Nov 18, 2020 11:43
Yea, just saying, but it is now....***DEFINITELY***...clear to me....that noting 'G*d's' '***' 'kicked'.....***ISN'T*** / ***WASN'T***....the criteria to conclude this trial.
Same goes for noting d*monic subanime r*ta**s 'exposed' 'as' 'fools'. 'Ignorant' 'fools'.....'powerless' 'at' my materialized storm / environmental events.
Shocked as I am, confused as I am, it is.....still what it is?
I have ***FOUND***.....what the / art....for completing this trial, but I will not on here...lest I witness surgically striking....fakers.
But solo...trial...or "dual trial", the criteria for the completion of this exactly the same.... .
(*Inhales and sighs*).
(*Remembers, and thinks about May of this year*).
(*Remembers noting 1998, and 2015, and specifically the ***direct*** ***precursors*** what happened in May of this year*).
So no matter how many times I note 'sickening' 'idiots'' 'collective' '***' 'kicked', the ***only*** way to move forward (*gawks in shock*) to ***repeat*** what I did....noting 1998 / 2015.
(*Feels my nails blaze in shock, and a bit...of horror*).
And that......***EVEN** IF....this is a solo...trial.
In the more dire of hypothetical scenarios, ***even*** ***if*** this is a solo trial, completion of it...could take II more decades (!!!!!!!) (*notes my nails blazing with pain*)......., if the completion is even ***possible***.
mission status,
relationship matters,
striving for wisdom,
life lessons,
lessons by hardship