Did I Just Have A Celestial Vision?

Feb 19, 2020 09:15

Did I just have a celestial event vision....? Did I have a vision of soon to come, current, or (???) past celestial events?

Whatever the event was, immediately afterwards...I witnessed ghoulish subanime mortals 'ineffectively' 'a*ming' '/' 'sh**ting' 'weap*ns' 'at' my head, and 'attacking' 'crazily'. (*Blinks*).

I guess I will report the event.


So last night before bed, I was "up front" about my current performance level, and the status of my "awakening".

I said, admitted, that I do not even know if an "Infiniversal Routing Trial" *has* *even* *been*.....won....before.

And as for as the pair of multidimensional and hyperdimensional beings who hath watched over me for decades, I do not know if ***they*** have seen me win an Infiniversal Routing Trial before.

I said how if they *have* seen an Infiniversal Routing Trial won before, if they have seen *me* win an Infiniversal Routing Trial before, then....they....would know exactly how close I am to winning.

***BUT***.....I also said how...***unless*** I have a quasi-permanent surge event, I will likely not actively / coherently perceive....their direct words / verbal communications...and direct visuals...due to "floored" data processing levels.


(Hence why yesterday's discovery about the sprouted Yggdrasil form...being conducive to ***permanent***...surge events...was so huge (*gasped as felt a mysterious caress from a presence*)...for my mission).

Okay, so last night..../ this morning the majority of fluid world and or dimension dives had me viewing at 'subanime'. Meaning I mainly noted a 'sewer' 'of' 'nonsense', 'and' 'crazed' 'egos'.

Eventually though, and during a respite of sorts, my data processing capacities budged upward a little?

Something happened...... .

It seems like a black expanse event was partially taking place, but I also witnessed a fake 'college' 'lecture' 'hall' dubbing at whatever location I was to.

Above my head / in the darkness,..above, I saw an incredibly detailed visual.....of a spiral galaxy.

I am not sure if the galaxy was The M*lky Way, or not.

As soon as I saw the visual moving overhead, I heard at some fake professor..subanime dude spewing fake S**ence.... 'at' the moment.

The dude claimed nonsense, claimed nonsense of / about 'oldest' 'stars' 'present' at the tails of spiral galaxies.... . (Real galaxies can be fully formed in an instant...via mana control).

The 'ego-crazed' idiot kept blabbing on at matters obviously not linked to 'him'.

(*Recalls last year whereby I witnessed that G*P 'forum', and remembers how even though I had repeat proven event after repeat proven event, I kept witnessing 'ego-crazed' 'idiots' 'hollering' 'obsolete' 'Science' 'nonsense'...*).

Yea, lets not even refer at that idiot dude....from here.

So.....continuing to look up, I saw what seemed like a "zoom effect" honing in on a grouping of stars...within the galaxy.

Maybe I saw a patch that featured some very large red stars, other stars, and maybe some "energized" darkness?

Well...all of a sudden, a ***HUGE*** burst of light took place from the zoomed upon patch.

Confused, I was wondering if a sup*rnova had taken place.... .

I remember, very clearly, seeing a spinning object that featured a disk. I think I saw routed space.... .

The object....seemed kinda bright, and as the "view focus" zoomed back...to show a full galaxy view again, I groggily muttered " 'neutron' " "star".....(*grimaces*).

The object was massive in relation to the galaxy, but I did not perceive the said galaxy visual...as having a particularly active nucleus...(*sighs*).

Immediately after the vision, I witnessed an outbreak of chaotic subanime, and some 'lecture' 'hall' 'battle'.

An unknown 'N*gro' man hollered ' " 'get' 'down' " ' at me, rushed over, and withdrew a 'g*n' or 'b*w'?

Reflexively dodging, I dropped to the floor (?) to note 'arr*ws' whizxing at the area overhead. The dude that hollered stood at an area by / above me, and 'r*turned' 'f*re'?


An 'arrow' 'or' 'b*lt' 'sk*wered' (*cringes*) his...head....only for him to yank the 'object' out...before he keeled over?

Blinking in confusion and looking up, I next viewed at a freaking out gangster guy pointing a 'g**' at my head.

But for mysterious reasons, as soon as I witnessed the guy point the weap*n at me, he was 'deleted'?

All the fighters were deleted?

Rising to my feet, I noted the 'cover' 'fire' dude had been 'healed', and 'reset' to 'teenager' 'status'. He claimed amnesia? (*Cringes*).


I do not know what to do with today's event.

Until I get permanent / quasi-permanent surge events, I am just going to primarily witness subanime nonsense..., and 'anime' 'in-universe' 'storyline' 'nonsense'.

I do not know if I had a vision whilst present in the hyperdimensional overworld....which showed events that took place ***here*** as I slept, or if I had a vision that showed an incoming supermassive black hole that "reignited", or if I saw a demo....of a point-generated quasar.

Was it a vision of the past? The future?

I do not know......... .

I did a search as soon as I woke.

Not sure *what* happened earlier....., but even my vision abilities need a permanent surge event....... .

I have been thinking about my writings in the last couple years. I used to talk about seeking a starship?

Well even though generating a starship would likely require a permanent surge event, even with a starship, I would need to be parked in front of a star....with my Yggdrasil tree form sprouted.

Any "starship"....would be / would need to be...basically a big greenhouse?

***If*** such was to take place, my visions would consistently...be of beyond anime people, beyond anime worlds. and beyond anime matters.


If I was ever on a starship, and sprouting my Yggdrasil form / experiencing a permanent surge event, any ***DESCENT*** from that permanent surge event, for any reason, would have me witnessing 'the' 'worst' 'subanime' 'worlds' 'have' 'to' 'offer'.


black hole generation question, quasar, cosmic energy, visions, vision

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