Starry Maiden Visual & Tactile Contact Event / All The Fundamentals Are In Place

Dec 10, 2021 07:08

(*Posts post lock in the pictures....,, and that after multiple "drops" of the post via phone browser quirks*).

I have not even completed the last post?

But all the same, it seems today had a ***continuation*** of the events in the last post (*blushes as remembers yesterday's smooch of warmth / warm smooch event*).

I am going to stumble through a post / quick report, and then head back into fluid world events.


As quiet, and I'd even say ***PEACEFUL*** as the current times are, the fundamentals for an instant win....., or even the fundamentals for a "long slog" win (quasi-permanently witnessing anime worlds with an upwards progression track)...., have never been more in the last III decades.

All surge event mechanisms are in place, knowledge and awareness regarding surge events are to record levels (for this trial), and the original method Type B surge event training regime has been in place for over half a year.

Too, ***crucial*** understandings..., AND ACCEPTANCE (*blushes intensely*) regarding (!!!)....., art in place / hath taken place....regarding a possible.....(*blushingly gulps*) marriage (??) relationship status regarding Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden.

It's like I can run circles, even fly..circles....around my performance of / from.... XVII years.

(*Analyzes the current world mao situation, and sighs*).

I am not sure if there is some hidden strategy in place by my core essence that...even I (as me) have yet to see, or if my core essence ***is*** ***just*** ***that*** ***calm***......, but a tremendous (and yet as of yet unactivated) "powder keg" is in place.

Even if & as my core essence currently seems to "sleep"?

Sleep in some "immovable mass"....that only Starry Maiden, Celestial Maiden, and other cosmic maiden scale lifeforms can stir?

(*Felt nails blaze in a surprised manner*).

Ok. Report time.


Contact events are about the only events that seem to get any special energy & data allocation these days?

And today's event seemed to be a continuation of yesterday's event.

A continuation of the kiss & cuddling event that took place yesterday.....before witnessing a flash mob of 'Greek' 'deities', 'gorgons', and some 'Greek' 'deity' 'basis' 'underworld' (*felt nails blaze with corncern, and a touch of managed / calmed...fear....*).

(*Suddenly experienced dizziness waves*).


So...during a fluid world event moments ago, I appeared to be resting on my back on a bed.

The setting...seemed to be a black expanse setting, but I witnessed an abhorrent 1990's to mid 2000's.....'subanime' 'housing' 'arrangement'.

Like so often happens, fluid world events were on the cusp of quasi-permanently dropping me back into witnessing 'hopeless' '1990's' 'subanime' '****hole' 'conditions' (*felt nails flash with calm & yet alert insight*)..... .

Hey, I might have even noted a 'little' 'boy' dubbing at me again.

Well...., what let me know that I "was still in this", was that I perceived a quite tall......,, and beyond subanime....young lady cuddling to me passionately (*blushes, and notices eyes go / going wide*).

Whilst feeling her touch, her presence, intervals took place whereby I saw her form, and possibly her attire.

I saw flashes of a being with very very long...,
and very very high volume / thread volume....dark hair?

A familiar aura possessing being possibly clad in black pants, and a trailing....long-tailed...and yet form-fitted / form-fitting....longcoat or blouse.

(*Thinks for a moment about past Starry Maiden sightings*).

I may have witnessed a hybrid of anime level Tio / Cynth*a / D*wn dubbing at my perception of the cuddling being, but I recognized the aura of a known and accepted cosmic maiden class lifeform. A beyond anime lifeform.

Was it Starry Maiden cuddling me?


I accept Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden, and care very deeply about them both.

I was ***NOT*** offended, and the cuddling being's presence.

My only worry, too, was at crazed flash mobs....that would seek to 'interrupt' at the peaceful and cozy communication. Touch communication.....(*notices nails blushfully blazing.....via my tactile senses*).

Well, right on cue, I detected at crazed forces gathering at the periphery of the area?

But in a refreshing shift of events.......I, instead of witnessing a mob of gross subanime pathological liars....making excuses for violence / pointless antagonism, .........witnessed a horrific outbreak of partially decomposing 'P*kemon' 'deities'.

(*Felt nails blaze with managed fear*).

In hindsight, and taking the experiences over the last II decades as proof, the original Type B surge event training method....seems to go hand-in- hand with witnessing subanime and anime 'deities'..... .

The decomposing and mucky entity, maybe bipedal....but with claws / hands rotted away, lashed out with tentacle-like extensions?


The entire scene went dark.

I mean *dark*.

Like as if there was an ocean....of darkness.

I remember I was uninjured, and intuitively using space barriers / space manipulation to shield myself.


What happened next was sort of like yesterday?

Yea. Unknown deities offering 'alliances' (??????)....?

(*Grimaces in slight confusion*).

I noted a white color deity P*kemon with 'healing' 'powers', and another deity P*kemon show up at the scene? But both of those ones...seemed to 'offer' 'allegiance' 'at' me?

A brutal battle went on with both deity force 'sides' sustaining horrific damage.

The deity pair offering an 'alliance' at me....only 'defeated' the attacking deity the thinnest of margins.


I soon found myself back to the farmhouse...after that.


I thank the being whom I saw cuddling to me earlier.

Before going, I need to voice something.

I have a hunch that the only way to perceive the true nature of reality, is the Type B surge event pathway.

Witnessing subanime, is basically just witnessing caustic and void-basis illusions.

Illusions that can literally m*tilate, k*ll, d*ssolve, and d*gest 'the' 'weak'.


I have been saying this stuff for years? Yea. But as of late, I have noted mankind's script selling some Pl*to guy....., some guy that dubs at writings / principles like mine? Some guy mankind will '*SELL*'.

I think there is a vital message, a vital communication....waiting to beyond anime levels of existence. True levels of existence. The only levels of actual existence. A message involving Celestial Maiden and Starry Maiden. (*Felt nails wondered what that message could be*).

Okay. I am just reporting here.

I think I need to hold studying for later, and try to get some rest.

starry maiden, witnessing deities, studying at deities, contact event

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