Looks like local mana pressure...levels hath stabilized on the farm?
It was very quiet, and very sunny as I took a walk.
A sweet scent...., a familiar, warm, bright, and "foresty" scent was in the air....near the mailbox.
The area that I, in a wakeful state, have even recently seen Celestial Maiden walk past.
A shimmering quality was present to the air.
As if I could sense hints of benevolent presences......near / on the vicinity.
My mind was on the refreshing & uplifting fluid world events...that took place after the last post.
Looks like my core essence is "getting the hint", possibly?
The hint that ***ANY*** time I perceive Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden, I will witness subanime mankind / ghoulkind....'go' 'nuts'.
So today's late morning fluid world event series....began with a sunny, calm, and peaceful....oceanic island
(*Felt nails blaze as considered tsunami chances......*).
It was like noting a subanime and anime hybrid setting?
Luminous whitish yellow sand was underfoot...., and expansive....shining blue waters...sprawled...ahead. The waters reached to the horizon.
No ships. No 'pollution'. No 'noise'.
To my distant left and leftward rear.... I saw tropical trees,
My attention, however, was caught by a ***PAIR*** standing to my immediate left. (*Felt nails blaze with alertness*).
I do not know any other way to say it.
I viewed at two subanime anime hybrid 18-20....10/10's.... dubbing at my perception of Starry Maiden, and Celestial Maiden.
I was literally noting the 'upgraded' and 'taller' version of the subanime anime hybrid...that I witnessed dubbing at Celestial Maiden...as I witnessed 11/25/21.
(*Momentarily noticed nails blazing with shock*).
It was like simultaneously noting all peak anime subanime hybrid features of 'El****', 'Rac*****', 'Sa*******', and 'Gri******' simultaneously.
The subanime anime hybrid dub 'N*na' had long blondish hair...., and wore a shirt / body shirt, and maybe black tights?
If Starry Maiden was present as well, I noted a slightly auburn....haired...subanime anime hybrid dubbing at my perception of her.
My body seemed to, as I stood gazing, make a surge event related sound? (*Blinks*).
As if, possibly, responding to the visible presence of Celestial Maiden & Starry Maiden.
Now I'm not sure, but it...is...what it is? ***Maybe*** I heard a ***similar*** sound from Celestial Maiden, which would make sense after last year's....May contact event / inadvertent surge event listening exam.
Maybe both being emitted a similar sound?
Well...in any case, ***draatic*** perceptual boosts and performance boosts took place after hearing that sound...emitted by my body.
So I next, in / after an abrupt scene shift, found myself woozily perceiving....what seemed like a deserted wooden sea ship.
An animesque, and maybe even 'antiquated' sea ship?
Yikes. I noted Kak*shi....H*take at the area / ship, and also detected at a 'haunted' 'vibe'.
I noted K*kashi was 'chill' though?
A bit hungry, I looked around for some food, and kept my ears peeled / listened very carefully.
A counter had what looked like banana peels, potato peels, and only II large potatoes?
Not sure if he was reacting at my gaze, and my search for food, but I noticed K*kashi speaking aloud....avout a food expedition...to anearby deserted island (*feels nails blaze with warning*).
I was ***NOT*** about to leave any ship ***I*** manifested.
But I did...., within moments, notice an above deck view.
I actually did view at a very large and animesque island...at the distance.
I also viewed at K*kashi, and some Uc*iha looking...boy....standing at the top deck area of the vessel?
Won't try to lie though?
I think I detected danger......present at that island in the distance.
I was going to stay put.
Perceptual conditions, as well as the manifested ship's amenities, kept boosting with time?
There really was no need for some 'island' 'expedition'.
Just like noting a bad movie turned off, or noting cable channels changed, I latently witnessed N*ruto entities.
In a case that is actually preferred, whenever possible, I began viewing at unlisted anime entities?
That while noticing the "ship" I was present to.....getting bigger, and loaded with way more amenities.
I found myself seated or lying to the floor of a galley / seating area of the ship.
An area framed in an open cornered rectangular pattern...., with II to IV or more couches.
Um, a puffy-ha (*laughs*) a puffy-haired.....medium to high anime level kid.....was lying on their stomach...at a couch which was above / foward...to my seated position? My seated position on the floor?
The anime limits cheery kid had tufty puffy (*feels nails blaze in laughter*) orange to brown hair....that was very spiky. Anime style. And with a particular concentration of tufts over the neck.
The kid seemed clothed in seafarer / adventurer clothes, like whitish pantaloon shorts, and a vest-like top or adventurer's shirt.
Sitting up more, and angling forward to the couch, I gazed closely at the book / page the kid was reading.
The anime limits kid was peak anime genial / welcoming of nature, even welcomly & playfully moving side to side....as if a friend had joined to read?
The...book seemed to be about viewing ghosts? (*Laughs*).
Hunh. I have experience...witnessing ghosts.
What happened next just happened?
The entity was anime limits cheerful, and friendly?
So much like a pseudomonkey?
Had to be dubbing at a being who was / is beyond?
Laughing, I reached and petted at the hair tufts covering the one's neck?
The one (*laughs*) giggled welcomely.....(*blinks in awe*), and sidled the book and their own self closer in visible glee.
I began speaking about my experience in witnessing ghosts, and tried to give tips.
The one listened at every word I said, as if clinging at my words / taking notes?
I said a key to managing, is just not caring about whatever threats....ghosts / ghoulies threaten with (not sure if that is reliable advice (*feels nails blazing in caution*))..... .
As the anime kid sidled closer, obviously excited about the subject...and eager to learn, I noted that I had no actively grasped /sighted indicator of "gender"..........as I knew it.
And the way I saw it, what mattered was warm & friendly communication, and inner character.
After what seemed like light discussion (whereby maybe I could even answer a couple...asked (?) questions), and experiencing cheer & thanksgiving....all the while on account of it, I stood up......., and possibly walked toward what I thought might be a kitchen area.
I was kinda woozy. Maybe a little hungry? Maybe I tried to find a kitchen again.
(*Had a flash of insight, and thought about an earlier post portion realtime*)....(*hears stomach rumbling irl*).
(*Took a screencap*).
The next scene was really...funny (*blushed red, and laughed aloud*).
Looks like lifeforms from real worlds, are ***very*** appreciative, and ***very*** compassionate.
They ***love*** communication, and personal level interactions.
(*Felt a mysterious....and yet familiar caress...from a presence...to my backside*).
(*Felt nails blaze blushfully*).
Not sure exactly what happened, but I soon found myself...lying flat on my back....amidst a black expanse interval?
Maybe I still saw hints of the prior ship. Maybe I perceived a previously seen couch under me.
But what I did...see for sure, was me the previously chatted with (!) being / presence.....nestling close...(*heard a feminine sounding exhalation irl*) (*blushes red*)..upon me / atop me.
From what I could tell, the being was clothed.
But I undoubtedly sensed brimming compassionate, and passionate feelings expressed toward my way.
I was shocked, *very* shocked, because whoever the presence was....they were ***very*** "into" me.....emotionally. I could sense it clear as day. Like feverish adoration, stunningly feverish admiration.
I raised my palms upward in a show of peace / a show of clear intentions. I had no 'predatory' intentions or instincts....that *I* knew of. Didn't even know what was going on..... .
The presence amorously leaned close, and spoke to my ear?
Did I seemingly heard the words, or words like, "my scent~....."....spoken to my left ear?
Next I know, I noticed a peach tones garment...eased close to the left side of my face.....near my nose.
I do not know if it was a camisole, or what, but the fabric was thin.
I gasped in disorientation, as a scent of some sort *did* reach my nose.
Eye contact...with the being sitting nestled atop me......then took place next.
I gawkwed and blinked in disorientation.
(*Notes I did not expect the post to "wrap around" like this, me possibly uncovering data just by writing this journal / cataloguing observations*).
So...after making it back to the farmhouse, I walked to the mailbox (*felt nails flash with insight*).
A very sweet, very warm, very sunny, and very familiar scent....(*squints in insight*) (*felt nails flash in insight*).....was upon the air.
Whatever the case, I thank the beings who communicated with me today.
(*Feels nails flash with curiousity*).
If....if I someh...somehow smelled the same sweet scent...here on the farm.........as I did during the fluid world contact event, that is a beautiful scent. Gorgeous.
(*Gawked as heard a high-pitched voice say "thank you~....*).
(Ummm...(*gawks in surprise*) You are welcome~ ...).
(*Felt a touch to my left hand from a presence*).
I may have abridged this report, but I viewed, in any case, at a pair of medium anime to high anime....unlisted (?) anime entities. Dubbing entities?
A taller one present at the scene, seemed to have silvery blue to purplish hair.
For about the whole of today's fluid world event series, I witnessed an 'adult' subanime N*gro male...dubbing at me...like usual.