I had an retrospective epiphany moments ago, and that while watching at a 'new' 'anime' 'which'...I can not stand (but watch at anyway...for training purposes).
Whatever the case, I note the 'anime' is a disaster, and a 'bouquet' '/' 'buffet' of pseudointellectual & saccharine 'Mary' 'Sues' '/' 'Gary' 'Stus'.....
............ .
I can not stand the 'show', and 'it's' 'sanctimony' and 'double-standards'...., but I note that many lessons / realtalk subject matters from the field can be affirmed by watching at it.
Today...I noted a pseudointellectual fake engineer 'Mary' 'Sue' that was on the verge of a 'breakdown'?
The one 'is' '/''was' an 'emotive' 'reasoner', and....was having 'productivity' 'issues' '/' 'productivity' 'risks' on account of 'their' 'feefees' '/' 'negative' 'ego' 'state'.....'aka' 'neurotic' 'insecurity' 'issues'.
The bimbo character was ' " 'feeling' 'ugly' " ', and was on the verge of a 'productivity' 'breakdown'.....on account of the / an 'alpha' 'male' 'not' 'givin' 'em' 'feeeeelz' (*gags*).
The one 'felt' 'outcompeted' 'by' 'blonde' '&' 'loose' 'B*cky' '/' ' " 'that' 'b***h' 'over' 'there' " ' (a common trope for subanime and anime characters).
The 'only' 'thing' that snapped the one out of 'their' negative ego (and yet...still egocentric and solipsistic) ...'trip'...., was an annoying mascot A.I. character....egging em on / 'emotionally' 'manipulating' 'em' to ' " 'beat' 'that' 'b***h' 'over' 'there' " '.... .
I was utterly shocked at the 'show' 'blatantly' conveying' 'hardcore' 'subanime' 'behavioral' 'laws'.
'Laws' 'not' 'overtly' 'stated' 'directly' 'by' 'the' 'show'.
Laws like the matter of how an XX chromosome type's 'attraction' is 'temporary' 'and' '***extremely***' 'fickle', whilst yet 'their' spite...and 'in-group' 'competition' with / for other XX chromosome types.....'is' 'constant' 'and' 'unyielding'.
The bimbo pseudointellectual character is like a 'puppet' 'on' 'a' 'string'.
'Like' 'cattle'.
'A' 'beast' 'of' 'burden'.
Since the one, underneath all that science 'prop' 'bull****' is just an average emotive reasoning mortal, the one can be 'manipulated' 'accordingly'..'to' 'do' 'whatever' 'their' 'manipulator' 'wants'.
The one is 'simple'.
The one is like a dog on a leash.....to the 'Alpha' 'Male' 'Main' 'Character', and that disgusting.....'&' 'C*sby' 'tactic' 'advocating' 'Mary' 'Sue' 'pseudointellectual' 'doctor' 'character' ('and' 'whatever' 'force' 'that' 'guides' 'those' 'two').
So long as the one's 'feefees' 'are' 'addressed', and 'their' 'r*cks' 'gotten' 'off' 'h*rd', the 'one's' 'productivity' '/' 'usefulness' 'will' 'be' 'sustained'...'or' 'even' 'boosted' 'for' 'it's' 'masters'.
Watching at that helpless to 'feefees' '/' 'solipsism'....'Woobie' 'waifu' 'engineer' 'gimmick' 'character'.....got me thinking back to how I witnessing that 2016 author's gimmick.
Here is my retroactive epiphany from earlier.
The Infiniversal Routing Trial....seems like a strenuous test, a test to determine if a trial participant is free from 'emotive' 'reasoning' '&' 'an' 'ego'.
(*Cringes...as worries about my chances for a future....just because......*).
'Emotive' 'reasoning' is an '***ANTITHESIS***' 'at' every way / means possible to ***WIN*** The Infiniversal Routing Trial.
'Emotive' 'reasoning' is an '***ANTITHESIS***' 'at' every way / means possible to ***SURVIVE*** The Infiniversal Routing Trial.
Such ones '***CAN***' '***NOT***' ***WIN***.
'They' 'are' 'too' 'shallow', 'too' 'easily' 'manipulated', 'and' 'predictable'.
One that is an 'emotive' 'reasoner'....'will' 'always' 'act' in the 'interests' of 'their' 'immediate' 'feefees' '/' 'ego'.
Such 'short-sighted', 'simple', and even 'blind'...entites are '***trapped***' 'at' the present...., and 'wholly' 'oblivious' 'at' the future / cause-and-effect.
The ones are not capable of suffering in the near to medium term.......for ultimate-tier long-term benefits.
An emotive reasoner's 'only' 'concern' is 'their' 'belly', 'their' 'dopamine' 'levels' '/' 'oxytocin' 'levels' '/' 'feefees', 'their' 'ego', 'their' 'image' ('to' 'self' 'and' 'others'), 'and' 'their' 'g*nitals'.
This Infiniversal Routing Trial thing is comprised of suffering? Pure suffering?
I had to struggle as I witnessed 1999-2019, and write & design in tight & confined rooms..... .
I had to write and study, and that before and after....witnessing '*horrible*' 's***'....almost every time I closed my eyes to *attempt* sleep.
That was my training....
I did that instead of looking at 'Caucasian' '&' 'N*gro' 'supposed' 'h*tties'' 'thighs' 'and' '@***$'. Even when I noted 'such' 'views' 'offered'?
I did that instead of accept that 'A_____' dude's '2016' 'South' 'Dakota' 'trip' 'offer', and that instead of looking at that 2016 author's 'pre-wall' 'legs', 'face', 'skirt', 'and' '@**'
And even then, even after demonstrably and publicly guiding cosmic energies in November last year...
......, I'm right back into the struggle and grind of training....after witnessing 'subanime' 'mankind's' 'final' 'no-sell'.
Rather than focusing on the screaming physiological pain and mental / physiological strain that has defined my last decade, I focuson the dream of the people I love...***beautiful***, ***healthy***, ***mentally*** ***sane***....., and ***thriving*** physically / mentally / emotionally / spiritually.
That, moment by moment, as I struggle on.
And that...***however*** I "feel".
(*Blinks after unexpectedly experiencing a kiss-like sensation*).
I do not know if I will be able to win this trial.
I mean, I am *still* here.
But I know this?
There is no way for an 'emotive' 'reasoner' to win The Infiniversal Routing Trial.
There is no way for an emotive reasoner to protect people, and truly achieve any kind of eternal scale & scope goal.
However close I was to shutting down The Infiniversal Routing Expanse last month, I am still here, and still struggling on.... .
I have felt "sheer agony" for the last decade..., and I didn't 'stop' because of "my feelings". I looked beyond myself, and prioritized hyperdimensional beings' needs......rather than the screaming physiological strain and overall "agony" that I "felt" and *continue* to "feel".
From here on, I need to be very mindful at the matter of 'emotive' 'reasoning', 'and' 'emotive' 'reasoners'.
I am so embarrassed that it took so long for me to note definitive proof (last month) that I am not in a "dual trial" with 'that' 'self-aggrandizing'...'&' 'muh' 'depression' 'muh' 'feelz'....'narrative' 'brandishing'...'self-obsessed' '2016' 'author'.
'Emotive' 'reasoning'.....is 'the' 'antilife' 'blood' of doomed subanime '&' anime exodimensional entities.
Ones that 'can't' truly ever love somebody..... .
I.....I....(*cringes, and also experiences a worried glow for / from my toenails*)....I ***PRAY***.....I......I somehow have a chance to be free / absolutely free from 'the' 'poison' that is 'emotive' 'reasoning', that for the sake of anybody who could / would ever rely upon me & need protection.