So....last night....I decided to apply the culmination of over II years of intensive research.
M*tabolic research.
The idea was to do an experiment, a revolutionary experiment based upon paper journal (secret) research writings.
I *knew* there would be immediate results, I just didn't know ***how*** immediate.
(*Posts an illustration from years ago, then posts a fluid world event photo from earlier today.........(just before the altar event / today's altar event)....*).
Looks like I note chain Kp z*ro notation events confirm the results & the event I am about to report.
Okay. Let's try to get this done as fast as possible.
So...whilst wakeful before dawn....there were ***aura*** pulses.
Crackling sensations, and pressure fluctuations around my perceived bipedal body.
Yea. Knowing today would likely be different, and that on of account prior proven theories / experiments in the last week (*nods about witnessing a Momo yesterday (*felt nails blaze with hope*)*)......., I went ahead and prepared audio recorders.... .
Ok. Event report time.
Events were kind of slow to come.... .
Witnessed subanime trash....initially, so I am just going to skip reporting at 'that' (subanime entities always present as raging neurotics & psychotics, no exception).
Um....I eventually found myself avoiding / escaping some 1986 loop, and yet another s****y....b**** & a car...'scenario'.
Yea. I even verbatim witnessed 'C*rolina' 'Beach' 'Road' (*felt nails blaze with fear*), and some unknown....stock..burly & masculine XX chromosome type Caucasian...stranger / driver......that expected / with me (*cringes*) (*felts toenails blazing in a cringing manner*).
Thankfully....I only had to witness at that mess...for a brief moment.
Soon I watched at the car, and the unknown and unwelcome Caucasian.....'disintegrateling' away?
And rather than reviewing at Car*lina Beach Road daylight setting, I came to ahovering...and skidding slide / stop....on the surface of what seemed to be a totally transformed and ahadowy environment.
A black expanse style environment.
Lying on a cool..temperature..surface, a surface which was very smooth,I rested.
Soon..though...I viewed at two (???) talking cats..., subanime anime hybrid cats present at my immediate (eye level) right side.
One was white, and a male.
I must have been sleepy.....after witnessing subanime trash.
Even when the subanimesque cats spoke, the ones didn't make any sense? ***Couldn't*** make any sense. It even seemed like the ones / two cats were arguing.
The male cat stood up, and looked at me?
But / and...then I watched at the *subanime* disappear.
All the same, it was like I ***possibly*** perceived the sensation of a presence......gently clampining my hand? Maybe with teeth?
Did I feel tugging,as if a presence was leading me? (*Feels nails blaze in a startled manner*).
I actually got up,and where the leading presence guided me?
If I was being guided, I could not actively see the beyond anime presence doing so. That due to collapsed data processing / still....low....overall data processing levels.
The setting was wild? Like a black and mystical expanse...with suspended structures present in the / a distance.
I do not know where...I was...really.
But I *did* notice a particular area ahead and to theleft, an area I was being guided towards, giving forth a ***MASSIVE*** scale of energy. Mystical energy?
Did I see a shrine entrance? A secret shrine entrance?
Possible fallen or suspended "acropolis" style stone pillars....framed a tiny entrance......?
I asked ***how*** I was even supposed to I followed the guiding presence.
Obviously trusting by nature...(*sighs with concern*) by that point.....I continued forward.
To my amazement, space seemed to bend / accomodate me? That as I reached the entrance to / of the mysterious shrine location.
Main event.
I do not even know how to ***describe*** what I saw, and the same applies to the overall "feeling" of the place.
Not sure where I was, or how I got there,but the location was***TOTALLY*** set apart.
There was ***NO*** link to subanime there. I did not and could not even....witness infernal subanime entities present to that location.
It was unspoiled, set apart, and ***luminous*** with energy.
***Ancient*** energies. Energies that had no beginning or end.
(*Feels nails glowing with...awe......about the chances of life*).
There was no subanime that unspoiled place.
Now that I think about it, I think I even saw "transparent air" as & when I tried to perceive my own body... .
(*Remembers carefully*).
The little presence that lead me (??) to that location....communicatively released their hold?
Somehow, and *possibly* on an instinctive level, I ***knew*** I needed to reach the top of the altar superstructure....within the shrine / shrine world location / shrine realm...which I found myself present to.
The layout seemed straightforward, and yet I struggle to even describe what I saw.
Like a ***massive*** routing maze, a massive routing grid of leylines upon leylines upon leylines. Looked like circuits. Eerie, because l technological energy signatures, mystical / magical / spiritual energy signatures, and mental / psionic energy signatures were present to the location & the luminous leylines.
Was the place a control room? (*Felt nails blaze with intrigue*).
And if so, for what?
(*Perceives increasing drowsiness, and tries to wrap the post*).
I made my way up....., traversing over the staggeringly complex....."circuits" / "leylines", and to my surprise, I saw what seemed like long shut down / cordoned....pathways opening up, and the very achitecture of the shrine superstructure transforming as a result.
This happened over and over with differebt sectors of the location as I made my way to seeming "concluding console".
I heard at animesque voices after a certain point, ones at the area behind me?
Not sure *how*, but I was *certain* that one voice was that of anime limits 'N*na'.
I didn't even look back though, because I had a *hunch* that I may have been witnessing at a disembodied voice? Yea. I possibly heard at scolds / arguing anyway...., and kept aiming for a task that would lead to permanent beneficial effects.....rather than bothering with the standard nonsense of any anime tier entities.
Yea. I don't think subanime nor anime entities....could materialize / stay materialized in a location like that / a location with that energy density.
After making it to the concluding main altar area / deis, and asking how I was supposed to operate it, stone & technological pillars rose yp from the ground?
A massive chasm opened up too? Behind and around the activated altar?
Not sure how or why, but I fell or leaped from the right side...of the altar....only to flap my way back upward...with (!!) arms which I struggled to visually perceive any trace of.
Immediately after that,something happened.
I witnessed an outbreak of subanime, and heard at a subanime male narrator going on about nonsense (I will not even bother with 'that').
What caught my attention....was repeat views at an unknown and wavy pink-haired anime limits XX chromosome (???) type entity.
One whose attire kept changing, just like the setting?
The one had the verbatim 1990's / 2000s Ash K*tchum voice..and M*y voice? The Narue Nanase dub voice too as such?
The one was looking for some supposed misplaced item / key, and then / also looking for someone? That, and possibly making disjointed and worrisome references at the altar *I* had just seen & activated (*felt nails blaze with alarm, and caution*). (How could it need a key to activate it....if it was already activated by my presence / touch?).
First the one seemed to be kneeling / seated to / searching about a subanime supermarket floor, and clad in a pink dress...or blouse & skirt combination.
After another scene shift, a shift to noting a Japan outdoor scene, I noticed the one clad in a tradition long school uniform (white school uniform blouse, long blue skirt).
Not sure what was going on. The one did ***NOT*** have a body that looked conducive to any massive surge activity.
(*Remembered more*).
A subanime narrator, and that anime one, ***may*** have been seeking to lie at me, and deny at the activation of the selling a 'key'. Maybe some supposed red gem...that was supposedly searched for, supposedly found....., held, and advertised by the pink-haired one?
Bait for a 'wild' 'goose' 'chase'?
Not sure what happened, but that superstructure seemed to be activated. That with no need for dealing with any weird and disingenuous entities.
Might've witnessed 'agents' 'of' 'Flatarsia'.......'/' 'teh' 'flatness'.....'no-selling' at yet another key event ofmine, and a key event of tremendous upcoming ramifications.
Current theories are that that altar either had to do with The Infiniversal Routing Expanse, and or surge event related matters. Maybe it had to do with energy allocation settings.....set in stone for this world....spanning decades.
I dunno.
I'm about to rest.
Not sure what is going to happen in the upcoming times, but I am going to have to just "wing it".
This is uncharted territory, chronologically speaking.
These are uncharted days.
I obviously can't rely on any 'explanations' from subanime and anime entities. ***Never*** ***have*** been able to.
I until I see some backsides shaped like this......
....I will ***NOT*** hear ***ANY*** sense being made. Any sense being made ***period***.
Especially regarding any infinite energy realm related / beyond anime tier....subject matters.
(*Gawked in surprisingly noted screencaps...proving my point*).
Round and full bottom cheeks may as well be called "sanity indication mounds". "Sanity indication orbs".
Sanity has a ***VERY** high energy requirement.
Apparently a cosmic scale energy requirement.
The answer is to keep training, and keep generating more and more aura energy.
Yea. Because even if I am, in actuality, surrounded by cosmic tier beings who make sense, unless I boost my energy generation capacities / performance levels, I will not actively see / hear / comprehend their true words. Their true forms.
Training will not only boost my performance, it'll help me see & establish dialogue with beings who can give me reliable advice & status reports regarding the mission (*feels nails blazing with hope to the thought of the above*).
(*Makes tags "sanity indication mounds" and "sanity indication orbs" case any upcoming beyond anime contact events prove my theory / theories.....about reliable advice / reliable information & the only beings who can provide it*).