I am just thinking in front of the firelight..... .
I am thinking about...something I said....a couple weeks ago...that seemingly stands proven today...?
The 'only' 'thing'....***worse*** than a 'h*ll' 'realm'....'full' 'of' 'howling' 'insane'....'demons', is a 'h*ll' 'realm' 'full' 'of' 'howling' 'insane' 'demons'...'that' '*DENIES*'....'being' 'a' 'h*ll' 'realm' 'full' 'of' 'howling' 'insane' 'demons'.
I was just it would be a step ***UP*** quasi-permanently witness a 'D*mon's' 'Crest' 'akin' 'world'.
Seriously, I think I discern at 'the' 'elephant' 'in' 'the' 'room'.... .
I think I discern at why I witness / have witnessed subanime mortals 'chronically' 'no-selling' 'at' ***ANYTHING*** that has to do with the truth.
Not sure if it ties into the "Yggdrasil" thing, but I have been, for the last III decades, witnessing 'just' 'about' 'the' '***lowest***' 'tiers' of the 'undead' 'realms'.
I've just been so intrinsically happy & full of inner peace, that I am *just* *now* realizing it (whilst *still* being instrinsically happy, and full of inner peace).
Click to view
As it stands, I note every shred / sliver of subanime mankind's / subanime h*llkind's power....goes into either making cover excuses for maggot puking ghouls....(via fake Science excuses)...being maggot puking ghouls, and / or accusing fake 'mental' 'illnesses' at anybody who doesn't automatically agree with those cover excuses.
That's it.
'No' developing colony starships, 'no' developing infinite energy generation & delivery systems?
The ones 'just' want to prop up ***stupid***, ill-fated, and deceitful lies?
Lies that cover for 'their' 'extremely' 'bad' 'smells', 'and' 'blatantly' 'hideous' '&' 'demonic'...'decayed' 'forms'?
I *think* this is the truth?
I am certain of it now..... .
I discern at 'their' 'pattern', 'their' 'modus' 'operandi'.
'All' 'they' 'could' 'ever' 'do' 'is' 'suck'.
................. .
................... .
A Yggdrasil tree lifeform is supposed to have the capacity to view at the 'lowest' 'depths' 'of' 'the' 'underworld', and maintain inner stability, inner tranquility, and inner peace?
Hmmm....... .
Well.......I guess it is about time to "roll the dice", and try to trigger a surge event via / during rest (which is usually when surge events take place).
*Checks the fire......*.
A Yggdrasil tree lifeform, whilst fully able to view at the 'deepest' 'h*llish' 'depths' of 'a' 'netherworldly' 'antimultiverse', would have to display full immunity at the chaos, the depression, the disease, the corrosive madness, and the caustic entropy?
Is this the knowledge that would have to preclude a quasi-permanent....Yggdrasil basis surge event?
Is this the knowledge I did not yet grasp in an awakened manner...back in December / January?
(*Remembers those infinite data density...and incredibly mysterious cosmic tree visuals...from those reported visions that took place within the last XI days or so*).