Midnight Meal From Scratch / Yesterday's Vision & Contact Event

Nov 06, 2021 02:14

After a contact event...experienced here irl yesterday, that after the last post, looks like a guided fluid world event, and major "environmental event vision"....(*feels nails blazing with caution*)....went down.

Disoriented, staggered a bit upon returning here, I made II meals.

An evening meal....

...., and then the midnight meal pictured below.

I made sure to do that.....before even coming here to make a post / report.

(*Thinks back to over a decade ago, and that autumn Type A & Type B surge event series....of yore*).


Okay. Just a heads up and warning. It has been over XV years since a similar interval of the Type B surge event training has occurred.

(*Inhales pensively, and exhales*).

History has shown what manifestations came of that training.


So a contact event took place whilst wakeful...here after the last post. A blazing being, a spiritually blazing being, hugged me?

I may have been talking aloud, and that as I was asking & thinking about a possible Starry Maiden encounter.....

Well, a guided contact event went down after that. (*Blushes*).

I perceived a calm......and ghoul-free....dimension location.... .

Yes, and I had ***COMPANY***. A being I knew and trusted....was nearby as visuals, ***VERY*** elaborate visuals of a geological event pertaining to this world / the farmhouse world... .

......, took place / materialized / screened.....in front of me.

It was like viewing holographic field visuals....of a scene, visuals akin to tunneling scan visuals....that could zoom through solid earth. Yes, and show color.

Ummm.....a voice (???) came with the visuals, announcing a location, and an event, of a much larger terrestrial scale than that proven demo event from XV years ago.

2021 CGI in movies.....can not match the detail, the graphics, of what I saw?

(*Thinks about environmental event visions from XVII years ago*).

After the visuals concluded, I noticed a futuristically dressed, ...subanime anime hybrid type....watching at me / watching at the area?

One that had glasses.

An XX chromosome type (*feels nails blaze with caution*).

One near or past...that 19.999yr 'danger' 'zone'.

I *can't* tell from warped subanime, but I asked if I noted the one dub at Starry Maiden.


Later fluid world events sorta had playful elements.

After bursting open some futuristic oceanic platform location / pod....with my aura waves & flight, and after running from a hull breach, a mysterious approached?

As I sat on a deck, a palpable purring........from a preawnce...pulsed the area, and my arm.

Uhhhh........a big......black striped tiger.....sat / lied down at the area...beside where I sat (???)....?

The tiger could talk....too...... .

(*Wonders if it had the same voice I heard at....whilst viewing the aforementioned geologic visuals*).


The tiger reached at my hand, and did akin to a bicep and forearm involved "high five" gesture?

I was laughing....(*facepalms*).



I am just trying to report objectively.

Will............a massive environmental event go down soon?

Until last week, I was going to consider going for a stealth option.

But it looks like I note subanime mankind so crazed, that the ones will 'instantly' 'flip' 'out' 'at' any and all.....new level Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden....sightings and encounters.


(*Rubs face pensively*).

I am okay with new level environmental events going down, but if they happen, they would need to be of a scale of entire continents being rearranged.

Entire maps being rewritten.

Permanently rewritten.

And totally beyond any 'CNN' 'fixit' 'montages'.

I am fine with manifested geologic / planetary events, but they would need to be of an intensity level whereby I note subanime mortals 'shut' 'up' and '****' 'off'......as / when next level contact events & sightings go down.

I will not give the name, and location of the area..shown by the vision. Not online.

Also, not sure if the vision was of the same source as those of XVII years ago.

I guess time will tell.

I'll keep on doing the Type B surge event training regimen from XVII years ago...., and that whatever happens.

nutrition, food, event report, visions

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