Racing Through An Event Report

Oct 26, 2019 18:47

Before I even go into this post, I need to mention how a shocking and perhaps even revolutionary discovery took place today.

A discovery that not only meshed in an exact manner with a post topic I was intending, but also a discovery that may be necessary to conclude and resolve the last II decades of......"surge events"..... .

The find took place around noon, and as I, IRL, found myself surging / seeming runbling with cosmic energy......

Of course I will...*not* go into detail about the discovery on here........ .


I guess I will do a chronological type recep post...... .

Before today's discovery took place, I was going to report about noting a 'dog' '/' 'w*lf' 'attack'......during / following a black expanse event of sorts.

Now, though, I want to just recap stuff fast, and get to writing & illustrating in my main journal / paper journal.

Okay...... .

So yesterday, I made an attempt for a rainy day feast.

I warmed myself up with pot roast that featured lots of sliced vegetables...... .


After having some lunch / dinner, I laid back to rest, and inadvertently found myself witnessing '***HORRIBLE***' 'scenarios' at either a fluid world event, or a dimension diving event, or both.


So after lying back to get some shut eye, I woke to find myself seated...... .

Ugh.... .

I viewed at the interior of 'dank' '1990's' 'school' 'bus', and one that was in motion?

Unknown Caucasian mortal juveniles were seated at the bus, and interspersed amidst the unknown ones was a W*l*ingt*n Caucasian from the early 1990's...?

I was *not* in a mood....for any 1990's 'reset' 'stuff', and in testament to that, I still noted a (*cringe*) '30's', '20's', or '18ish' 'body'.

Whatever force was behind the unwelcome nonsense, I noticed 'it'.....'proverbially' 'go' 'for' 'the' 'jugular' / *my* jugular.

Some force was attempting to 'gouge' 'at' my emotions?


'Hysterical' and 'gossiping' 'j*veniles' 'started' 'tattling', and insinuating that some (*cringes hard*) juvenile seated at the bus...had been.....'r______ed'..

..(*groans in agony at 'such' 'a' 'horrible' 'concept'....*)..

....... .


Just no.

I was *already* ready to just get up, fly at a window or ceiling, and get away?

Yea, but I noted an unknown juvenile...begin to vomit, and vomit '*depression-saturated*' the bus aisle and seats...... .

I actually experienced fear?


I detect a '***godly***' amount of depression and dreariness from the puke, and on the 'h'llbus'.

After that, I eventually found myself back to the mountain sanctuary, and making an effort to "stay awake"....that lasted way past midnight..... . I stayed as to strategically avoid 'whatever' 'sourced' 'that' 'awful' 'event' 'at' me.


This post portion could use an entire post portion of it's own, but I have writing to do in my physical journal tonight.........and want to get this done.

So last night......after waking to the sanctuary...., I had some N**tropocs (Gotu K*la and B*copa), got to tweaking my pot roast.....into a rice and gravy type affair, and then settled in to study at L*lu for the night.

The dude was an 'alcoholic' 'mess'........... .

But what 'finished' 'him', and perhaps exposed him as hopelessly doomed and weak, was / is his 'absolutely' 'atrocious'.......and 'bad' 'taste'........'in' 'choosing' 'fake' 'women'.


The ones an entity chooses and prefers in 's*xual' 'partner' 'directly' 'exposes' 'their' 'own' 'nature'.

Only a ghoul.....would seek 'literal' 'ghouls'.



Let's move the report at that 'fight'.

Some point after noting 3am........., I decided to lay my head back......, and see about catching some actual rest / sleep.

So what happened?

I am not sure if I was releasing energy during a black expanse event........., or if I was witnessing an 'assault' 'at' me.....from 'afar'.

For the initial part, I viewed at an unstable version of 1990's reset, but apparently noticed 'fires' 'bursting' 'up' 'at' my surroundings...... . I had protection, so I was not injured..... .

Yea, but then I seemingly noticed 'forceful' 'tornadic' 'winds' dumped at me........, and my general....location.....amidst glips / flashes of what seemed like a black expanse environment..... .

Again...though I was uninjured, and even just stood in confusion as a 'drilling' 'energy' 'tornado' 'dissipated' 'at' my personal armored energy field?

I began to deduce that I was perhaps witnessing an 'assault'.....when I noted 'flood' '/' 'tidal' 'wave' 'waters' 'slam' 'at' me though........?

Trippy as it was, I remember even noting a 1990's fake sibling caught up in the 'flood'. (The same one was perhaps around for the 'fires' 'too'.... .

Again I was uninjured, as soon as I perceived a 'solidifying' and 'drying' 1990's residential setting..., I stood up and marched at a / the subanime house door...... .

Well...what happened next was like noting a 'Resident' 'Evil' 'jumpscare'.

After pushing at a door, a triad of monstrous dogs / w*lf-like dogs........, beasts waiting on the other side, lunged at me with unnatural speed and power........?

The snarling beasts seemed angry, and the one in the middle had brown and black coloration...?

Instinctually, I charged forward, and grabbed at the middle one....with a wrestling hug.....maneuver.

*Shakes my head*.

I did the wrestling hug to try to protect my face, and neck, but noticed the dog / beast starting to behave strangely?

*Facepalms and groans*.

The beast began to lose literal size, and lose power?

Not sure what happened to the other two beasts,...... .

*Shakes my head*,

But the longer I held at the beast's stomach, and the more I squeezed, the more I noticed losing it's fighting power?

I released my wrestling hug / bear hug, and that as to make room for a concluding blast.

The beast staggered about, and briefly looked at me strangely....?

Before I could launch a blast though, I noticed a 1990's fake fattie sibling punching (*cringes*)...the unknown assailant mercilessly...with fierce head blows?

*Groans..and I can't stand violence*.

About item from the mountain sanctuary zone manifested....nearby.

I planned my next move accordingly.

The manifested object was a weight?

I picked up the object, and charged it with gravity to boost it's weight.

Aiming at the beast entity, I experienced pain and guilt.

I hesitated for a moment...., and experienced pain. But I was not willing to deal with 'days' or 'weeks' of 'fights'.

I chucked the gravity artifact (that contained stars within it by that point) at the beast's neck.

I will not speculate about the attack, or attacking force right now.


Around noon I began to think deeply about matters.

I said how, my discoveries / lifestyle / personal experiences / adventures / events / training / training results aside, I noted 2009-2019 was a 'train' 'wreck' '/' 'dumpster' 'fire'..... .

I admitted how I note / noted subanime mankind exposed as hopelessly 'r*tarded' '&' 'insane'... .

Speaking aloud, I likened witnessing subanime mankind to witnessing an 'insane' 'asylum', and one where only force can beat back the crazies.., and '***temporarily***' keep em in long as force or the threat of it is maintained.

[Yea. The collapse of Chr*stianity, and the subsequent collapse of Caucasian 'societies' exposes such too?].

That said, I asked myself....why I am, and witnessing mortal failures. And even after having proved my abilities for so long.

Then my mind & heart turned to IV-V years ago...... .

I admitted that I note 2009-2019 anime......, too, has basically all been a failure. A failure, and of no assistance to me?

I even said that "MLP: F*M" was the 'lone' 'effigy' that basically beat out any and all 2009-2019 anime..., "games"..., or 'lame' 'subanime' 'societal' 'developments', and that...even with it's weaknesses.

That was when I watched at a YT video.... .

......... .

'P*nkie' 'dubs' 'at' my perception of a....literal & real divine being who has been in my life for the past III decades..... .

A being who yet I still struggle to perceive due to my struggling physiology having issues perceiving her infinite energy, infinite radiance, infinite warmth, infinite care, infinite love, infinite datw, and infinite vitality.... .

A being who has unceasingly tried to reach me, IRL, for ***DECADES***.


I decided that there is a reason my abilities have been stuck....over the decade, and I did not try to blame any mortal..... .


Okay....I think this post portion should be continued in another post, and a post done either tomorrow or later.

I think I have ***somehow**** found...why I have yet to experience a completed surge event.

Yea, and I am just holding back on here...../ this online journal anyway...... .

It's time for me to draw.....that which, I pray, may lead to my advancement to a new dimension of performance.


Let's close this post here.

fights, discoveries, research and analysis

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