So I Had Eyes On The Infiniversal Routing Expanse...

Feb 04, 2020 06:09


My visions and events...have been repeatedly proven for decades..... .

Last year..., though, an unexpected leap for my abilities took place.....after a discovery / designing....took place in regard to ***gender***.

In November, I, amidst perceiving the beyond anime (??) "template" body which 'Tifa'...'often' 'obscured' '/' 'dubbed' 'at', perceived the Infiniversal Routing Expanse cosmic superstructure...."squished flat".

I no longer witnessed 'mankind' long as that temporary "squishing" took place?

Another Infiniversal Routing Expanse squishing event took place in December, but it marked a new that I had eyes on the Infiniversal Routing Expanse, and even saw it was momentarily "squished" into a not / non fully deactivated "low pressure expanse".

As for yesterday's event, it did not have a full much as *repeated* and "long-term" visuals.


Ok. So ***yesterday***.....I unexpectedly found pictures...conveying the overall likeness of the object seen last year.

A new class of object was seen, specifically a supermassive black hole.....and the related "quasar" / "blazar"....galaxy structure(s)....all squished down to intraplanetary proportions.

I saw the most dense object in existence, specifically a galaxy / quasar / blazar.....squished / compressed the size of a "pulsar".

That said, and I think it / the be extremely crucial to realize, it took / takes lower amounts of data see / perceive / compress an entire...galactic scale mass......than it takes to see / perceive those holiest of holy.....innocent and loving lifeforms of the sanctified (and entropy-free) plane..... .

*Winced...and felt my nails flash*.

[Thinks that I likely may have only actively seen the components of the object...that pertain to *my* mana / energy].

Hmmmmmmmm............. .

I guess I can now discern how and why....I witnessed mankind no-selling at me as I witnessed 2004, and 2019.

Yea. Remember those proven cosmic events?

The ones have a 'superiority' 'complex'?

I wasn't even *particularly* looking to 'destroy' 'em'....... .

The ones are mad, hateful, and spiteful that I will not 'flatter' 'their' 'narcissistic' '&' 'warped' 'egos', nor "bow down" to 'em'... .


So when a quasar / blazar galactic scale structure...intrinsically paired with a supermassive black compressed.....via The Infiniversal Routing process, space and time art demonstrably routed (on a multiversal scale), and you can witness 'nothingness' 'incarnate' '/' 'H*ll'.

Now I understand the demonstrable and observable to how to witness 'subanime' 'mankind'.

(*Has a revelation about the energy generation capacity of the ____ of ___________ _____ ______...*).

Maybe this discovery means I have a chance to *survive* this thing / trial.....*if* I could generate and compress galactic scale...masses...before I even embarked on this trial.... .


Before I go, I noted affirmation that something *huge* took place yesterday.

I actually witnessed 'the' 'cheapest' 'of' 'the' 'cheap', 'the' 'most' 'insecure' 'of' 'the' 'insecure', 'tentatively' 'offer' 'a' '400' 'dollar' 'payment'.....on a 'tentative' '&' 'maybe-basis' '2-day' 'spotter' 'job'.

Remember what I said last year?

Any time a trialer witnesses 'money' 'offered' 'by' 'mankind', 'however' 'small' 'the' 'amount', *it's* *time* *to* *be* *on* *guard*.

Yea.....I was *only* going to witness the crazed & demonic monsters 'tearing' at my throat, and imposing fake 'poverty' '/' 'homelessness' 'scenarios'....lest I wielded demonstrable self defense capacities.

It's fine though.

I'll note 'em' 'all' 'deleted' soon.

Not even in 'hatred'.

I'm tired at 'their' 's***'.

'They' 'stink'.

astronomy, compressed supermassive black hole, infiniversal routing research, compressed galaxies, retrospection, astrophysics, discerning at emotive reasoning, infiniversal routing trial, discoveries, gender, lifestyle

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