In these latest days, I have experienced boosts in both my data processing *speeds*, as well as the *available* *depth* of my data processing capacities.
Before a couple days ago, I just blinked in a dazed manner as I witnessed 'smoke' 'at' a nearby mountainside.
But yesterday.......
......., with a "flash" in my eyes, I asked if I was witnessing subanime (or anime) (*perceives the sensation of my nails blazing in warning*).....mortals 'employing' 'demolitions' ('again') 'at' demonstrable...and provable....manifesting trans-dimensional objects.
Objects like those from last year.
I covered, and even showed photographs of manifested items last year...., but alas....I note mortals overwhelmingly tend to be 'c*wardly', 'conniving, spoiled rotten, and 'under-handed' 'lil' 'b*****s'....'that' 'can't' 'admit' 'when' 'they' 'were' 'wrong',
The ones 'go' '*mad*' 'at' any proof / anything that does not 'empower' 'their' 'ego', 'and' 'seek' 'to' 'destroy' 'at' any evidence.
The ones 'go' '*CRAZY*' 'at' any evidence that proves the hyperdimensional plane, and proves that I note 'Ath*ist' '/' 'Chri*stian' '\' 'New' 'Age' '/' 'L*ciferian' 'doctrines' 'are' '*WHOLLY*' 'false'.
I *may* have had yesterday's idea.....proven today, proven during a fluid world event.
A yellow and white transdimensional artifact sprouted / manifested to the base of a nearby tree....during an event today.
*Not* *sure* if *I* sprouted....the tree......(via my traveling Yggdrasil Roots method), or just seeded a nearby tree.....via my Yggdrasil Roots, or what.
*But* *as* *soon* as I *ran* to the manifested trans-dimensional"fruit" object, I witnessed a 1990's mortal, 'JJ', 'sprinting' 'competitively' 'at' the object.
Maybe....I reached it in time?
But as soon as I sat with it, sat to a chair / table (?) amidst the fluidity gripped environment..., I witnessed crazed and neurotic hordes of 'manifesting' 'subanime' 'mortals'.
The ones predictably freaked out at the object, and sought to pilfer and confiscate at it....'using' 'trickery' '/' 'deception'.
One, a fake Science teacher from the 1990's (fat ole 'M*rris'), claimed nonsensical lies about dangers posed by 'sonic' 'speed' '/' 'supersonic' 'speed' 'spore' 'emissions' (*cackles*)..... .
Something happened though.
The object began to grow to an enormous size(???) (was it still.....root attached?) (*experienced my nails...blazing with shock*)......, and as it jostled, as the *gills* jostled, moving, I heard large-scale celestial crystalline tinkling sounds....emanating from the object's gills. Sounds directly incredibly crucial (for victory) theory of mine.
(*Remembers....those crystalline tones*). (*Possibly felt a caress to the top of my head*).
(*Remembers that crystalline sweet.....melted syrup from last year (*swooned for some reason*)*).
I am not sure if cross-dimensional items manifested on the mountain over, or if I note mortals destroying at suitable host conifers / the short-needle pine trees in advance......, but I only have to look to the get an idea.
(*Remembers how, just about the time I noted 1990-1991, and had surge event II, I witnessed a fake payrent 'going' 'crazy' with destroy 'at' *every* pine tree....within a certain radius of where I slept / stayed*).
(*Experienced a blazing.....glow of warning from my nails*).
(Is this why I witness stupid 'F*MA' 'camp' 'excuse' 'nonsense' 'looming'?).
(Surmises I may have had plant sprouting events, IRL, even going as far back as decades ago. Events that likely took place as I slept. (*Suddenly felt a mysterious caress to my backside from a presence, a caress conveying somber and (??) affirmatory (??) tone...emotions*)).