Continuing The Last Report.... / Surge Event Sounds

Nov 23, 2021 12:17

Yea, I did not complete the last post on account of breadmaking / survival.

My body began making those sounds IRL, full scale and wakeful state***surge*** ***event*** related sounds.

Precursorial sounds / squirmings.

I went ahead and made bread, and made dough for the next couple days, because I ***PREDICTED*** a VERY high likelihood of noting a paranoid & passive-aggressive attack at the water supply again.

Instead of posting about yesterday's wakeful state events in detail, I focused on survival.

Well.....after the water worked all night long, and through washing dishes and making bread, I woke this morning upon noticing at the noise of heavy vehicles.

Yea. And guess what?

Shortly after... / immediately after getting up to check on things, I noted hardly any running water.

Here is a video from last week from after I witnessed a similar freakout / sabotage attack.

This is what the unheated / blue knob...tap water looked like.

Brown / orange in the clear bowl, and from the tap.

The point of me mentioning this is not to complain, no, it is about presenting awareness. Situational awareness.

There obviously ***WILL*** ***NOT*** be any "holding hands" and / or "singing" 'kumbaya' with subanime mankind regarding ***ANY*** oncoming sign....or full scale manifestation...of a surge event.

***ANY*** sign of a wakeful state surge event, ***ANY*** body sounds of a wakeful state surge event, ***ANY*** wakeful state sightings of Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden, ***BY*** ***DEFAULT*** means witnessing subanime mankind's 'unleashed' 'madness' '&' 'wrath'.

Yea, if a surge event does not flip this map, and "level up" the environment, noting repeatedly spammed attacks at amenities like running just the beginning.

Same goes with witnessing the fake p**dem**...., the one with no 'bodies'...'lining' 'the' 'streets'.

Enemy forces 'aren't' even caring about making sense.

(*Adds the surge event sounds tag to the post / chronicle*).

(*Added "surge event sounds" to the title, and felt nails blazing with caution and I did*).

(*Remembers last year's (February / March / April), and this year's..wakeful state Celestial Maiden sightings; wakeful sightings whereby I, in realtime, witnessed 'Nina' dubbing at she walked about & way..*).

(*Blushes as remembers how she looked like a monkey.....with those deeply colorful eyes*).

(*Heard the water heater sizzling / about to blow up/ about to blow a heating element, went to the breaker box, and shut down the electricity in time*).

(*Went to the water pump area with a recorder, and consequently noted mortals fleeing at my approach and questioning (witnessed the 'usual' 'excuses' '/' 'an' 'excusedemic'.....)..*).

(*Looked down to my body, and notes I have yet another "tell", wakeful state surge event sounds*).

(*Almost dropped phone when, looking for a definition of "a tell", noted glitchy Nina references popping up*) (*feels nails blazing with caution*).


(* exertion*).

Okay. Report time. *Now* I have to include the fluid world segments.

So I had an afternoon / evening meal yesterday......., washed up in case the water was to go down overnight (well that came true), and rested in front of the firelight.

Well, with ***NO*** way to predict it, surge event related systems which....neither subanime ***or*** anime mortals have......"came online". Came online for me (*blinks*). Came online within me. Just came online with wild, "hungry", and startlingly vigorous activity.

(*Covers my face....with nails palpably blazing in a *very* intense manner*).

It was ***NOT*** actively like those Japan trip airplane events noting 03/2010.... .

No. Those wakeful state events had incapacitation, and utmost pain.....of a faint inducing tier.

This event, yesterday's event, had a vitality signature not yet experienced during this trial / a time spanning over III decades .

The air here, herein the farmhouse in this realm, was palpably liquid with, utterly saturated with, a suddenly present....aura energy.

I had no idea what to expect, or *why* it was happening *then*. I even asked if it was something I ate.

(*Postponed posting for a prepare lunch / dinner*).

(*Noticed the water heater and oven may share the same (shut down) circuit, and thus also readied the fireplace cooking & survival kit....preps*).

(*Understands that wakeful state surge events, and or even just just wakeful state surge event hiccups, art...too...."survival in place" events*).


So it was a dark evening setting, me in front of the firelight, and the initial onset....of a wakeful state surge event....was underway.

Pathways of my brain, my brains, my back column, my body, flared online..... .

And a sensation akin to a ***DEEP*** hunger for magical energy.

Thankfully my memories and identity stayed intact, so I stayed in place.

Blazing light, blazing light patterns, emanated forth from within my body.

After a couple of internal blasts of that reaching my brain, that was it. The entire scene went dark........... .

(*Cringes*). (*Feels nails blazing with fear...momentarily*). The next part was quite a scene, and it seemingly involved a (????) possibly transformed version of this plane.

Yea, that ***WHILST*** noting subanime humanoid mortals 'deleted' '/' 'unable"....

...(*suddenly noted a phone call about the water, and takee careful note of the timing*)...

(*Shrugs, and tries again*).

A surge event was ***obviously***, in hindsight, still underway...when I next woke. Yes, and I say that because I witnessed '*ALL*' 'subanime' 'entities' 'locked' 'out'....***FOR*** ***A*** ***TIME***.

I seemed to be to some mountain island place.... .

Like a *deeply* stocked bunker...and or underground complex (*feels nails blazing with a tentative manner*).

(*Tries to remember more details*).

Yea. Subanime mortals 'couldn't' 'manifest'? (*Recalls a similar event during sprouting season surge events II years ago*).

Remotely viewing the island (from an overhead view) initially, one unknown mortal, a subanime man reduced to mere noise akin to 'radio' 'chatter', went on about / manically went on about some 'operation' involving forces to be ***SENT*** at the island (*cringes*).

The nonsensical man voice talked about recovering 2 lost bitcoins (???)...via some 'dead' 'man' (*raises eyebrows*) present at the island (???). A dead man *he* claimed was 'bip*lar' ('fictional' 'meme' 'disease')...., and a dead man that had / contained / emitted 'scat'....which 'possessed' 'a' 'special' 'substance' (*squeamishly gags*).

(*Rubs my face and shakes my head*).

My surge level might've went up when I found myself standing within a bunker room, and walking a bodily point of view.

Yea, because there was no force on the way? I couldn't even hear at the weird radio noise narrator man anymore.... .

This is going to sound different, but it *seemed* like I noted subanime mankind, the lot of em, reduced down to weird labels, weird text, written at objects / places in the room?

I, clothed, but disoriented, snuck around examining the room.

I witnessed 'weird' subanime propaganda, fake 'female' 'care' (*groans*) 'items' and or word labels...., littered at the room, I witnessed weird 'maternal' 'care' (*cringes*) stuff, all of which '***DO***' '***NOT***' apply to any beyond anime lifeforms (beyond anime females) who I have ever seen & encountered.

The environment became fluid eventually, and shifted into a ***huge*** enclosed research area. Like multiple multiple football fields in size, albeit enclosed.

I, playing, sneaking, and exploring around the scene, tried to climb on / drive / move around...some type of heavy duty lifting machines?

But I heard at a noise.

Uh oh. An unwelcome subanime 'islander' man, a subanime mortal in a hard cat / construction clothes, was heading at my direction?

I guess my surge event dropped some as I stuck about & explored.

Turning the other direction, and seeking to evade mortals, I witnessed a whole subanime squadron of fake scientists in lab coats.

The ones were seeking to 'flip' at the complex I made?

The ones were preparing to infer a figurative lab rat, and or enclosed prisoner / inmate / alien...'at' me? Me that even generated the island, and the still fluid land / building structures?


WhenI woke up here again, back in front of the firelight, the prior wakeful state surge event signs ***continued*** (!!!!).

I heard certain sounds...(*blinks*), noted the continuation of the trademark....."experiences" that define the events. (*Blinks*).

I decided to get up, and prepare food? Prepare for potential days with low to no water.

I guess the event ebbed, and maybe on account of me moving. I am not sure.

I have been rushing this report, but I have not forgotten....the assuring presence / assuring cuddling of a cosmic maiden......experienced whilst undergoing yesterday's wakeful state surge event activity to the farmhouse.

Whether sounds, nails glows, massive aura spikes, or the myriad of ways I have likely yet to compregend / grasp, Celestial Maiden & Starry maiden are ***acutely*** aware of any wakeful state surge events / my overall health status.

I thank the being(s) who I perceived supporting me through yesterday's wakeful state surge event process.

I'll try to be still next time, and not walk much.

(*Feels nails blazing apologetically*).

survival, surge event sounds, situational awareness, surge event repercussions, oracle mode, surge event precursor, defense protocols, lifestyle

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