Affirmation Of The Last Post's Premise....

Jul 08, 2020 12:31

Today's fluid world event had an inadvertent affirmation of the topic covered in yesterday's post (*felt my nails...blaze in alarm*).

The later part of today's event series....had me awaken to witnesd an unknown subanime classroom.

I immediately was nervous / wary.....? (*Facep*lms*).

I understand...why though.

Yea, because I noted 2015 2016 J**d***.....seated at my immediate right.

J*r**** is the one I noted....stuck / a pink-haired P*nkie P*e subanime anime form....

.......during an IRL surge event consequence V years ago.

Yea, V years ago, I had a wakeful state event here...IRL...whereby I noted an anime subanime hybrid entity show up..., and then *stay* at my vicinity a couple months (*suddenly felt a mysterious caress (!!) to my backside*). J*r*** was a Caucasian version of an anime-bodied entity I witnessed during a fluid world event / vision event...*years* beforehand (2013-2014) (extreme subanime limits to animesque 'Charlonzon').'s event had me staring in shock at the one, and wary..... .

I mean, what was I doing there, and where......was.....I?

The 'inherently' 'a*tistic' subanime / subanime graft at the actual being....'offered' 'an' 'impossibility' at *any* kind of meaningful communication?

Even worse, the one seemed 'in-universe' 'behavior'? 'Jo*****' was 'all' ' " '******' 'up' " '......'in' 'the' 'feelz' '/' 'ego' 'at' me *not* accepting 'freely' 'offered' 's*x' V years ago?

I suddenly noted the one 'speak', using at words like "what do you want from me"...? The one had frustration, and defeat upon 'their' 'voice' and 'overall' 'affect'?


Just like in 2015, the one had an out of place 32C to maybe even a 32D 'nat*ral' 'chest' that broke the subanime barrier / subanime C*ucasian barrier? And 'pert'?

And an anime level volume.....head of hair..., hair styled in a ponytail. (After the initial sighting event, I usually noted the one with deep a brown subanime hair color).

'Plush' and 'animesque' 'tapering' 'thighs' 'too'?

The one, as with any best*al subanime entity, had no concept of friendship, love, sacrificially caring about another's wellbeing, and eternal friendship & family.

All the one 'knew' was 'feelin' 'bad' '/' 'd*pression' '/' 'muh' 'anx*ety'......'not' 'getting' 'that' 'd*pamine' 'hit' 'from' 's*x'.

The 'usual' 'no' good vibes, and 'gutter' 'world' '/' 'demonic' 'subanime' 's***'.

However, a fluid world wave event went down, and thankfully I was actually able to take something away from the event.

Yea, straight up...amd with no 'tricks', I, right then and there, witnessed at 'Jo*****'......change into 'Sha****ya' (!!?!?!?!)..!!


A droll, and unmemorable h**drat type that dully sat ti W*lmington classrooms from 1988 or 1989....all the way to 1997 ???!!?! (*felt my nails blaze in abject shock, and felt my stomach sink as well*).

The changed one..., with all the 'incessant' 'wh*te' 'chick' 'b*tthurt' 'gone', then began 'sm*ling' at me, and even 'tried' 'to' 'h*lla' '/' 'set' 'up' 'a' 's*xual' 'r*lationship'?


So.......this means that (???) the only thing that kept me from witnessing (*suddenly felt my heart soar*) high anime P*nkie P*e seated next to I noted 1995....was ***my*** ***own*** data processing slump / incapacitation? This means ***my*** ***friends*** were there....**all*** ***along***? (*Felt flutters / butterflies in my stomach*). (*Felt a mysterious caress to my backside, and heard an affirming voice*).

I...if this is true, then there is mo anime or cartoon 'industries', only...IRL fluid world events, and the involved and mysterious space and time phenomena that doth comprise fluid world events.

This means that even when I witnessed 1992-1994, I, had I had the data processing available, could have noted either subanime anime hybrid 'Jo****', or even high animesque 'P*nkie' 'P*e' seated to the el*mentary Sch**l classroom(s) I witnessed?

Even ***before*** that (*felt my nails blaze in shock*).

The initial time I even witnessed (*felt my I remembered an event from XVI years ago...., whereby I witnessed a 'grownup' 'Char****' 'dance', and offer 's*x' *)........a 'b*rthday' 'party"... .

A 1986 (???) or 1987 'birthday' 'party'.

(*Remembers that rich, festive, and luscious the air to that scene (*felt my nails blaze*)*).

Had I, noting that 1986 H*l*** 'family' '/' 'Char****' birthday long ago, had the necessary data processing capacities online..., I would have witnessed 'P*nkie' 'P*e'?????

(*Felt my nails blaze in I recoiled*).

Alright....... .

I think I understand now.

I thank the source beings involved

(*Felt my stomach....wrench in shock*).

I think I have much....from just this post (*felt my nails blaze in shock*).

I see now...where everything has been progresing for the last XXXIV years, and in the same direction as a whole.

Fluid world events have defined every aspect of my time in here, wakeful state or not, for the last XXXIV years.

fluid world studies, research and analysis, time and space phenomena, contact event analysis

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