Prismatic Red Starlight Surge Event...

Dec 05, 2019 11:48

I was not expecting to ***SEE*** it.... .

I was not expecting that I would be able to ***SEE*** it this time,

Remember all the proof of last month, and those blasts which rocked this entire plane?

And remember how I talked about a "Clear Expanse" event whereby I..., for a time, could not perceive any trace of subanime or anime mankind...period?

Well...moments ago...., and during a fluid (???) world event, I had a surge event....whereby I saw this entire plane colored by energy.

My energy.

Energy that went forth, as well as energy that returned.

Red & pulsing.....luminous energy.

I temporarily witnessed 'mankind' 'deleted' again, but it seems like pressure values did not reach the level necessary to "flatten" the Infiniversal Routing Expanse, and conclude this trial.

I tried to reach for my tablet or do a rays of prismatic red energy saturated this plane, but bleeps and bloops from the my hand.....attested widespread effects due to all of the energy streaming from me.


As for why and how the event took place, I, beforehand, witnessed a 'sickening' 'scene'. Some unknown entities 'roleplaying' 'as' 'overlords' were 'speaking' 'in' 'code'.....about an 'escaped' 'bird'. (Only later would I discern....the ones were gathered / gathering for a "conference", and referring at *me*.....?).

One, that was temporarily a subanime XX chromosome type 'upper' 'class' Caucasian, looked at me in a sinister manner......and made an offer whilst 'absolutely' 'dripping' 'with' 'malice'?

The one offered 'money' for the / an 'escaped' 'bird', and made it blatantly obvious that the one was referring at *me*.... .


The one was offering money at *me*???

I had always said that if I *EVER* note 'cheap***' and 'insecure' mankind offer '*ANY*' 'money' (more than a chump change couple hundred dollars)......then I would need to be on guard.

And heeding my own past words...I backed away..., and prepared to witness 'the' 'worst'.

My past hunch was validated.

The three (??) 'overlords' began to change / devolve into the 1980's fake family subanime Negroes.

One said some horrific s*** that seemed like s*mething out of that B*ble passage about S*dom and G*morrah, and threatened r*pe at me (*cringes hard in disgust*).

The fake family ghouls...then began changing into monstrous and 'colossal' demons....that had undead and 'discolored' '/' 'bluish' 'skin', and warped & 'disembodied' 'voices'.

I noted the crazed entities reached hideous and diseased hands at me... .

Utterly refusing, utterly defiant, I let forth the / a cry of "Starlight Wings!!!!!" or some like phrase relating to wings, and generated a surge event right there.


I noted the demonic entities the radiant red energy flows.


After things settled to the point where I perceived the seemingly stabilized mountain sanctuary house.....again, I heard at 'sirens'.

Hmmmmm....... .

Not sure if cosmic waves will be recorded like last month.

I had to do a ***deep*** reset so all the electronics in this plane would not be "zapped". (*Remembers how my tablet was making sounds reminiscent of sounds fronthose arcade machines from XXII years ago*).

What matters to me about this event that I yet again had ready access to the mechanism by which this Infiniversal Routing Trial shall be concluded.

More and more of these events happening, and with higher pressure & intensity, means the permanent collapse of The Infiniversal Routing Expanse.

Yea. No more witnessing 'mankind' period..... / non-trial conditions.

(Theorizes that I saw red pulses.....incoming and emitted during this latest event......on account of the pressure and speed being lower than that of "The Blue Place" event....from XIII years ago).

event report, surge event planning, surge event, infiniversal routing expanse collapse

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