Not Sure How Much Longer I'll Note The Mountain Riverfront Sanctuary...

Jan 29, 2020 18:44

Well...., I'm just straight up noticing fluid world event proof..., and proof for that contact event...from the other day.

Yesterday, and after witnessing that weird 'stalky' 'ambulance' 'tic' '/' 'nonsense' again....

....., I witnessed an 'absolutely' 'insane' 'situation'.

Initially I found myself shocked at an 'A_____' 'visit'. The one arrived at the house, announced a 'funeral' for a relative of his, and asked if I wanted to go on Wednesday?

I refused on account of wanting to avoid 'H_____' and 'J______' ('from' 'the' 'old' 'trailer' 'park').

I also refused because I had / have no clue whether or not I note 'A_____' and his 'spouse' are 'doing' 'or' 'selling' 'drugs', or 'something' 'else' 'illegal'.

I did note him hired for another roof cleaning job though?

He left after chatting a bit?

Well, what happened ***NEXT***, as in immediately next, was ***PROOF*** of last week's fluid world crisis event, ***and*** ***PROOF*** of the warning given to me by that scalp-massaging being (whom I again thank).

Remember that recent event where I caught at that Deliverance-tier hick dude, and the 'landlord' 'scheming'?

Well just after watching at 'A_______' leave, I noticed a strange truck...pull up and stop at my driveway.

[Glad I had my tape recorder still running....(I record all IRL events and phone calls now)].

From the truck...came a 'pair'.....claiming to have been sent by the 'landlord' to 'check' 'at' me?

The ones were suspicious, and claimed the landlord had been trying to reach me? (The phone did not list any recent texts).

My stomach was turned....for some reason.

The ones 'dripped' with the false compassion, and insincerity characteristic of most subanime Caucasians...that deal with Afric*n-Americans.

I soon caught at the ones lying...., and attempting to blame some old 2014-2016 me? Gutter damage present at the time...I even arrived to this house, and damage the 'landlord' 'wouldn't' fix.

I spoke up..., making sure to record everything.... .

After writing down my email contact information, I watched at the ones leave.

Well fast-forwarding to today..... / this morning, I witnessed an ***extremely*** irrational and terse...'email' that made false claims at me.

The one was freaking out, and claiming I did not tend the lawn (?!?)....

...., claiming I had the gutters packed with visible leaves.....('no-selling' the leaf blocking gutter guards installed by me last year or so)...

...., and claiming I 'left' a 'cobweb' 'up' (?!?!?!?).

The one made innuendo remarks about 'possible' 'eviction', 'and' '/' 'or' 'selling' 'at' the house?

Just like the fluid world event indicated, I noted the one making '****' 'up' out of nowhere '/' 'scheming', and based on 'feelz'..... .

I wrote an email....holding my ground, and just straight up said how I would rather note my time here.....closed on a good note....than 'deal' 'with' 'vitriol'.

I obviously note 'harassment' since I have been ***WINNING***.

After what I did with the cosmic wave demonstration, and the geomagnetically charged and steered hurric*ne last year, I did everything I sought to do with this house.....and soooo soooooo much more.



I'm not going to cry..... .

But I will say this, and that after demonstrably seeding this yard with trans-dimensional artifacts that *are* my property.

If I am no longer in this house, if I move, then I will no longer throttle my abilities....on account of this house.

If I note some 'dumpy' 'trailer' again, sure I might note mortals ' " 'feel' 'pretty' 'again' " ' 'for' 'a' 'day'...... .


Sure........ .

But what happens when the storms, the quakes, and the cosmic waves...surge to unprecedented levels? Which they will.

What happens then?

Something ***really*** intense must have happened recently....for me to note 'such' 'blatant' and 'irrational' 'antagonism'.

If noting imposed homelessness and a nasty 'trailer' 'didn't' 'stop' me *before* my cosmic wave generation redux event last year..., why do I note the enemy forces 'expect' 'a' 'different' 'outcome'.....for such nonsense imposed at my ***present*** performance levels?


Before I go, I need to state how I, earlier this morning, may have pinpointed the ***exact*** physiological location that corresponds to "psionic worlds" / "mindscape worlds"...... .

That took place, too, after apparently discovering the II sources of any and all "surge events".

I am not sure what this year will hold, but it is gearing up to be huge.

I give thanks to the beings who have supported me in my mission & travels.

Those beings support & love me whether I note a riverfront house, or witness a 'musty' 'camper' '/' 'trailer'.

I am very grateful to those beings. Thank you.

status report, moving or not moving

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