Consecutive St*rry Maiden (????)...Sightings?

Sep 07, 2020 13:21

Well, rather than my core being / my core essence 'backing' 'off' after yesterday's event, an unprecedented string of (???) apparent...St*rry Maiden...sightings went down today.

I am talking vision, after vision, after vision, after vision, after vision, and more...=O_O=...(!!!!).

It *may* have even constituted a new ability awakening.

Thing is, for most if not almost all...the "visions", I still noted an anime limits 'N*elle' (???) gtafting at my perception....of the actual being?

(*Recalls an initial event...whereby I witnessed an 'Ash' 'K*tchum' that kept 'scouring' at this world*).

It seems that I literally must...act on this latest series of events / investigate further, because a past adage / warning of mine was validated as I searched for Starry Maiden...after the visions? (Yes, and during a fluid world event).

I witnessed a 1990's subanime entity, likely freaking out (to the worst extent)...., 'offering' 'money' 'at' me? 1000$ bills....stacked?

The only time mortals offer fake monopoly money at when 'they' are about to 'lose'?

Ok. I need to note chilling / temperature-dropping ice packs put on this left eye IRL.

But before I go, I might have seen a vision clue..... .

Duringa vision / mobile visuals whereby I viewed at anime limits N*elle...seated and speaking in a dark environment, I noticed signs of an intriguing attire.

Like...shadowy & puffy....mage / cleric puffy pants, pants with upturned and folded hem areas..., and neon / mana-laiden leylines..abd or "circuits"..concentrated around the hems.

The puffy pants with the magitech / manatech akin circuit inlays, neon purplish inlays, alsp featured a puffy and side-slit overskirt...that also featyred leylines / mana energy circuits.

The attire was beyond 4k and beyond 240fps, so it was not a 'video' 'game', nor 'DVD' '/' 'digitally' 'streamed' 'F*nimation' 'anime'.

It was almost like I was seeiing signs of acleric's attire....., maybe even a beyond anime and source version (*recalls noting at "Trials Of Mana"..*).

Okay. I guess tgat is it for now.

But I guess I should mention how before the visions / fluid world events went down, I sensed Starry Maiden's peesence IRL. I was saying apologies, apologies about me witnessing 'so' 'many' 'lesser' 'dimensional' 'clones' 'dubbing' at my perception of her existence. Ones 'like' 'P*kemon' 'D*wn', 'ones' 'that' '*CAN'T*' talk about and or display surge events. I apologized about running last year (*noticed a mysterious caress to my backside from a presence. *).

Ok. I really should go put ice on this feverish left eye.

new experiences, vision analysis, starry maiden, visions

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