Mental, Bodily, And Spiritual Effects Of That Last Surge Event....

Nov 02, 2021 11:20

With a couple days having passed, it seems safe to say that that Type A & Type B hybrid surge event...has ***,DEFINITELY*** had quasi-permanent effects.

Health effects.

***BOOSTED*** health effects.

Vitality is coursing through my being, and I am heavily reminded of the autumnal experiences had as I noted 2003 & 2004.

But...also, like those days years ago, I just found myself witnessing at the crazed attacks some horrific entity.

That...dyring a *very* high detail, and long duration series of fluid world events.

I'll do an event report, as brief as I can, later in this post.

I want to talk about some daily life experiences, and some decisions I have made.


With over a decade between the last Type A & Type B surge event, things are ***so*** drastically...shifted in this current echelon.

With regular contact with beings whom *I* assess to be divine lifeforms, infinite data density lifeforms...whom 'opposing' 'self-proclaimed' 'deities' 'can't' even withstand the presence of, my senses seem to be honing (???) to a startling extent.

I don't know what it is kr why,but I am immediately squeamish, ob guard, and even intensely nauseated....when I witness 'evil'.

Ones that would 'maim' 'others' 'for' 'feelz' '/' 'dopamine' 'hits'.

Ones that would lie, cheat, deceive, and steal...'to' 'further' 'their' 'own' 'self-centered' 'feelz'.

I can, my entire body can, immediately detect at 'evil'. 'hatred', 'narcissism'. 'd*ath'. 'd*sease'.

(*Rubs my scalp introspectively, and thinks about something*).

Thinking about it, just about the ***only*** way I could have done the observation period...of the last XV years, was by *NOT* keeping up with the original Type B surge event training method?

This state I am in now, hearkens back to that original state from XVII years ago. That state wherr I am honed / honing, and ready to face at 'any' 'evil' with a blazing shield. Yes. And *if* need be, a blazing sword.

(*Blushes as seemingly felt a caress to my b..backside from a gentle, familiar, and innocent presence*).

(*Feels nails thinks*).

This state now hearkens back to the state from XVII years ago, but it goes so much further.

Further in many capacities.

Specifically, too though, communication capacities.... .


After the last surge event, ...after last week, wakeful state contacts ***HERE*** have been boosted.

I don't know if it is my voice, my lap steel guitar, the light patterns...possibly (?) pulsing through space and time...via my nails...(transdimensional?), my thoughts, or a combination of all the above, but I am unexpectingly...noting instant replies...(*feels my face suddenly burning a blushful red*).... . As in I am now able to *perceive* instant replies.

Like yesterday evening, after dinner, (*blushingly covers mouth*). I was thinking about Celestial Maiden in gratitude and thanksgiving & gratitude. Hands clasped meditatively to / over my collar, and loving her with my heart / soul, glad for her wellbeing and health, I suddenly sensed her presence in the area.

The lifeform *knew*.

She asked if it was okay to hug me? Hold me?

I said I had no problem with that, and within an instant felt the blazing light of her embrace. Blazing spiritual light. Appreciation. Love. (*Felt a caress / touch to my left pinky from a presence, and then heard the ceiling creak*).

A fluid world event followed........ . Deep rest too. I thank the being dearly, znd I have come to a decision based on these latest boosted contact events.

Beings who really want to communicate with you, will ***COME*** to you and ***COMMUNICATE***.

No roads, no doors, no oceans, no mountains...'impede'....true communication.

Right now, and *already*, I am communicating with any beings ***sincerely*** interesred communicating with me.


Yea. I think I am ***DONE*** going around, searching, and looking like I used to.

Yea, trial or not, any being interested in communicating with me, meeting with me, can float (and or shrink) right through the walls of this house..... .

This fluid world....basis house.

Right here, right this special place / special world / special state, there is only witnessing ghosts / ghouls, and...or....seeing / meeting living souls.

Only those who can possess and generate a surge event can truly know about that.

Ones that 'don't'...'forfeit' 'at' any chance, any agency, to directly perceive, determine, decide, know of, and materialize / manifest....the reality of the matter.

(*Wonders if living souls are drawn to living souls*).

Yea... . I have made a decision.

I am not going to be putting my identity, my mission, forth to mankind.


'Everyone' 'that' 'cries' 'at' help, 'doesn't' necessarily seek help...... .

Even the ones that 'incessantly' 'cry' 'at' help?

(*Feels a wrench in my stomach, s wtenching of discernment*).


Maybe this is the step I did not go past XVII years ago.....(*possibly heard a voice*).

But yea. I am daily contact with both Starry Maiden, and Celestial Maiden. (*Felt another caress sensation via the touch (?) of a presence*).

They enter into this house. It's like they *live* on the premises. ***HERE***. (*Heard affirming cries..., so it seems*).

It's like they live, rest, and even rest with me *daily* here in this house *now*.

(*Thinks about densities of matter, and states of matter*).

***IF*** a Type A & Type B surge event has me seeing "apparitions" via naked eye soon, that quasi-permanently, and that in this house, I am going to relax, and accept it.

Accept that I am seeing ***living*** beings, ***living*** ***souls*** (so long as the aura signature is right).

Whatever their trial status, I think Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden already live in this house. ***HERE***. (*Felt another caress sensation*).

If I get confirmation of that, I will release Type A & Type B surge events, and go ahead and transform this world (*feels nails blaze with conviction*).


(*Thinks about blazing nail sightings during past surge events, and also thinks about how I often perceive touches to my fingers, perhaps (???) indicating beings examining, or (!) (*blushed as felt a bottom caress from a familiar presence again* (*suddenly felt a blazing cascade of nails light(s) in response*))......reading (???) the light / light patterns..*).

(*Thinks about the above*).

Yea. I am going to trust the living spirits who can reside in this house here.....(*felt another caress*).

Yea, and not even offer an ear to any 'cry' 'for' 'help' 'gimmick'......'net' 'ghosts' '/' 'ghouls'.

Subanime is the domain of 'death'. 'Undeath'.

I get so nauseated 'at' 'their' 'vile', 'stinking', 'putrid' 'presences'. Especially now.

I think the current contact events were necessary for me to allow myself to move on. Move on from the halted Type A &Type B surge event freeze of XVII years ago.

They have to be, hence why I noted 'the' 'c*ps' (or more) sicced at a twilight contact event last week. (let's keep in mind i only note '2' 'subanime' 'neighbors' 'at' a very very large, open, and rural area).


Okay. Time to conclude this with an event report.

Today's fluid world event had me inadvertently surviving at unknown, (*gulps*)...and weird...subanime and anime forces making attempts at my life.

I, in a manner mortals would claim 'Inspector' 'Gadget' 'at', mozied about....with a peaceful and (*blinks*) likely a force made more and more attempts to 'k*ll' (*winces*) at me.

An initial portion of events had me flying beyond / above at the raucous and even riotus crowd to some subanime W*lmart (???). Ones seemed p*ssed off, and agitated?

(*Shakes head*).

Another initial portion had me walking..about at a strange building. The Ben Gr*m (??) Benjsmin Gr*mm dude from the M*rvel world, was being smashed up by some force I could not see? A force i was not struck by.

The building even collapsed..., severely injuring The Th*ng, with him (*winces*) even coughing up broken bits?

I was somehow shielded though. Confused (*feels nails blazing with guilt*), and floating in mid-air..., I, just being my self (*sighs*)..., landed...., and looked around the city area. That to see if I could note someone get medical attention for the severely injured man. (*Facepalns*).

I actually did (?) note some (??) medical assistance flatbed truck arrive...., and even followed after it (*facepalms*).

The scene shifted soon after.

After eventuslly noting some really stupid scenes later, 80's style "training montage" / "fixit montage" ones featuring J*hn Cena, maybe Sylvest*r Stallone, and celebr*ty dudes some unknown subanime f*refighter / civil servant... movie th*med 'universe' (???) (the 'D*e' 'H*rd' series ??), things progressed.

(*Recalls witnessing at dudes using weird f*refighter / civ*l servant assistance...exoskeleton devices*).

I found myself playing, and chucking sprouts (*facepalms*) from atop some sort of grate...., a grate to the side of sone Mega Dome or Super D*me...akin arena structure.

Maybe I witnessed an anime world?

A couple of anime male assassin guys, one looking like an anime tiger / felid head man..., showed up at the only escape route by foot?


The ones made a threat about d*ath or such?

Guess I just wasn't up for it / didn't understand.

With no 'k*lling' 'intent', I sat down to the high altitude grate / platforms edge, and watched / sensed golden (?) glowing sprouts (?) taking root and growing.

The assassins just gave up (???), the anime felid one even taking a an area a couple feet away?


Not sure when or where it happened.

Maybe it was later.

Maybe it was after other scenes.

But some point I found myself perceiving infinite blackness, and then the next I was facing at 'an' 'entire' 'realm' 'of' 'crazed' 'neon' 'green' 'light'.

It was like noting a 'universal' 'scale' 'instant' 'k*ll' 'attack'.

(*Felt a caress to my left finger / hand, reported it aloud, and then felt another caress as if it was done in confirming my reporting of the preceding touch*).

Very disoriented by the suddenness of the events, but uninjured, I began noting darkness around me my aura defenses flared online.

But a beast, a beast like a 'worm' '/' 'sandworm"....comprised of h*llish, hateful, and unstable netherwordly 'light', coalesced at the area in front of me, and charged?

Charged with another 'universal' 'scale' attack?

(*Felt body crackle with energy*).

I raised a hand a bit, and moved concentrated will.

A force, some force, said it was "IT"?

I was not stopped in my resolve,

A big boom happened.

When I next foubd myself to any recognizable environment, I sensed Celestial Maiden nearby as I was scouring a kitchen (??) for food.

I was elated about the chance to see her again (*feels face intensely red*).

SoonI found myself back here, but perceiving a warm, familar, abd sweet-hearted lifeform cuddling to me.

Guess that is it for now.

If I had to say it, today's event may have gone beyond noting that 'J*hovah' 'fight' decades ago.

(*Swoons to the idea of a picnic basket lunch with Celestial Maiden, a basket full of apples, apple pie (*thinks*), and maybe apple caramel ice cream*).

(*Smells freshness in the air irl, then felt a very warm.....very sweet draft of energy....come through the area...*).

(*Hears this theme*)?

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I thank Starry Maiden, CelestIal Maiden, and all other beings who support the mission. (*Feels nails blazing with hope*).

Guess I am going to look for some food.

choices, event report, fights, research and analysis, contact event preparations, contact event analysis, defense protocols

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