More Wakeful State Fluidity Events / Sudden Black Expanse Idea

Nov 25, 2021 00:01

Earlier today, I just dropped the lunch photos / pizza photos, and bounced?

(*Blushes both blue (forehead area maybe), and pink....*).

I did not mention an earlier wakeful state contact event involving a blonde lifeform. A lifeform who hugged me, proclaimed love to / for me (*feels nails blazing blushfully*), and (??) may have (??) spoke of / referenced Starry Maiden.

Yea, I ate, and rested (*feels nails blazing with guilt*).

Enjoyed a restful day. we go.... .

Soon as I notice an anime / latest anime episode, "stuff" goes down.

I noted an anime with a previously flat (sides and butt) blonde.....suddenly breaking the anime 'hot' 'dog' 'body' 'shape' & 'flat' 'butt' 'laws'.

That as if a wakeful state fluid world event was underway.

And yet again......(*sighs*) here are previously done illustrations of mine which serve as a benchmark during events like these. Illustrations done years ago (over half a decade for the lower body focus illustration).

I am now understanding where there are no solar flare superstorms currently manifesting. Neither those as of yet, or earthquakes beyond 9.0.

My core essence isn't even giving 'a' 'flip' about mankind, lying mankind that will just 'no-sell' at the environmental surge event manifestations anyway.

I think that a ***LOT*** of my current going into perceiving any traces / signs of beyond anime lifeforms.

Yea, and utilizing wakeful state fluidity events....and sensor capacity do so.

Yea. Rather than even flinching to fake n*ws about f*ke 'pl*nd*mics', my core essence seems focused on bending time & space, and honing sensor capacities to see loving & cute girls who have feminine hips (*feels my nails and face blushing as I type*).

Which brings me to my next part.


It's obvious by now that I note subanime mortals are a bunch of warped, devious, and sick....liars.

Me though, now though, I am finding myself casually not believing 'one' 'word', 'one' 'narrative'.....'out' of subanime mankind's mouth.

That, too, after over a decade of proven events / proven environmental control denmos.

Before watching at, and even ***as*** I watched at anime today (noting the anime blonde changing...), I asked:

What if I note 'them' lying.

What if ***BLACK*** ***EXPANSE*** events have been going on here...all along, going on when I am not actively looking?


I asked....."what if" I ***only*** notice the environment...within a certain range.....featuring materialized buildings, media, roads, and the like.

What if, ***HISTORICALLY***, black expanse events have been taking place on a steady-state basis. A fluid basis. And maybe just....beyond my active field of perception.. . And that....even whilst wakeful here.

Of course this will need ***TESTING***, but the implications are enormous.

If I, during a wakeful state black expanse flux event, find myself watching at Star Tr*k Voy*ger (not done in the way), what exactly would that mean in a black expanse environment? A black expanse environment / setting with ***no***.....material / materialized "Paramount Studios"?

(*Noticed a glitch maybe or such as tried to return to journal after taking the above screencap, and suddenly found myself witnessing some bull**** selling a gross....flatty subanime 'fake' 'celebrity'....


(*Notes I used to watch at the G4 T*ch game & anime shows....over a decade ago, and I used to...note that 'M*nn' one selling dubious narratives of game / anime / movie studios....*).

(*Recoils, cringes, and gags in stanky & icky looking pics*).

(*Swallows back...the nausea*).

Maybe a wakeful state black expanse max..........event is due.

An event that goes so far as to have tvs working....without being plugged into electrical outlets. (*Thinks*).

An environment, a panorama, a vista......of absolute and perpetual darkness (save for a couple key manifested items (like a tv and a laptop)).

(***WHAT*** ***IF*** I kept noting 'NEW' 'ANIMES'.....'rolling' 'out'...AS I DO HERE....***NOW***).

(*Felt nails blazing in shock*).

(*Might have heard a voice say "that is the golden question"...*).

I think I might be on the verge of discovering....some very deep secret about this the original Type B surge event method progresses. Progresses way past levels displayed XVII years ago.

But too.....that also needs testing.

(*Feels nails blazing with determination and will*).

But yea. I don't believe ***ANY*** of the 'narratives'.

Not 'muh' 'Science'.

Not 'muh' '1770's' '/' 'fake' 'history'.

I am going to continue using my eyes & ears. I will continue making my own observations of this world, and draw my own conclusions from repeatedly observed & and patterns.

No believing in 1 AD - 1979 AD......just because some ***hole, some rando bozo outta nowhere, ....says it.

False narratives are a weapon.

A deadly weapon..... .

If I have a "special" capacity for agency, a capacity to discern at & avoid false narratives, I need to use it.

(*Asks "what if" whenever I am not on a Japan trip IRL / not actively looking, a black expanse....stays perma-manifested...over the bulk of the North American and Asian continents*).

(*Asks if that ***COULD*** be proven, then '*where*' would all the supposed animes and video games be '*coming*' '*from*'.....*).

(*Feels nails blazing with intrigue, hope, and zest for notes how life has lots of neat adventures / prospects.......for those who can see them*).

What if this all has been a hybrid black expanse & quasi-permanent fluid world event...all along. What if false narration has been used as a 'cover' 'up' 'at' that black expanse & fluid world truth?


Update noting 2:18am 11/25/2021:


No mistaking it..... .

(*Links prior research illustrations from years ago*).

If this is a black expanse and fluid world, then the bulk of surge event going into sensors / oracle mode / intervals of seeing actual...feminine hips; yes, that ***currently***...rather than solar flare superstorms, cosmic blastwaves, and the like.

If I truly note subanime mankind's false narratives 'don't' count / matter (*feels toenails blazing in shock*), then this, today, is me noting direct surge event & training consequences. Boosted oracle mode performance.

Proof of boosted oracle mode performance.

discernment, wakeful state fluid world event, detective work, questions, surge event repercussions, fluid world event results

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