Faced At An Unknown 'Deity' Or 'Deities'..... / Noon Daylight Contact Event

Oct 14, 2021 15:24

Not wanting another backlog, I went into journal settings, and used a version of interface from many years ago?

That so I can enter pictures, and in any case post what I intended for today.

(*Shifts from the archaic interface.....back to the mobile interface for visibility reasons*).


Okay, so ***before*** whatever went on with the editor, I was thinking of saying something.

Saying something about this journal.

Maybe the buttons thing has to do with the infrastructure collapse matter referenced yesterday, but whatever the case......here it is.

I have noticed a "readership uptick".

(*Shakes my head warily*).

I'm not specifically intending to be some ***hole when I do these posts.

But the fact is this?

Learning the truth, ***WITHSTANDING*** the truth...., takes being free from an 'ego'.

Me? Long ago, I apparently faced the truth, and I guess (???) withstood it.

No 'depression'.

No 'hate'.

No 'envy'.

No 'jealousy'.

No 'huuuuurtin' 'muh' 'feelins'.

No 'nervous' 'breakdown'.

Ones 'whose' 'egos' 'define' 'themselves', have 'their' 'egos' 'smashed' 'to' 'S***' 'at' any sign or hint of the truth? It's gravity? It's wake? It's scope? It's scale?

Could that be the meaning of the phrase "things men were not meant to know"...?

Me? I just try to report the objective truth on here. Truth backed by field observations.

Specifically, as of late, almost just field observations that take place daily / nightly.

I do not have the time nor will to dry.....'the' 'ego' 'tears' of the narcissistically self-absorbed, nor the time / will to change a 'solipsist's' 'spazz' 'soiled' 'clothing' '/' 'diapers'.

I am not intending to 'punish' '*ANYONE*' (*blinks as I suddenly felt a kiss-like sensation from a presence*).

All the same, I will *not* 'quit' the mission.

Oh. (*Blinks*).

I guess this topic has a direct link to today's post / yesterday's event.


Let's get into this?


Today featured a welcome manifestation of a new ability.

An ability that manifested during a fluid world event.

I would perhaps note mortals claim 'quantum' 'vision' 'at' this ability? (*Raises shoulders, and shrugs*).

So before fluid world event time last night, Type B s*rge event pulses pulsed my being.

It was like I could literally ***sense*** the sky about to split open, that as some fluid world event was on the way.

I could sense the threshold of fully conscious fluid world events, but it was not yet time?

More training time is needed, regarding the Type B s*rge event path anyway. (Yea. A Type A surge event.....could have instantly done it).

The fluid world events that followed were ***long***.

If they went down here, a day or maybe even days of "unlogged time" went down.

A part that caught my attention, and had implications back to here / the farmhouse, involved a particularsighting & contact event.

Amidst a sunny / daytime setting, a youthful figure.....(???) appeared to be weaving....about my vicinity?

Was the figure....on a bike?

Halting in my wandering, I tried to focus my senses, and achieve a clear visual.

The figure was palpably happy, full of trust for / in the world, and harbored deep hope, faith, and also a .....a....a feeling of anticipation?

A very gentle being.

But my optical senses struggled, struggled in a new...kind of way.

I visually saw at '4' 'or' 'more' subanime anime hybrid...to anime...entities simultaneously, each of which have a 'history' of dubbing at my perception of Celestial Maiden.

I took the event as affirmation of my past, and events XXIV years back.

In that moment, whether I next fully witnessed 'S*m*****', 'El*****', 'Gr******', or even 'straight' 'up' 'N*na', was solely dependent on my energy state / applied energy levels / Type B surge event status and application(s) of the energies therein.

Yea, and of course a full Type A and Type B surge event, and an Infiniversal Routing Collapse, would mean seeing as much as I can (for the time) of Celestial Maiden's true form & presence.

In essence, I saw how the last XXXIV years ***HERE*** hath worked. Witnessing 'quantum' 'echoes', and noting fluid world events. And that whether I was actively aware of it or not.

I will not deny that I was *elated* to know the person I care about..., and admittedly love, has been in my life all along...whether I amwakeful or not.

Too, I understood how probability was steered in this place...even XXXV years ago. And way before that initial cosmic blast & ocean tsunami demo......(which operated on the same Type B surge event principles referenced above).

Noting at the 'quantum' 'splitting' 'effect' must have taken quite a bit of energy?

A moment...I seemed to be noting a quantum divergence gripped...13ish to 15ish subanime anime hybrid (of multiple r*ces...simultaneously)....in sporty shorts and sneakers...., and one standing / stand-pedaling upon a bike..... .

....Then the next moment I was back here.

(*Felt an intense...and rolling wave of vertigo irl*).

(*Saw eerily shiny clouds in the sky, got up, and took a look irl*).

(*Blushingly facepalms*).....Admittedly, I experienced anguish, as I (*feels face go totally red*) (*feels very intensely...blushfully blazing fingernails*)...yearned to hug Celestial Maiden.

I did not even get up from bed to look for a figure on a bike...to this very farm.

I sighed....? (*Raises my eyebrows amidst blushing*).

Well........ .

I suddenly perceived an assuring kiss (*blushfully facepalns, and laughs aloud....*) (*suddenly sensed a presence irl...*), and *heard* words like "I'm ~ right here~ " spoken by a youthful, feminine, and gentle voice.

The recognized being, Celestial Maiden, hugged to me... . Hugged to me, here.

Relieved for the chance to communicate with her, I spoke my thanks.

(*Covers my mouth, nails palpably ablaze*).


The same technique used in the above report portion, can be used here to a variety of effects.

(*Thinks about how I witnessed those verbatim 1990's 'peak' 'status'....'pre-wall' 'characters'.....*).

For example, gazing forward in the farm pasture here (with the effect active), I could witness 1995, 2021, and 2350...simultaneously.


And make a selection regarding to quasi-permanent environmental statuses / manifestations based upon that.

(In other words, the chance to note 1995 all over again, ***here***, if I so wanted (which I don't)).

In theory, this ability could be used to note a single day, on a loop, perpetually...... .

Like noting December 25th, 1994, each "day" for an indeterminant amount of time.


Ok. Yesterday's events....(*sighs*).

Where...to begin...... .

Well, yesterday / Wednesday after noting the fight, I eventually woke to here...... .

As has been the case a couple times recently, I heard frenzied knocking? Knocking at the front door?

The knocks sounded like the type & rhythm used by the fake l******d...... .

Now, remember what I said in yesterday's post? About noting sheepish excuses...if I was not beaten up and / or k*lled? Well, with recorders running, I noted a phone call made.


Another spot on strategic call. The clerk claimed to have "found" that package that had been marked as delivered on Tuesday? The one claimed mail carrier must have "accidentally" scanned it as delivered.

Oh it got worse.

Standing guard by the mail box, I noted the late mail bloke.....make all sorts of outlandish excuses. He was talking bout the package being stuck under a clipboard (what???) the day before? (*Thinks about uploading the recorded audio clip*).

Ok. That about covers morning and noon events from yesterday. Now for the event where I faced at a freakish and dangerous.....attack.... . A deity attack the likes of which I have yet to witness....before yesterday.


(*Feels my nails blaze with dread*).



(*Suddenly recalls at an old 'W*fei' 'quote'.....*).

image Click to view

So.......yesterday....afternoon featured a fluid world event.

Not sure...whether or not...I witnessed a followup to that demonic assault force attack, but I witnessed an unknown subanime XX chromosome type....that was 'saying' 'stuff'.

'Stuff' 'not' my 'business'.

'Too' 'much' 'information' 's*x' 'stuff' '/' 'accounts' that the deranged one.....wore as if a 'badge'.

The one, a drubby an unmemorable subanime brunette, was 'validation' 'chasing'?

I was already woozy, woozy to on account of how the environment kept shifting. But that turned to woozyband squeamish nausea.....as I kept hearing at the demented one's 's*xual' ramblings?

As always, when noting a __ ___________ type boast / claim at having value & worth to the world, I noted 'the' 'self-objectifying' 'one' have to default to 'talk' 'of' 'holes'......'and' 'who' 'did' 'what' '/' 'does' 'what' 'to' 'those' 'holes'.

Incomprehensibly alien, incomprehensively warped.


The fluid world scene continually shifting, I sat to a materialized booth seat that formed in the expansive and spreading darkness.

Ulgh. The unknown subanime one sat at the same booth seat?

I groaned......., and went like

-_-...as I heard at the one's 'validation' 'chasing' 'reel' of 'exploits', (*goes green with squeamish nausea*) 'some' 'disgusting' 'claim' about what some 'b*yfiend' 'did' 'to' 'their' 'mouthparts' (*dry heaves in nausea*).

(*Notes I have not even eaten anything....to throw up....today*).

After saying what I said next in / to that scene,it was like witnessing a 'b*mb'.....go off.

Musing aloud / making an observation aloud, I said akin ti:

"This reminds me why I have ***NEVER*** been attracted to Caucasian __________".... .

That said with absolute conviction, no spite that I knew of.

I just did not want 'one' 'single' 'thing' to do with the one.

I said it with such finality.

The unknown one's trailing speech abruptly cut off, along with an exhalation as if the one was wounded? Mortally......wounded?

Uh oh.

The one was getting sick (*facepalms*).

'Violently' 'ill'.

I could remotely detect at it.

Looking to my right, rather than witnessing a top-heavy subanime warp*g type, I (*recoils*) (*felt my nails blaze*) witnessed some upper anime limits deity.

Ooooooooo...... . I was *NOT* in any kind of readiness to note an anime level fight, and especially not an anime deity level....fight.

The one.....seemed frozen in place, that as if struck.... . That before slightly lurching forward, releasing falling aura trails of what seemed like 'anime' 'starlight'.


The one lurched forward slightly, then lurched at my direction, and began 'puking' ***HARD***.

'*DEEP*' 'vomit'.

I reflexively dodged away, scooching back in the booth seat...... .

Noting pity, but wary caution all the same, I kept my distance. The entity was powerful.

The semi ttasparent 'stuff' the one vomited, waz anime style luminous, and extremely viscous.

Rather than spilling and splashing, it stacked as if an extremely viscous gel?

The entity finished the first bout of the spewing, only to burst into more?

The upper anime level / power one had very long and partially luminous dark tone hair, wore a whitish long skirt, some form of footwear, and maybe a jacket & blouse combination?

Uh oh. But...that next volley of chunder. (*Felt my nails blaze with caution, and warning*).

(Continued in a later post).

event report, training special abilities, facing at deities, contact event, defense protocols

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