I noted 'a' 'readership' 'drop' after the last post?
I don't give 'a' 'single' '****'.
This is survival here.... .
No place for the 'weak'.
So after II decades of surge events, both Type A, and Type B surge events, I am grasping how these things actually work.
To the core, the crux of the matter, is the fact that these events ***STEER*** ***DESTINY***.
***STEER*** ***LITERAL*** ***EVENTS***.
Glad I never ' " 'power' 'tripped' " '....about my cosmic blast & tsunami demo.
That event?
That event was actually me......falling flat on my face.
That I witnessed an insufferable 'bunch' of malformed and dementia-addled ***holes....for over a proof of that.
But lessons can be learned by falling flat on your face.
Lessons.....can be learned by pain.
Pain and hardship.
Yea. I am learning how my abilities work....... .
Learning about each specific type of surge event, how they work, why they work, and the applications available for each.
As such, I have made a chart....., a chart for any potential Type B surge event manifestations.
A chart about survival.
Ok. So I get it?
I get that Type A surge events, and involved "fluid world events", showed me what can happen ***HERE*** if Type B surge events are stabilized, trained, and elevated.
An exact case of this, is my "foretelling" of that cosmic blast and tsunami XVII years ago.
A Type A surge event had me "previewing" a cosmic blast and tsunami, and as soon as my training efforts / The Type B surge event level "caught up" (to the the required benchmark), boom.
So, what I know now, but did not actively know XVII years ago, is that my training choices shape reality.
I ***RELIED*** UPON.......Type A surge events, whilst my Type B surge event status & training......went into a nigh standstill.
Me not knowing that, shaped this "current" situation.
I could have avoided noting at 'all' 'that' 'bull****'? 'Those' 'desolate' 'desolate' 'desolate' '2005-2021'....'bull****' 'years'?
The 'M*GA' 'dummy' 'bull****'?
'The' 'gh*tto', 'flophouse', 'and' 'trailer' 'park' 'filth'?
I could have went straight into noting anime worlds, full-time, ***HERE***. That...had I actively known what I was doing? That....had I known how to train, harness, and keep training...Type B surge events.
Yea. I could have been sitting on a starship captain's chair.....a couple months, or years after that tsunami and cosmic blast demo.
I take full responsibility.....(*feels nails blazing with guilt*).
Click to view
(*Blinks in shock, and acknowledgement*). the charts.
-- Type B surge event status determines the course, and that whether ***UP***, staying to a relative standstill, ***OR*** ***DOWN***.
Notation At 'Level' 'One':
Defines the current situation for over III decades.
Witnessing 'a' 'h*peless' 's***hole' 'with' 'no' conventional escape....
Witnessing a subanime dominated '****hole' crammed with pathological liars, 'infinite' 'mindgames' '/' 'mind****ery', 'religion' ('death') 'salesmen', 'the' 'criminally' 'insane', 'the' 'horrifically' 'low' 'IQ', 'and' 'perv*rts'.
Features noting an extreme 'anti-anime' '/' 'anti' 'anime' 'world' 'disinformation' 'campaign'.....upon reaching the middle to upper levels...of this tier.
Type A surge events can offer "previews" of what lies ahead...., but Type B surge events are (???) are apparently permanently move onward, and upward.
Apparently intense solar / cosmic / planetary / weather / seismic activity can indicate (???) a shift to the next underway, all of which are & would be interconnected Type B surge event manifestations. Environmental scale Type B surge event manifestations.
[From here, Type A surge event experience...chronicles written in this journal......(over a decade) serve as a guide].
Notation At 'Level' 'Two':
This a tier that can involve ***upward*** motion, or ***downward*** motion.
This tier is the tier which demonic filth pre-planned 'sch**ophrenia' 'accusations' 'at'.
It involves ***wakeful*** ***state*** and quasi-permanent duration notations at 'subanime' 'anime'.....'hybrid' 'worlds' '&' 'entities'.
'Peak' 'ones'.
Akin to noting 'St*r' 'Trek', 'H*rry' 'P*tter', 'Xen*' 'Warrior' 'Princess', 'Babyl*n' '5', 'etc'.
Whether starships, magic forests, or magic castles, this tier features ***infrastructure*** developments....not actively noted during the prior tier.
All it takes is a slip in training, though, to find yourself ***BACK*** to the prior tier, witnessing 'a' 'mental' 'institution', and noting damage control blitzing pathological liars.....lying about 'sch*zophrenia'.
Survival ***DEPENDS*** on avoiding 'fake' 'relationships', and 'honeypot' 'traps'........ .
Yes. Training like usual, striving for ultimate discipline, avoiding at 'any' 'tearful' 'histrionics' 'displays', and moving onto the next tier.
Notation At 'Level' 'Three':
This tier would involve the long-sought status of quasi-permanently noting 'subanime' 'locked' 'out'.
It means noting full anime worlds, and entities.... . Yes, and whilst wakeful, and quasi-permanently.
But a warning though.
You will note the ones...'***IN***' '***CHARACTER***'.
In this tier, survival depends on avoiding 'joining' 'some' ' " 'cause' " '.
Avoiding 'joining' 'Zeon', avoiding 'joining' (*cackles*) 'The' 'Z' 'Warriors'.
Yes. Training would be the lifestyle focus. Training. Training. And more training.
Stabilizing and boosting the Type B surge event that got you there, all the while using any available spiritual training further your goals.
That would be the key.
Yes, because all it takes is a slip up, and you very well could find yourself back to a prior performance tier, and / but witnessing a 1968 'subanime' 'mental' 'hospital'.
As usual, it would be evade at 'all' 'honeypot' 'traps'.
Notation At 'Level''Four':
This is the tier...where you would find yourself viewing and ***SENSING*** traces of incredibly high mana worlds.
Yea. This is where you would witness medium anime to high...anime worlds.
Average IQs....140-350.........(*blinks in shock*).
Definitive signs of infrastructure are perceived by this point.
Worlds of high mana, high technology, and high nature.
Floating continents featuring crystalline underbellies, ....planetary leylines visibly illuminating the terrestrial surface with visible & palpable mana.
Technological starships that directly integrate to the pilot's neural systems via the user's brainwaves.
Mana crystals that can store a year's worth of breathable air an object the size of a Pinkie fingernail.
Yep. But if you slip in Type B surge event training, back to witnessing subanime, and '***FURIOUS***' '78' 'IQ' 'warpigs' 'staffing' 'teh' 'subanime' 'psych*atric' 'h*spital'.