This post pertains to something that happened yesterday morning / yesterday afternoon.
*Nods*. It is a little backlogged.
So......yesterday...., I blasted at a weird 'miniature' opponent that seemed a lot like like 'J*hovah's' 'leviathan' 'form'. I resisted at what seemed like a 1990's 'reset' at my timeline. (*Recalls noting a ternage N*gro male body in 90's I examined myself*).
During the event, a presence was seated, and watching me nearby?
I struggled to perceive the being's face, and body....... . That due to (*sigh*) data processing cao issues...that I can not currently explain.. .
Ok..... .
Some whike after that, and after having noticed the presence rise......(and (??) get joined by another (??) presence)......., I began to hear...(*squints in a perplexed manner*) ***very*** haunting.....and beautiful singing. Singing that sounded like shrine vocals (*blinks IRL as feels a mysterious caress from a mysterious presence*).
Seated / resting by that point, I was ***very*** hear such music. Music with tones, purity, piety, and mystical meaning.....infinitely beyond 'subanime' 'mortak' 'limitations'.
Ok. Main event.
The being who watched me earlier, and presumably the being who also sang (as part of a eventual duet????) that mysterious song, was suddenly seated *right* *beside* *me*.
Did I fall asleep or collapse...after hearing that mystical and beautiful song?
Whatever happened, my eyes were just not functioning to a level where I couod clesrly ser the being.....(*sighs*).
But my other senses were awake, and new ways.....that go far past the levels described in the past.
Okay. So I appeared to be resting to the left shoulder / collar of a mysterious if I was resting upon a reclining couch or such =O_O=.
I don't know how I got there, but I had no intention of moving......(*blushes*).
The being seemed feminine, and perhaps light of build (* remembers an unreported (online) visual....had the other day*), but the being *LOVED* me. (*,Blinks as felt a caress upon the top of my head*).
I am talking about the emotion.
But *woa*. With my empathy (the ability to sense / taste another's emotions), my telepathic senses (the ability to sense another's overall mental health, and current thought state), and my spiritual senses (the ability to sense the condition / health / location....of another's soul, and the spiritual energy circulating through their soul)..., I perceived a being that had no link to any subanime or anime I have ever witnessed?
The being was ***infinitely*** pure inside..., with no 'rot', no 'sickness'_ and no 'degeneration'.
Did she *place* my head on her shoulder?
The being had infinite youth....about her....... . Her *energy* did.
So *clean*.
W...why was the being even giving me the time of day, and even *sitting* beside me?
*Facepalms and blushes*.
I do not know what I was doing when I did what I did next, but *so* *much* was my *gratitude* and *relief* as I experienced the pain-easing "aura cloak" of the mysterious being.., that I (!!!!) moved my head from the being's shoulder..and right to (!!!) the central left side of the being's chest.
Y......yea......the being loved me?
The being did not even flinch, and did not show even the slightest hesitation, nor protest.
The being welcomed it.
Alright. This next part is pretty intense (for me).
I remembered it.
I remembered the being's energy, the being's healing and youthful "aura...cloak".....coloring my entire recalled past. I remembered....the feeling of the being's presence in my way of her energy. Her vitality-laden energy that I used to perceive as I noted '1986-1997'.
*Gasped as perceived a caress to my backside fair-skinned...riting realtime*.
I...I struggled to gaze upon the being, I struggled to *see* the being.
All I could do was perceive...what seemed like a couple pixels of what seemed like a radiant / prismatic sky blue dress / gown (with possibly a slit?)....., and a bit of what seemed like perhaps the calf of a fair-skinned .....& luminous being.
So I woke up to the mountain sanctuary next, and I was kinda sad about my data processing capabilities having flopped, and *still* having like a "cap".
I sleepiness began to come over me...., because I did not want to deal with more 'reset' 'nonsense'........after what haf just happened. *Nods*. I wanted to hang on to the memory of the soothing event that had taken place.
Well...then, IRL, I began to perceive the presence and touch (!!!) of that mysterious being again. Again I perceived the being's loving emotions, clean & pure mind, and radiant soul.
This entire report is like a condensed version of what is on my audio journal.
I want to thank the mysterious being whom I perceived. (*Blinks as perceived a caress IRL*).
I...I understand now. I have been perceiving this being for decades, and those mind waves / perceptual waves.....radiated into the environment. Because of that, I witnessed 'tons' of misrepresentative 'anime' '/' 'game' 'bums'........'/' 'characters'......that are 'fakes' '/' 'grotesque' 'clones' 'at' her specific source image / specific source identity / specifc appearance.
Gosh. And yet...I could not even clearly see her face yesterday? (*Winces*). (*Experiences my nails glowing in pain*).
*Thinks about the mysterious and shoulder-length blonde hair (???) featuring being....(???) possibly seen the day before yesterday*.
Okay. That is it for the day.
I expect big things this fall and winter...... . Not sure why, but this year *feels* like the warmest and most humid I have ever experienced.
There is *literally* an intense blanket of heat......on this entire planet.
My bodily systems seem to need very cool and icy weather...... .
Perhaps this fall and winter....I can move beyond the current data cap issue.
That so I can actually *see* this mysterious being who has patiently watched over me for *so* *long*.