Today has been an eerie day.
Yea, earlier today
.....I made a very stern declaration regarding the Yggdrasil Root sourced real life manifestations....present to the yard of the riverfront mountain sanctuary dwelling, and said how...***just*** ***recovering*** ***those***..., if there are any left / still present, warrants an asteroid drop event.
And as soon as I said that aloud IRL, I, while already recording with my phone realtime, noted 'frenzied' 'ringing' 'at' my phone. My *phones* even.
I noted someone, A_____, acting strange in that the one cited a 'letter' having arrived. A 'letter' supposedly from the fake landlord 'D*wn' that supposedly 'might' contain a 650$ 'deposit'.
Unh unh. How could / why would I note 'deposit' 'refund' now? And even after noting 'racist' 'emails', and a 'rationalized' 'lease' 'expiration' 'excuse' '/' 'refund' 'cop' 'out' 'excuse' from the fake landlord.
Unh unh.
I warned myself of the adage...I have repeated on here, and repeated many times both aloud...and in the past.
I said "any time you witness 'money' 'offered', '***ANY***' '***MONEY***' 'offered', ***WATCH*** ***YOUR*** ***BACK***".
I then noted the one start selling 'cor*navirus' 'fake' 'news' about 'curfews' ('m*rtial' 'l*w') 'in' 'NY', and other such stuff? The one offered store trips?
I was very wary, and had no doubt I witnessed a reaction at my words about an asteroid drop. Was a surge event about to happen realtime, with a shakily manifesting star-like appearance...."asteroid"....flickering / the blue skies....above?
Is *that* why I noted 'money' 'offered', or 'even' '*suggested*' 'as' 'possibly' 'offered'?
Well, I noted A_____ start referencing 'partial' 'McD*nalds' 'closures' and such, and I remembered what I prophetically wrote on here yesterday or the day before.
When and if I note 'McD*nalds' 'closures', I will go all in on getting more than 50lbs of potatoes, a sack of dry beans, and my nearby W*se F**ds br*nd survival bucket.
Back to what I said originally though, my manifested items in that prior yard, are priceless cross-dimensional artifacts.... . Treasures worth defending. I am ***really*** considering dropping an asteroid...just so I may return to them (if they are still there).
Yea. This is not about ' " 'money' " ', this is about my heritage. A heritage site. The literal fruits of my labor. The literal fruits of my literal Yggdrasil Roots. (*Recalls noting at the fake Bible...referencing at special fruits from a certain tree*).
That yard site, those cross-dimensional and multiversal objects, are ***mine***, and I am willing to split this planet in half to guard and keep what is mine.
I want ***my*** own bodily Yggdrasil Roots'....sprouted fruits!
(*Perceives my eyes glowing red*).
I put ***so much*** work / prayer into manifesting them, I will not tolerate 'mankind's' 'insolence'.