Yea. I can win this thing.
I can win this thing *if* I make the necessary moves.....(*thinks about last year*).
My abilities are on a ***MUCH*** higher level than last year, and that on account of my body design training & body design epiphanies, as well as the stored up intense (and *fully* *transmutable*) agony...stored over the last IV months.
Just the little *sprouting* *event* & flight session (with no intense surge event)....from yesterday...had demonstrable weather effects after my last post?
Like I said, my energy events get proven, too, by IRL weather effects / consequences these days.
Yea, I can win this trial.
I can win this....Infiniversal Routing Trial.
Maybe I will hold on until next week.....before I show my new abilities.
(*Glances over the survival preps*).
(*Checks the itemized list*).
(*Perceived a caress from a mysterious my right knee*).