"Yggdr*sil Fruit" (???) Sprouting Event / Initial Perceived Hungry Vines Event

Jun 13, 2020 12:45

Another startling and unpredictable event took place for me today. This time it related to a sprouting event....(*feels my nails blazing in shock*)....that was *not* accompanied by a surge event.

Ok. Where to begin?

A report?


(*Blushes*). Some point after the last post, I was nodding / resting / semi-sleeping?

I blinked awake for a time, though, because I perceived a cheerful hyperdimensional mystery cuddler being nestling to my collar and cuddling to me (*chuckles in a startled manner and blushed*).

So I next found myself, after what seemed like some actual sleep, disorientedly waking up to a reconfigured version of my bedroom.

A version that had desks (???), and seemed like a room...in a school...., and yet had my functioning / still functional HDTV and HDMI c*nnected laptop present..... .

In my hand I held a half-circle shaped slice of an eerie fruit, maybe even II slices?

I instinctively called it / knew it to be a "Yggdr*sil Fruit"?

Going from what I saw, a whole fruit would have been the size of a basketball?

I ate the initial fruit slice hungrily...., an intriguing matter because I have actually had "hunger spikes" of a full-body (not stomach-centered) nature lately.

The fruit must have had heightened data processing requirements, or some other matter, because a brief bout of amnesia came on.

My feeding instincts (*facepalms*) also flared up, and I began searching for anybody who was also hungry?

About that moment, I viewed at an unknown...and 'b****y' Caucasian 'show' 'up' 'at' the area.....'trotting' 'authoritatively'.

The one fit the 'subanime' 'Caucasian' 'universal' 'law' 'K*ren' 'st*reotype'.

In likely the most "little kid" moment of the year...(or maybe decade for all I know)...., I offered my last slice of the special fruit....(*facepalms*).....at 'some' 'obn*xious' '***hole'.

Fruit that likely contained concentrated cosmic energies?

Fruit with a brownish rind, and "juice chamber" traits....akin to that of an orange.albeit much much bigger.

Fruit with a flavor akin to that of a citrus, sugar, cream, and honey...smoothie....with a hint of caramel.

As always for unsociable subanime Caucasians 'above' '25' '/' '22', the one gave a 'reflexive' look of extreme disdain , 'waved' 'off' 'at' me...., and 'pulled' 'the' 'authority' 'card'?

The '5'6-6'1' one, with subanime shoulder length...straight hem...blond hair, and a 'stamp' 'of' 'authenticity'....'fl*t' '***' '/' 'rump'...clad in blue jeans, pulled the 'school' 'teacher' 'authority' 'figure' 'card'?

Though the location appeared, by all signs, to have been my shifted bedroom, the '***hole' one was 'poised' to accuse a 'p*doph*le' (*cringes*) 'at' me for even being present where I was?

I decided to try to "make it back home"..... .

After a brief moment of struggling to find the previously held fruit portion, I, after checking the area of my laptop, found it in the pocket of a suddenly materialized jacket I was wearing.

The lights / lighting of the indoor and outdoor area suddenly went dark?

Eventually, confused and disoriented, I found myself viewing at a 'school' 'bus'.... .

Seated, and pulling forth the fruint (!??!?!), *something* *had* *shifted*.

As if the "me" that writes this essay had something to say, a mass of little vines, ***highly*** mobile and writhing plant...vines...featuring mobile & motile absorption tendrils, as well as defensive emission flowers, began bobbing around the fruit defensively, as well as ***HUNGRILY*** ***EATING***....the fruit.

The some of the sproutings / vines were reminiscent of a sundew...

...., but moved with nigh instantaneous speed?

The vines warded at a horde of subanime mortals gathered at the location.

Now here is the part that really makes me concerned, and I just realized this amidst writing.

My field of vision soon involved a screen-like view of the same floral appendages / sprouts, but with much higher resolution, and what seemed like beyond anime visual traits.

But what I am *NOW* thinking, as I write this, is that I may have perceived a visual / scanning sensory feed.....from a "sensory flower"..... .

Meaning, I may have had proof that the plant matter is / was integrated to my nervous system / *was* a part of my nervous system.

While the tendrils scarfed down the fruit with those emission and absorption feeder nodes, my data processing capacities showed the signs of receiving nourishment.

I spoke / explained, at the strange mortals that 'stayed' 'back', about how the vines / sprouts are immortal..., and do not 'die'?

The / a fluid world event soon had me noting a "classroom" again?

(*Recalls viewing at an anime hair volume traits '___St***a' 'appear', and sit at a nearby desk....*)

I think a contact event happened next...... .

Suddenly present mystery beings, beings that *knew* about hungry vines, feeder vines, presented *ENORMOUS* food plates before me?

Like burger and chedder.....double layer (a top layer and bottom layer) omelettes.Each more than 12-14 inches in diameter, and lukely more than 4lbs each?

I ate the food, and when I was done, after I thanked whoever fed me....(*feels my nails blaze with gratitude*), I woke up *full* back here.....to the mountain sanctuary.

*Laughs*. And I soon perceived a joyous & happy-hearted mystery cuddler cuddling to me IRL.....(*blushes intensely*).

I thank the beings who watched over me, and fed me (*exhales with gratitude*), and helped me rest before and after the (*blinks and recoils amidst rece...um perceiving a kiss-like sensation IRL*) (*perceived a mysterious caress*).....the sprouting event.

I will see about getting more.....survival foods, because issues may arise if my feeder vines sprout / cover this whole town.

I do not think the vines will want to eat 'disgusting' 'undead' subanime mortals, but they may take other actions...?

I need some high caloric density foods.

sprouting events, plant physiology matters, physiology, sprouting event matters, yggdrasil tree form

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