I had just woke up to the mountain sanctuary after a surge event took place.....
....., and began doing checks......
The surge event was actually *anticipated* (!!!) (*blushes intensely*) due to...um "reasons".
So I had decided to rest.......(*after watching at USGS.....some beforehand / past midnight*)....,.... .
Well, amidst trying to sleep......, I suddenly perceived "brightness" about the very very dark and humid mountainside. I suddenly heard at the 'neighbor' 'dude's' 'goat' begin to '*HOLLER*'.....as if 'screaming' 'bl**dy' 'm*rder', and then.....the event was was upon me.
A deep upwelling of vitality-laden and colorful cosmic energy......burst forth from within me............, burst forth whilst yet I stayed awake & conscious. The goat hollered louder? (*Chuckles in bewilderment*). I began to yell / roar.....as the energy came forth, and I noted the 'cartoonish' 'goat' 'join' 'at' the volume of my rising yell?
Then....the energy surge ebbed a bit...., ebbed......until coming forth even more (!!!!). I yelled / roared...as I sensed a streaming column of energy rising into the sky, and I noted the 'neighbir's' 'goat' 'screaming' 'along' (*cackles*).......(*shakes my head*) 'at' my yell / roar.
I think I tried to rest a while after that, and maybe napped some....afterwards.
Hmmmm..... .
Now, amidst writing, I am suddenly remembering that I woke to a kinda brief and choppy.....surge event IRL....sometime...yesterday, or Friday...... .
Oh. I slipped up in the last post.
After having the cross dimensional resource yesterday, and after meditating, I had an event as I tried to rest.
I was *stuck* witnessing the 'FF7' 'world', and from a high up view.....I witnessed 'Barrett'...., 'Barret' or 'whoever'........'tryna' 'k*ll' (*winces*) some dude.... . A Caucasian animesque dude? The brawling N*gro even had some weird 12-20ft size increase, and went for douboe stomping the man he had knocked onto the ground?
(*Suddenly perceived a gentle touch (!!!) to my backside (?!?) from a mysterious and feminine....seeming presence*).
That event happened *before* I noted that (???) subanime anime hybrid XX chromosome type grafted at my existence, and as I tried to work my way up to perceiving my true form. I wonder.....if I witnessed the beast of a man attacking at *me*....... .
If so, that goes into a strategically sensitive topic I don't much about on this journal.
Okay That is it for now.