Sep 16, 2019 21:20
Oh wow.... .
So much news.... .
I'll have to be brief though because I have a disorientingly intense headache, and I am in such a state...that just preparing / slicing / cooking my dinner....caused me to hear an intense & steady...ringing in my I stumbled around.
(In this current...state....I will have to be careful that I do not faint......with appliances left on).
I now have an to why I have not, and currently do not note 'anime' 'worldd' full-time.
I am *so* *glad* I took responsibility, and didn't 'blame' 'F*nr*sS**r'...... .
(*Blinks as I perceived a caress..., a mysterious caress to my backside*).
I am so glad I did not 'issue' 'blame', and 'shirk' 'at' accountability and responsibility.
I am so glad I didn't 'buy' any ' " 'guaranteed' 'death' 'partner' " '.....'accusations' 'at' The Infiniversal Routing Trial.
The truth is apparently this.
My data processing load through the years......*WAS* *ALREADY* *CHOCK*.......*FULL*, and that because I, realtime, WAS ALREADY SEEING A BEYOND 'ANIME' LOCATION.
Rather than noting 'an' 'anime' 'world' 'transformation' when I witnessed '2005', which I was fully able to do......, my data processing & energies.....***INSTEAD***......went into perceiving The Blue Place..... .
Yes. The location that is ***CENTRAL*** me actually concluding The Infiniversal Routing Trial.
No 'anime' 'ship'......'can' 'replace' what The Blue Place......means / does.
Not even a beyond anime starship.....of the highest caliber...could / would 'replace' what The Blue Place......does for me / can do for me.
The Blur Place was the priority, and perceiving it.....?takes an ***IMMENSE*** amount of data processing.
Yea, and I have been seeing it in my field of vision for years, IN REAL LIFE and *WHILE* awake, but I *just* *didn't* *actively* *know*......what it was.
I have never had any discoveries larger than those...that took place over this past week / night.
* my head...aches...with intense pain*.
I saw The Blue my field of*blinks as perceived a mysterious touch to my right hip*).
Oh.... . I guess I should report what happened after that?
I will skip over a lot of other stuff, but I had a long and dizzy bout of fluid world That when I tried to rest...after last night.
But when I woke up to *this* plane earlier, I apparently found myself hovering over my bed?
Initally I witnessed a visual of an 'animesque' 'upgraded' N*gro graft body......., and I guess (????) I saw myself resting below or something...... .
Yea, but the next part was very trippy.
Something happened..... .
So next / within moments I noted the anime man gone, and......I viewed at an unknown.......and sleeping anime brunette XX chromosome type....... .
The one seemed to have 'pigtails', appeared '11-14' (*cringe*), and was wearing either blue or green pajama clothes (sleeved top and pants)? The one kept tossing and if undergoing intense pain?
The bed looked *exactly* like mine, blue sheet and all, so I was confused.
The one even strangely.....seemed to be lying at the very bed position...(the upper right corner) I usually take...., and the one was turned on their right side.......?
So guess what happened?
I woke up, woozily, with my head ***hurting***..... .And after some wavery sensations like gravity waves...or such.....pulsed the area...., I experienced intense physical agony....and tried to clear my breathing ways (it was like I noted a nose collapse or something).
I had to atruggle to maintain consciousness.....such was the pain and disorientation.... .
Yea. I understand now. I could have noted anime......any time I guess.
But it was more important for my goals for me to note The Blue Place........rather than 'chase' 'anime'.
If so, ***I*** ***AGREE*** with the way my life has gone.
I do not want 'anime'.
I want to utilize The Blue Place to it's full capacity.
*Prays in thanksgiving*.
I give thanks that this day could come, and I thank the beings who supported me / support me in my mission.
lessons learned by pain,
the blue place,
planning for the future,