I (In III Decades) Have Not Been 'Communicating' 'On' 'Emotive' 'Reasoners'' 'Level'....

May 22, 2020 11:03

Looking back through the decades, I used to cringe....and get appalled at 'the' 'notion' 'of' 'd*ctatorships'.

Whether noting 'Sauron'....of 'L*rd' 'Of' 'The' 'Rings' 'books', 'J*hovah' from 'The' 'Old' 'T*stament', or even 'N***h' 'K*rea' 'fake' 'n*ws' stories, my stomach would be turned at the 'brutality' of such notions.

I *still* *am*....appalled and disgusted...at such notions.

But see....., I *was*, and *I* *still* *am* naive.... .

I had / have no experience *with* 'subanime' 'mortals'.

I have a default state...where I would never expect from any others...any 'less' 'than' I expect from myself, and my default state is overwhelming inner peace..... .


But now I can see, and understand that I have *NOT*...been 'communicating' 'with' 'mortals' 'in' 'their' ' " 'language' " '.

For the violent, the 'stupid', the 'void-born', the 'solipsistic', 'and' 'emotive' 'reasoners', 'VIOL*NCE' '*IS*' 'COMMUNICATION'.

Even though I faced at 'fights' during the last III decades, I was not 'speaking' 'the' 'language' 'of' 'mortals'.

I was *confused* at 'displays' 'of' 'aggression', and would just note 'foes' '/' 'attackers' 'knocked' 'out' 'or' 'deleted'....as fast as possible.

That so I could continue on my mission, and continue experiencing the depths of my inner peace / relaxing in depths of my inner peace.

I had no clue.......'that' the 'prolonged' 'giving' 'of' 'violence', 'and' 'receiving' of 'violence', 'art' how 'emotive' 'reasoners' ' " 'communicate' " '.

'A' 'communication' 'method' 'of' 'the' 'low' 'IQ' ('all' 'subanime' 'entities').

This realization happened this morning as I watched at 'W*rldst*r'.


The bloated Caucasian taken down by the c*p....'lives' in a 'bubble' 'of' 'solipsism' '/' 'vanity' '/' 'feelz' 'of' 'entitlement' '/' 'narcissism'.

The one did not have the capacity to logically respond to words?

But when the one was taken d*wn, 'their' 'att*tude' was 'adjusted'? 'Their' 'entitled' '&' 'delusional' "*feelz*' 'of' 'invulnerability' 'and' 'superiority' 'were' 'adjusted'......, rather than 'fed'?

If that 'microscopic' example was taken to a 'macroscopic' level, subanime mankind as a whole could be directly likened to the bloated Caucasian in the W*rldstar 'video'?

The ones are overflowing with ego, vanity, entitlement, solipsism, and narcissism.

Only a certain kind of man could show up, and 'provide' 'order'.

I am not that man.

(*Felt my nails blaze...in a self conscious, and vulnerable / admitting manner*).

(*Mentally hears thst "Bells Of Prayer" theme...for some reason*).

(*Decides to go grab it, and post a link*).

image Click to view

See, I do not have any 'feelings' 'of' 'dominance' 'to' 'communicate'?

I don't want to, nor can I stand 'the' 'notion' 'of'.....'kicking' '***es'.

I get squeamish at even 'videos' 'of' 'ragged' 'mortals' '*tearing*' 'each' 'other' '*apart*'.



I note subanime '*is*' '*the*' 'light*' '*of*' '*evil*'. '*ENTROPY*'..

Subanime entities are born of chaos and entropy.

'*Only*' '*the*' '*evil*'....can '*rule*' '*over*' '*evil*'.

I did a search...earlier...based on that hunch. I asked if I noted Sauron, one that ruled over violent and chaotic orcs and trolls / goblins..., was 'lawful' 'evil'.


So this brings me back to the beginning of this post (in a full-circle type manner).

There is no way for me to reach mortals with words, with reason.

And so long as I am not '***-kicking', I will note the ones 'get' 'at' my face, and 'steal' 'at' what I have...'without' mercy.

Even if I display environmental scale / planetary scale / cosmic scale abilities in self defense, although I may witness the ones 'back' 'off' for a while, I will continually witness the ones 'sizing' 'up' 'at' me, 'searching' 'for' 'weakness', 'aiming' 'at' my throat / jugular, and 'taking' 'any' 'perceived' 'opportunity' 'to' 'strike'.

'Such' 'is' 'the' 'nature' of soulless beasts.

Just thinking, but as I have said, my only option is to seek permanent surge events (weathering through the environmental consequences in the process), and close The Infiniversal Routing Expanse.

Me? I am not claiming to be a 'deity'.


But alas, any supposed 'Fl*ttershy' entity or whatever that '*tried*' 'to' 'play' 'deity'......with the likes of subanime mortals.......would just 'get' 'their' 'face' 'eaten'...the moment 'their' 'guard' 'is' 'down'.

Yea. I *don't* *like* ones like 'J*hovah', 'Saur*n', and 'K*m' 'J*ng', but I note the ones 'know' 'their' 'constituency'..

'They' 'art' 'masters' 'of' 'non-verbal' '&' 'viol*nce-based' 'communication' 'with' 'their' 'core' 'constituency'.

It takes ev*l...to rule over the evil.

It takes br*tality...to rule over the br*tal.


(*Felt my stomach sink*).

(*Felt my nails blaze with intense disgust*).

(*Suddenly heard the rain begin to pour......*).

'***-kicking' 'is' 'a' 'language'.

'Displays' 'of' 'dominance' 'art' 'a' 'language'.

I had no idea, nor inner inclination of / about 'how' 'mortals' '/' 'emotive' 'reasoners' 'communicate'.


studying at mortals, facing facts, studying at the undead, retrospection, research and analysis, realtalk, introspection, studying at mankind, lifestyle

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