Objective Evidence Of Surge Events / Understanding Contact Events

Apr 24, 2021 22:37

I have been gleaning through past graphs?

That to understand s_rge events / s_rge event precursors, as well as the directly related events...whereby I am able to perceive hyperdimensional beings ***here**......whilst fully awake.

Whenever the tracker reads g*mma brain waves passing at the 90 mark, especially in the frontal sensors / frontal lobes, events happen. Real events. Events from perceptual events, to telekinesis related cracks...taking place for / around the cottage.

Furthermore, looks like chances of a wakeful state perception of hyperdimensional beings.....doth also skyrocket when such occurs.

Beings which opposing forces 'claim' 'to' 'be' "anime characters"..., and / or even "10 out of 10"...."appearance class" mortals.

The implications are enormous?

The very physics of the world, as well as my perception of this world and beyond, all seem to depend on my brain wave status.

Since noting November, even October, surge events have been throttled.

Throttled ***hard***.

Why? I think the usual.

Someone screaming claims of being "a trialer" / "needing help" / "being a victim" at each and every moment I am about to *have* a surge event?

Yea. But, as is to be expected, I have not seen ***any*** posted EEG files / graphs / screencaps in the reply sections of this journal....even with witnessing such...again, and again, and again.

But check this. Now I know. The process of seeing certain beyond subanime beings, surge events, all of that, comes with trackable brain wave readings.


So many of the things I have said in this journal, apparently, can be backed with EEG graphs.

The implications are huge.... .

If this is a solo trial, all the enemy has left is a lie.




Weaponized lies.

Weaponized pretense.

Weaponized baitings.

(*Thinks about how, lately, I hardly ever witness P*kemon D*wn....during fluid world / dimension dive events*).

(These days, I mainly witness the one in the / a 'N*elle' 'S*lva'.....'or' 'Tw*light' 'Sp*rkle' incarnation / form).

All the same, I know how this all concludes now.

The truth? If I am able to move past noting the nefarious lie trap......, the one witnessed since 2016, the way is clear.

If upcoming graphs / days, new graphs / days, involve surging gamma, alpha, theta, delta, and maybe even beta....., values past the 100 mark above, I, whilst noting ***real*** ***life*** storms...., will notice a shocking sight?

Perhaps a 5'7......mortal rated 10 out of 10....on the subanime scale?

Maybe I will note silvery purple hair for the one? Or purple hair with pinkish to magenta highlights....... .

The one would dub at ***body*** ***traits*** inconceivable to the mortal average? Body ***proportions*** inconceivable to the mortal average......?

(*Clears throat*).


And close inspection, maybe noting 5ft distance, would reveal palpable surge event activity? (*Remembers how noting 2015 was, and how / when I perceived a permanent surge event generating Celestial Maiden....as I yet witnessed that 'P*nkie' 'P*e' '/' 'Jor****'......'entity'...*). (*Remembers how last year's successful perception event / surge event....built on successful prior scans made as I witnessed 2015*).

Yea. Whatever the case is, EEGs art the answer.

The answer as far as feedback and perception goes.

If there was another trialer, her EEG readings would blow the scale.

***SET*** ***HER*** ***APART***.

And if this is a solo trial, and my brain waves reach certain values (somewhat higher those recorded above / last year), then I, in a wakeful state, will perceive Starry Maiden. Non-trialing (currently) Starry Maiden. Not "trapped in ____________ state / ___________ country...." Starry Maiden.

Me? I give thanks to the beings who supported me to this point.

***Whatever*** the case, the path is clear to me now.

I can see it.

To try to be honest, I was not expecting to just ***stumble*** upon an answer like this. Last year, I was not even necessarily expecting that ***I*** would note recorded gamma brain waves.

I give thanks for this chance. This chance to win. This chance to have the tools / awareness / knowledge to move forward into the coming times.

I pray I can use it to find Starry Maiden...(*jumped a bit as felt a caress-like sensation from a possible presence, and or anenergy surge of some sort*).

hyperdimensional lifeforms, training special abilities, research gear, understanding my abilities, research and analysis, research results, research project, understanding my past

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