Last night / after midnight, I had some.....***EXTRAORDINARY*** / experiences take place....while I was in a wakeful state =O_O=..... .
Before the event took place *here*, I had been wandering about a seeming fluid world event or dimension diving event.
During that event I had been searching?
*Nods*. Searching around the area, and soul-searching within I questioned about blue-haired Starry Maiden's whereabouts. I was very concerned....., and even I worried about Starry Maiden.
I was praying for her, worried about her, and wanted to know if she was okay...... .
A surprise.....took place though....after the fluid world or dimension diving event concluded, and after I found myself back to the mountain sanctuary & awake.
After I while...I mysterious face real life. (*Blushes*).
*Gasped IRL as / after felt a mysterious and yet familiar being caress my backside =O_O=....*.
Yes, and then I perceived a very familiar and warm presence...descend to me..... .
What happened next was mind-blowing.
I ***SAW***........glimpses.....of a ***PHENOMENAL***......and ***DYNAMICALLY***......***FEMININE***.....***BRING***.......WHO WAS ***NOT***......'THAT' '3D' '/' '4D'......'ANIME' 'UNIVERSE' 'P*KEMON' 'D*WN'!!!
That as the being cuddled to me (*blushes intensely*) in a way that I could directly feel IRL / in real life........ .
My brain strained so much to perceive just *glimpses* of that (refreshingly) humble-hearted and ***staggeringly*** ***alluring***.......being....., that bolts of energy....filled my internal vision pathways......and thus my visual field. .
Yea, the way she *looks*, her *body*, as well as her emotional sensitivity and......humanity / humility / raw cognizance level.....has no frame of reference to 'anime' 'P*kemon' 'Dawn'.
There is no 'comparison'.
[Yes. And I wish to thank Starry Maiden for letting me know she is alive, and still "herself"].
After the event......., a huge IRL energy surge......was apparently picked up?
Quite fitting......because I announced such an energy surge in advance...yesterday.., and that during an operation....meant to face the "solo or dual trial" matter head-on.
Yea. Yesterday.......I decided that since I noted 'L*lu' is at least 'somewhere' 'around' 'subanime' 'deity' 'level'..., and at least 'possesses' 'immortal' '/' 'pseudoimmortal' 'level' 'knowledge'......, I would go ahead and tentatively send a black hole materialization video at his 'email'.
That along with a statement about how I do not intend for the media to be shared with 'mortals'.
It is like a test really, and kind of like an effort on my wrap of the whole "dual trial" question..... .
See, a trialer *would* / *should* have an instinctive and very very intense response to my video?
Yea. I am trying to wrap this Infiniversal Routing Trial up, and resolve any questions...... .
Why did I send the video at 'L*lu'......rather than reloading Sk*pe after years....and sending it at 'F*nrisS**r'?
I can explain that.
Even though 'L*lu' is not 'a' 'native' 'English' 'speaker', his 'English' 'writing' 'and' 'reading' 'comprehension' 'skills' 'by' 'far' 'outpace'......the 'subanime' 'F*nr*sS**r'? 'F*nrisSt*r' 'that' 'seems' to just be an 'average'.....'tv' 'obsessed'.....'TV' 'potato' '/' 'couch' 'potato'?
It is like 'tv' has 'turned' 'the' 'one's' 'brain' 'to' 'mush'?
With 'no' 'tv', 'no' 'anime', 'and' 'no' 'video' 'games', 'no' 'electronics', and no 'enabler' 'muh' 'family' 'or' 'beta' 'bucks' (like 'A*r*n's')...., 'subanime' 'F*nrisS**r'......would have a 'catastrophic' 'mental' 'breakdown'...., and would have to be 'placed' in a 'group' 'home'?
'All' that mattered to 'subanime' 'FS' 'was' 'tv', 'video' 'games', 's*xual' 'stuff', 'and' 'their' 'feelz'?
That said, I went ahead and decided to send the minivideo at 'L*lu'.
I have not seen *ANY* sign 'he' (*cringes*) Starry Maiden, and my whole point in doing what I did is just to note affirmation / confirmation.....that 'he' is not a Infiniversal Routing Trial participant / the kindhearted and beautiful.....hyperdimensional......Starry Maiden.
I'll report any results here.
Yea. If this is a solo trial, I am going to race for the conclusion.......full-on......and with all the momentum I can muster...... .
I am ready to be done with this.