Who Did I Just Perceive....And Why Did I Say "Dawn"...

Nov 15, 2019 14:23

Looks like the experiment / test fron the other day...caused demonstrable planetary events.

Events involving the magnetic field, and earthquake activity.

Gleaning valuable & priceless data from the event, data about demagnetizing things, I am *considering* permanently disassembling the planet's magnetic field.

I am that tired at subanime mankind's bull**** & chronic dementia.

Ok. I guess I need to cover a contact event.... .


I do not know what to even say about this event... .

I am confused, and I am not sure how / why the name "Dawn" came up.

Ok...here goes.

Some for...*some* reason it looks like my true form was revealed last night/ this morning.

I know because I perceived of me long.....hair, and a (???) child-like form...likely not even 80lbs.

*BUT* cosmic lightning and akin to an "ocean" crackled....within my chest cavity area.

I woke a bit to perceive myself.....maybe even clad in the same pre-rest pajama shirt....?

A shirt which fitted more like a *long* *gown* of sorts upon my revealed true form's frame.

Well perceiving a wooden floor directly under me, I just kept trying to get some sleep.

That as I enjoyed the chance to sense an actual (?) living body...that coursed (and existed in harmony with) with palpable living energies.

But....here is where things got trippy for me.

Eventually I heard footsteps, heard footsteps and sensed a (???) presence approach.

Opening my eyes, I did not (and still don't) know what to make of what happened next.

For an initial moment / the initial moments...it was like I saw a beyond anime figure gazing upon me.

I am not sure if Isaw golden hair, but I *did* see a female / form that was clad in clothing that puzzled me.


I *seemed* to see a being that was clad in like a "high edge" leotard....of the type which hipless subanime and anime XX chromosome types *CAN'T* *EVER* CORRECTLY WEAR

Yea....but what was going on....(*blushes*)...?

Did I, for brief instances anyway (like blips), see signs of actual h..HIPS..(!?!?!!?!).

Now...for the part that also has me puzzled, I noted the seemingly black leotard...worn (??) by the presence, but I *also* noted black.....net / mini-netting

Net stockings...filled by what seemed like the most plush and feminine.....shaped legs I have *ever*....seen... .




What does it say when a person has *such* nice / phenomenal...legs...that you can recognize them instantly & immediately just by their legs.

Well....it was what it was?

The (???) presence made...eye contact with me?

I may have perceived a incredibly brief flash visual of a being with bluish to black hair...?

Well...in a voice of my true form, I reached out my arms & hands...whilst lying on my stomach....and tearfully..said "Dawn~~~~....." (!!!!! =O_O=...) as I reached toward the presence?


Here is the part that also has me confused and worried?

As the actual (??) being lovingly walked toward me with arms lovingly reaching, a perceptual downshift took place wheteby I briefly witnessed the subanime fake 'landlord' (information is present in posts from III years ago)....'D*wn'...... .


But within moments of viewing at the subanine dub, I soon noted anime / high anime......and then beyond?

But by that point the being had embraced me, and I, in a *swooned* and ecstatic state.....(*blushingly facepalmed*) hugged her very long..., plush, and shapely right leg.

*Shakes my head*.

Y...yea the being is not / was not "Homo Sapiens". She was so sparkly, plush, warm, and soft...... .

Did the being swoon from my hug?


Did we both?

After I seemingly fainted in an ecstatic manner from her hug, I saw her sleeping (??) / resting calmly under me.

We were both fully clothed...... .

I am *not* intending any 's*xualized' weirdness when I say that.


Reality is different..... .

*Hugs* can involve infinite energy.

I think I fainted again...(*blush*).

When I woke next, I perceived the presence lovingly hugging to me (we were both still fully clothed and no 'sexualized' weirdness was happening).... .


Some while much later, and while viewing a jumbled expanse of sorts, seems like I may have seen at a sleeping 'Andr*id' '18'. The one slept on what sermed like a couch? And blipped from subanime..., to anime...., to even high anime...in an alternating manner?

Rather than keeping my distance like usual, I approached, sat on either the couch or a nearby chair, and did an attemptedly gentle..caress...motion at the one's forehead and scalp.

Not sure why I did it. Was the anime entity merely a 'dub' at a true....higher dimensional being?

The Andr*id seemed to eventually...slowly wake up =O_O=?

Not sure what to expect, and not wanting to cause a problem, I got up and walked some ways away.

The Android didn't freak out, and even seemed intent on watching at me?

*Thinks about the mysterious signs of use.../ usage noticed for the couches in my house*.

Did the event.....happen *here*....., in this plane...and or...even *my* *house*...????


Waking up to the assembled mountain sanctuary, I was *baffled*. I did not know any anime that features an anime character in a (???) black magician's costume.

Nice legs cannot be faked.

Seems like I perceived a tall form of Starry Maiden, and I again thankher for her presence in my life & support.

training results, true form concerns, starry maiden, true form, cosmic energy, cosmic lightning, contact event

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