Ready To Reveal An Omn_versal Tier Truth

Nov 02, 2019 03:25

I have had the framework of a post.....waiting in the post buffer for a couple .

But I held posting it?


Because of the "finality" of it. It is a post with contents that can not 'be' 'taken' 'back'.

I hold back heavily....on this *online* journal.

I do not regularly post omniversal tier discoveries / illustrations on here, and that as a means to hide hard-won knowledge from lazy faker bimbos and imposters.... .

But I think I am going to go ahead and post some information. And that...after what happened yesterday.


So....I have been noting victories lately...... .

Real life manifestations of will & magic happen within days now.....?

I have lots and lots of proof.

An abundance of proof.

*Prays in thanksgiving*.

So I guess I, as such, witnessed an 'old-fashioned' 'b_tthurt' 'reaction' from mankind.

The ones tried the 'same' 'olde' 'outdated' 'ego' 'assault' 'pattern', and 'tried' 'to' 'force' " 'feel' 'ugly' "...?

Yea. I noted a unannounced fake l_ndlord visit...with no monthly notice?

That even though I have proven, by my abilities, that the elements and all true items / resources within this mindscape realm art mine?

I managed to flip the situation...., but even then I noted an 8 year 'time' 'limit' at my access to this house.....suggested / toyed around by the one. here it comes.... .

I need to go ahead, and pave the way for planetary events like pole shifts, as well as any other defensive acts.

Acts which will allow me to witness a massive subanime mortal / pest 'p*pulati*n' 'reduction'.

Yes. I need to tell the truth in advance.

Trigger Warning: This post is not meant for mortsls.


So here is the reveal.

Witnessing the mid 1980's, I was very sensitive to energy..., and smells

Everything I acutely know now on a "mental" / "cerebral" level, my *then* nose and energy senses were already telling me.

Yea, but I *got* *scared* back then, and it was like my nose and energy senses heavily...shut down.... .

But as it stands, my ***current*** levels of knowledge & experience hath caught up with what my senses of yore were telling me.

So the truth?

The truth is that I note 'Halloween' is and was "limited hangout".....

............ .

Subanime, by default, is the light of the dead. The undead. GHOULS..

***ABSOLUTELY*** lifeless entities overran with death, entropy, unnaturally foul....odors that hath no place whatsoever in a / the living world, diseased and sick / ill 'minds' that hath no place in the living world, unnatural and unpleasant fake emotions that hath no place in the living world, dead 'antisouls', and 'infectious' 'decay'.

Coming up decades ago, I witnessed mankind relentlessly create excuses...of fake Science for 'their' 'demonic' '&' 'exodimensional' 'stench' '&' 'rot'.

I also noted dumb gimmicks like "Halloween" created to obscure at the truth.

The truth is unchanged though.

The truth is that when a person witnesses death gas emitting, putrifying, and po*ping / ur*nating / menstr*ating subanime mortals, that person witnesses the undead.


I didn't have to watch at a 'video' of some stinking...a**....diseased XX chromosome type subanime ghoul smearing H*rpes, HPV, and s**t stains to 'willing' '&' 'undead' patrons' beer glasses for me to know the truth....

image Click to view

image Click to view

...., no, but inadvertently witnessing such...*is* confirmation and affirmation.


I know the truth.

It is not that I notice mankind 'becoming' 'bad' I witness exposed and rampant undead degeneracy these days.


I am just noting the ones' ghoulish, demonic, and undead...'true' 'natures' exposed.


Time to bring this post home, and close.

Looks like I may have to take defensive steps soon, and that since I note mankind will not chill ..with the a*tistic b*tthurt reactions at my mounting victories.


As such, if I trigger massive w*ldfires, tsunamis, meteors, storms, hurricanes, pole shifts, novas / supernovas, or whatever of such events in the future, I am not 'stealing' 'lives'.

Unh unh.

Subanime mankind lied at me.

Subanime mortals 'weren't' ever truly alive.

'Not' physically, 'not' spiritually, 'not' mentally, 'not' emotionally.

Reality responds to intentions, and detailed statements of intention, so here art mine.

I am not going to hold back my energy, my events, and my development for some rotten @**.....filthy ghouls...that are 'already' 'dead'.

I think I may remove my "gloves" soon.

I'm tired at subanime mankind.

Even before I awoke my abilities...I noted 'they' 's*cked' '***HARD***'. But the ones...getting b*tthurt at my awakening abilities & victories....'is' 'insufferable'.

If I do not note the ones chill out with the ego, ego-based b*tthurt, and b*ll****, I can do waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more than just Schumann wing drawings.......with my cosmic lightning abilities / weathet manifestation abilities / energy generation abilities.

facing facts, truth, life lessons, defense protocols

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