshake / dap?
The man, emitting very unstable, neurotic, and even hateful v*bes, rejected (*feels nails blaze with laughter*) my gesture?
He sought to denounce & disclaim at everything that had happened?
After that....came many scenes of viewing at h*llacious ri*ts.
After eventually waking to the reassembled farmhouse, my conviction was ***BLAZING***.
Rather than 'being' 'cowed', 'cowed' by false scam / scammer / scamming those in episode s*x of that 'anime'....
......, I was ready for more "true body" perception events.
***MANY*** more events.
And ***AS*** ***SOON*** as possible.
The 'era' of sold false paradigms 'is' 'over'.
I am not going to buy the false paradigms...accused at g*nder. Beyond anime gender, the only true gender (of which I am not...sure if included).
I'm not going to buy the kind of bull**** sold by anime 'shows'.
I'm not going to buy the main sale? The main sales point(s)?
Compliant, weak, and helpless r*** fodder for generic 'villains'.
The show even comes complete with a snake of a 'fake' 'goddess' '/' 'pseudogoddess'?
Some snake....'drunk' 'on' ' " 'feeling' 'pretty' " ' ('whatever' 'the' 'h*ll' 'that' 'stuff' is supposed to mean), whilst the 'world' '/' 'universe' 'below' is 'utter' 's***'.
(*Clenched fist in conviction & defiance, felt a blazing sensation within the fingernails, and then heard an Axelay (stage III) theme in a startling manner*).
Click to view
(*Suddenly felt surge event related aches*).
I am going to make it a the next / upcoming year.
A resolution (*felt nails flash with insighr, and possibly heard thunder rumble in the darkening skies*).
A mission to log ***AS*** ***MUCH*** time as possible....perceiving my "true form", the means and the medium by which I am to implement my mission.
(*Groaned amidst surge event related aches, and simultaneously perceived glowing lights in my field of vision*).
Whatever comes next, I'm not going to buy the false paradigms scams sold by inherently broken....subanime & anime hordes.
I know how to use the traits / capacities subanime & anime entities wholly lack.
Traits meant the ultimate shield, and if need be, the ultimate sword. (*Feels eyes and nails blaze with conviction*).