Where Does This Journal Go From Here? / Learning To Fly IRL. / Anything Is Possible From Here

May 27, 2019 22:39

Time for a little review time... .

I now have video evidence, proof, of the IRL blasts I have talked about for years...... .

What actually *worries* me a bit, is how *I* just wanted to *dance* when I filmed the above. Just me dancing / wanting to dance......would have likely burned my house down if not for the "dampening" gemstones on my person and *on* *my* *bed*.

Not only that, but because of noting 'beady', 'weak', 'atrophied', and just 'too' 'small' 'subanime' 'eyes' (???)......., I had to rely on a f*ll sp*ctrum camera....just to show me what has been going on for years...... .

The above GIF shows exactly how I caused those IRL fires as I witnessed '2014'..... .

So...where do I go from here?

Well, for me to *safely* train my abilities, I would likely need electronic....f*ll sp*ctrum vision goggles......in my current state? Those for visual feedback.....regarding the energy which I generate / manifest. But then again, my own energy would likely fry those (*winces*) (*experienced a worried glowing...sensation within my fingernails*).

Looks like I am just going to have to face facts? A 'busted' '***' 'subanime' 'body', even the 'best' of 'em', 'ain't' compatible....with magic & special abilities.

I need some real eyes.... .

In the meanwhile though, I can say with certainty that I know how to fly..(in theory). Fly, as well as develop boosted athleticism of a level consummate to throwing cars over mountaintops and the like..... .

All I have to do....is coat myself....., coat my bodily form, in the energy shown in the above video capture. I know it is possible.....because I have used basic examples of such in the past.

Ulgh. If only I had access....to my real...eyes though.

But yea. Seems like anything is possible from here, and a new era is present.

If I learn to control the energy...filmed in the above capture, and *genrrate* *more* *of* *it*, I could fly to other inhabitable planets IRL. I could even focus the energy, bend space accordingly, and instantly reach other inhabitable planets IRL.

Yea. My life has gone the way it should have? 'A' 'trillion' 'dollars' 'can't' 'buy' special abilities (*heard an intense whirring sound in my right ear).

Energy generation has versatile applications. With a city-sized energy blast, for example, I couod use matter transfiguration abilities to *make* a starship of Titanium, Steel, D*amond / Carbon, and S*lver.

In other words, I could even use my abilities in a "matter generation factory" type application...when paired with matter transfiguration. I can / could make mountains of G*ld.

Even entire....planets.....of solid.....G*ld eventually... .

image Click to view

image Click to view

Yea. Anything can happen from here on....... .

I just have video proof of it now............ .

Me? I need to put my brain to work, and come up with tactics & strategies.....to take these awakened & steadily awakening abilities of mine to a higher level.

No s****y 'movie' from 'H*llywood' matches reality.

I'm experiencing the chance to live the kind of life that I always wanted =^_^=.

I'm thankful. (*Meditates in thanksgiving*).

life is awesome, chi training, mana research, planning for the future, mana, magic training, world events

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