You know the routine...when it comes to these wakeful state fluid world event photos.
Here is the usual posting of illustrations done years in advance....., illustrations that serve as a key / frame of reference.
(*Suddenly notices the journal not showing album thumbnail pictures (????)....*).
(*Posted the post early, and went into the photo album section again......to note the thumbnails back*).
Initial event had me noting the 'B*llard' 'voice' 'character' breaking out.....'upper' 'anime' 'limit'.......'hips' '/' 'thigh' 'gap' 'traits'.
Even prior episodes....portrayed all flat-sides, no high hips / high-seated hips, and no gap. Even the ***same*** episode...portrayed standard anime flatness before, and afterwards.
Whether witnessing the one appearing as unlisted anime characters not 'out' 'yet', listed anime characters, or even subanime forms, I note a / the (???) 'B*llard' 'verbatim' 'voice' 'entity'...or 'entities'.... ***frequently***.
That for years...really....(*sighed, and felt nails flash*).
(*Thinks about Celestial Maiden, and Starry Maiden*).
Me? I chocked the event up as a wakeful state fluid world event, and likely related to the search for Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden (*felt nails blaze vulnerably*).
Anime or subanime, 'B*llard' 'voice' entities which I have witnessed at during fluid world & surge events...spanning years..........'are' 'always' 'nice'.
(*Felt nails flash with confusion*).
'Anime' 'limits' 'sweet', 'gentle', 'playful', 'and' 'sociable'.
(*Blinks as possibly noted (???) a 'kiss-like' 'sensation'...*).
I continued to witness at anime? Deciding to even call it a night after watching at a couple more.
Yea. Then it happened.
Before I post a photo, again, here is a / the visual key.
Now here are the fluidity photos.
(*Shakes my head....as notes 'anime' 'max' 'bursts' 'getting' 'closer' 'and' 'closer' 'at' correct hip angles / beyond anime hip angles.....whilst 'still' 'falling' 'short'*).
Alright. Realtalk time?
If the above are fluid world event captures, the same data processing requirements / resource requirements for those fluid world events....could have been used to blast away this planet many many times over.
Yes. It could have been used to drop record-setting storms, e*rthquakes, cosmic blasts, and the like. (*Felt nails flash with insight*).
Yea. See... . Subanime and anime mortals, with no frame of reference about ***actual*** gender, hath no idea what an actual female body & shape can do........(*feels nails blaze with caution, lest I reveal some very crucial secrets*).
Any and all portrayals, concepts, relating to actual females, require a ***tremendous***amount of energy.
Tremendous energy.
Tremendous existential energy.
Ultimate existential energy.
Tremendous & ultimate existential energy.
It is never 'chaos', or 'coincidence'.
That is why you never note 'demonic' 'Chr*stians' 'waddling' 'through' 'W*lmart'...having actual hips, actual waists, actual thigh gaps, and actual round behinds.
Ones of entropy are 'locked''out' at any and all facts, concepts, and examples relating to gender. Actual gender. Actual gender, and it's actual function(s).
(*Again warns myself to hold saying more, that as to not slip up and reveal ultimate tier secrets....*).
Yea, these events are what "surge event points" are going into.
A tremendous proportion of available resources.
The same points *probably* could have been allocated into noting a subanime 'St*r' 'Tr*k' world, and a private starship?
That so long...as all anime witnessing nodes were shut down (conserving vast vast VAST volumes of currently available resources).... .
But my own safety has never been Oracle Mode's priority. (*Got startled to note nails blazing with comfort, blazing in a way that seemed like....impromptu affirmation*).
Yea, ***everything*** is being put on hold over the Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden...search matter.
(*Felt nails flash vulnerably...as considered at anime*).
(*Thinks back to that autumn class XVII years ago*).
I now believe, find myself believing, sustained wakeful state sightings of Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden....may be a requisite for any quasi-permanent world shifts (*suddenly remembered an unreported event from Sunday morning*).
I am speculating aloud on here.
But yea.
Literal expl*sions from the literal sun....are being held back for that which appears on the "screens" here.
(*Thinks about Celestial Maiden & Starry Maiden, and yesterday's breakfast event & the following cuddling events*).
(*Intensely blushes*).