The last post was very intense for me, and after trying to sleep some while afterwards, fluid world and dimension dive events had me witnessing 'garbage' '&' 'chaos'.
(*Felt my nails blaze in exertion*).
That due to the data processing strain.....that accompanied the intensive data analysis.
But now that it is / was written, I understand it. to witness 'baryonic' 'fake' 'life', subanime pseudolife, 'created' 'at' the spot. Realtime. (*Feels my nails...blazing in shock*). 'M*ndela' 'Effect' '***PEOPLE***'.
(*Posts early on account of the phone battery plummeting*).
I now...grasp, comprehend, understand the mechanics...involved in witnessing 'baryonic' 'pseudolife', 'baryonic' 'pseudouniverses', '***CREATED***'.
.............. .
.....!!!!! (WHAT?!?!?).
.................. .
(*Blinks, and thinks about how the last II days amount of research & epiphanies.....that would have likely taken ***YEARS***......if not for the brain entrainment therapy tones, and Celestial Maiden's starry kiss (*feels my nails blaze blushfully*)..... / therapeutic and entraining.....starry kiss*).
(*Blinked..amidst suddenly perceiving a kiss-like sensation....IRL*).
(*Worries a bit about these entrainment tones / chords...posted publicly*).
............. .
(* complete....shock*).
Um. O....okay. (*Feels my nails...blazing in shock*). I...I need to p...prepare a nightly for the next III days...before I....c...continue...thinking about this =O_O=.......e....entrainment
..subject matter
I am mind-blown.
It's ***REAL***.
(*Felt a startled, and glowing lurch for / in my stomach.