A Historic Day....In Research

Sep 24, 2020 18:47

I am detecting a horrific d*pression reaction from an unknown and outside force since earlier, and fluid world events had me witnessing an extremely intoxicated Aar*n P*******.....falling over / about to puke at the area.

So I am going to make this quick, and do a quick recap.

So with research gear....., research amenities, came recorded proof.

Proof that I have abilities...

Proof that I have a calm mind / mental self control.

Proof that I noted psych*tic / neur*tic and immature subanime mankind....'f****ng' 'over' 'at' me.... .

With gear and tests....came proof.

That *after* all of the years of proven prophecies (my own, not 'Bible' 'related')....., and proven planetary / cosmic scale demonstrations.

Full spectrum camcorder videos of local / in-room blast events....

....., and the literal EEG machine getting *zapped* amidst an in-room telekinetic event.

Today has been a ***historic*** day in research.

I thank those who supported me this far, and supported / fostered my awakening.

Today was not even a surge event.....day, and definitive results took place (*felt my nails blaze with alarm*).

(*Does the above show left and right brain synchronization? If so, what does that mean?).

Ok. Nightly bread time....... .

I...I don't know *what* is going to happen to the world after this.

So I guess I should eat, and brace myself for a reaction / the reaction of a d*pressed horde of subanime mortals.

Yea, I am not even angry the ones / subanime mortals 'lied' 'at' me.

(*Heard at a unknown voice state ' " 'forgiveness' " '....*).

Naw. No ' " 'forgiveness' " '.

I just am not 'angry'.

I do not and will not 'forgive'.

I'm just saying that I...."feel" a sensation of freedom, as well as inner peace.

(*Blushes as thinks about Celestial Maiden sightings.....after the last post, and a celebratory honey bun and water lunch.....*(.

Where will things go from here.....?


Looks like I may note synchronized brain hemispheres, as well as a high proportion of alpha, and delta waves.

So even nervous, I had a brain that looked like it was meditating? Must be that permanent meditation state thing I was talking about...weeks beforehand / years beforehand. So / since I permanently meditate, when I claim to "meditate" nowadays, it is actually "super meditation" figuratively speaking? Supra (???)....meditation?

Hmmmmm..... .

I wonder what the readings are for the II full-sized brains in my true form's lower back?

So...if I, steady-state, push the little needles for delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma...to the max, then comes telekinetic flight and or telekinetically boosted athleticism?

I'll keep training then..... .

Keep training, and not even bother with subanime mankind.

Ok, but for now, dinner / party time (*blushes*).

My nightly bread, and water.

meditation, eeg, understanding my abilities, special abilities, telekinesis, medical research, research and analysis, telekinetic event, research, understanding my past, research gear, meditation training, research results, research project, electroencephalography, neurology

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