Surge Event Threshold Wings Event / About Earlier

Sep 26, 2020 06:55

Yea, just gazing to the graft after what happened earlier, I can see that ***EXACTLY*** what I reported a day or so prior was recorded.

A surge event type of wave, albeit a precursor, whereby ***all*** brainwave frequencies have a drastic and unified..."boost".

A rainbow pyre spike.....on the EEG graph.

I must have been *really* sleepy / tired....if I did not see...that earlier.


Fluid world and dimension dive events had me constantly witnessing 'St******' and 'Jo******' (the 2016 ones).

A black expanse interval even had me noting 'Jo*****' changing into a hybrid of the toon P*fgy Ami, P*nkie P*e, and maybe 2003 'WCU' 'R*chel'?

Some while after that, and apparently after witnessing St***** and Jo****** change into 1980s / 1990s fake family N*gr*** (*gags*), I was zipping about in a possibly miniature....winged form....., .

Oh ... . Oh..... .

Before the winged form event, though, I spent a lrolonged..time...noting a subanime Caucasian brunette, possibly a destroyed and subanime 'Tifa', 'grafting' 'at' my existence.

Hair flowed...down my back?

(*Feels my nails...blaze with confusion*).

Okay. This is just a light status update.

But before I go, I need to say how I think I noted subanime 'St*****' and 'Jo*****' grafting at my perception of the mystery cuddlers.

Yea, solo trial, or dual trial, Starry Maiden is nearby, and seems ***fully*** open to a surge event listening exam.

I have ***no*** idea when my next surge event will be.

But I *must* try...for the sake of all the time, work, energy, trust, and prayer...that the mystery cuddlers / the beings of the hyperdimensional plane......put towards my awakening. (*Feels my nails blazing bright with conviction*).

I must try to progress forward.

(*, as my winged form soared about, proclaimed the words "Rainbow Buster!" I tried to coax a surge event*).

(*Realizes, now, what surge event pulses look like / will look like on a EEG...based upon the earlier...recorded..precursor surge event pulse*).

[Hmmmm. This is actually an era-defining moment. I have captured what a surge event, even if a precursor / lowest state surge event, looks like on an EEG. (*Feels my nails blaze with insight*). (*Felt a mysterious caress from a my backside*)].

[So...surge events *truly* *do* a simultaneous rising of ***ALL*** the brainwave frequencies..... . This post gives the hard data proof.....(*perceived a mysterious caress to my backside from a presence*)...].

(*Realizes that Rainbow Superspike III of the series.....likely caused the connection to drop, thus resulting in multiple superspike pulses not captured by the recorder*).

(*Felt my nails I realized I need armored equipment, armored EEG equipment & specific software, tailored to withstand lower level surge events / surge event precursor waves*).

surge event matters, surge event planning, blazing wings event, psychic abilities, surge event precursor, data mining, data analysis, evidence, status report, brain matters, proof

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