Striving To Understand My True Identity..../ Immortality Via Reality Manipulation

Oct 31, 2021 21:21

I was thinking of skipping a journal entry...regarding an earlier fluid world (?) event.

I witnessed 'something' 'gross', and taking into account the date, I was not wanting to make a post that could be misconstrued as a 'Oct' '31st' 'theme' 'day' 'post'.

But then I examined a glove that *briefly* came into direct contact with the massive solvent spill...the other day.

I was confused. Very confused.

I suffered ***NO*** injuries, no 'chemical' 'burns'.

But then I remembered the wakeful state surge event...from the other day, and my spiking aura temperature / pressures.

Yea, *AND* I remembered today's earlier fluid world event...which I held reporting about. goes the report.


So during the solvent spill evemt the other day, both of my feet got drenched in undiluted solvent.

A massive bottle of solvent had somehow fallen onto a crumpled cloth (preventing an aerial splash).

It began chugging liquid rhymically....onto the floor.

Grabbing the bottle, and unwrapping an entire load of paper towels onto the spill, my feet became soaked in the undiluted solvent. Drenched. I patted down the towels ***with*** my feet. I was moving my audio recording gear.., and my moped, to avoid damages.

That whilst ***standing*** barefoot in the solvent.

I did not move from that spot until there was no more spreading puddle.

And even then, I grabbed a baking pizza from the oven....., that to avoid a fire, before heading to the bathroom to tend to my feet.

And even before that, I turned on the kitchen exhaust fan, and assessed the spill area / research gear.

The above pictured gloves were only used for a couple second much later..., that to put drenched paper towels into a styrofoam cooler.

Okay. With context established, let's continue.


So yesterday and today's fluid world events have all been *very* topsy-turvy.

And earlier today, and during a fluid world event (here???), I woozily stirred.... . Stirred, and (!!) (*grimaces*) noted a foot......right in front at my nose / face.

Uhhhhh.... . An adult....male...subanime N*gro ***FOOT***.

A FOOT in a plastic BAG!

I was confused. Very confused.

Getting up, I ecamined at the bag, and the foot.

Yea, ***too***, I looked down to *my* feet. I could *feel* both of my feet, and *move* both of my feet.

But there was *no* 'mistaking' (*feels nails blazing in shock*) that I noted the Negro male avatar body's that bag.

(*Feels nails blazing with horror*).

Okay, my initial thought, was....:

"I am ***NOT*** going to ***EAT*** it....!".

(*Facepalms, and sighs*).

I don't know how hungry I ***must*** have been to think like that, to think that as my initial response.... .

That's some "in the trenches" stuff right there, but it is what it is.... .

Examining at the bagged and somewhat cold foot, I did not actively view at rot, or even extreme damage...... .

It had a subanime foot smell somewhat?

I kept listening reasons why I shouldn't eat 'it'.

(*Facepalms, and feels nails blazing with guilt...simultaneously*).

Some of which included the reasoning that I did not know how or where to cut....(*feels nails blazing*).....(*felt a caress to my left wrist*).

(*Possibly heard a feminine voice say "You were hungry", and "Your metabolism after that event"...*).

I didn't eat 'it'.


As ***soon*** as I got back here, I got to work cooking a late lunch / early dinner.

The same thing I had earlier in the last post?


I have a lot of theories about earlier, but I am getting kinda hungry....again.....(*blushes*).

But yea. It looks like reality manipulation, by default, can enable immortality.

Surge events...enable immortality.

It makes sense really, given posts about handling items more concentrated than quasars.

(*Thinks about the glove photo*).

(*Examines undamaged feet*).

And actually, thinking back to fluid world events over the ages, there (*cackles, and feels nails blazing with laughter*) have been many other times...when & whereby I have viewed at 'fallen' 'off'....'N*gro' 'avatar' 'body' 'parts'.

(*Thinks about immortality*).

I would welcome, will welcome, immortality (*feels nails blazing with conviction*).....because I want to protect, and strive to provide for / nurture to...Celestial Maiden, Starry Maiden, and those other monkey-like beings forever and ever.

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(*Feels aura blazing with an intense white light*).

(*Felt a caress to my left pinky finger tip from a presence*).

(*Recoiled, and blinked...amidst suddenly perceiving a kiss-like sensation*).

(*Suddenly felt a "butterflies sensation" to tum tum area*).

(*Noticed another song start to play in play buffer*).

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(*Sensed a presence with a "divine celestial fire.....akin...and very pure signature*).

(*Heard a soft voice say "Thanks~"...*).

(*Instinctively nods in response*).

(*Thinks about the future, and the road ahead*).

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reality control, reality manipulation, true form concerns, surge event analysis, immortality, research and analysis

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