Housecleaning On Schedule..... / The Biggest Research Project In The History Of This World

May 13, 2019 15:13

Housecleaning is on schedule.., and about all I have to do now is polish teh acoustic-electric guitar, and do a couple other little household maintenance things.

I *GUESS* I'll see to mounting the microphone...on the f*ll spectr*m c*mera tonight, and see about unpacking the E*F DC unit.... .

*Blinks, inhales, and sighs*.

*Thinks about yesterday's contact event, and the corroborating camc*rder capture.....from a couple weeks ago*.

I am not terrified by my f*ll spectr*m camcorder...capturing proof..... .

But I will not try to 'lie' here.... .

I'm still stunned.... .

This research project of mine is the biggest research project in the history of this world (I'm not saying that saying much...., and certainly not when I witness 'cl*wn' 'world').

Just like my cosmic blast and tsunami mentionings over a decade ago were spot on and undeniable proof, now I am capturing (!!!!) a little & petite being...on a full spectr*m camcorder...(*inhales and sighs*).

In a sane world, the whole world....would try to come together to try to study and research such phenomena. Study and research the observable appearance of hyperdimensional beings..... .

But you know what's up..... =^_~=..... .

I witness 'very' 'sick'.........'mortals'. Ones 'that' 'are' 'extremely' 'dumb'..... . 'Dumber' 'than' ('mortal') 'dog****'.

So just like I had to use the internet XV years ago....(on a slow and struggling console) to bring undeniable proof that literally shook the world, now *I*, with just a little modded camcorder and a standard riverfront mountain house...., will record the evidence...& data which 'mankind's' 'best' 'funded' 'fake' 'scientists' ('with' 'supposed' '140-200' 'IQ's' and 'millions' 'of' 'fake' 'dollars') '*WON'T*' *OR* '*CAN'T*' *TOUCH*...... .

That's life I guess hunh?

Lol. The "lab assistant" I have (*cackles*) is that cute little being who visits me herself (*gasps as seemingly felt a mysterious caress to my right knee*)..... .

Well....I thank that being...... . (*Blushes as thinks of her state of dress (*blushingly facepalms*) both captured on film, and seen yesterday*).

Y..yea. I got lucky again? Just like over a decade ago? I don't need 'mankind's' support & approval. I'll do the research, writing, and studying myself..... .

And just laugh and I witness 'cowardly' 'mankind' claim that I'm 'just' 'another' 'dumb' 'nigga'.

[Yea. I know the truth now...... . My research shapes the very course of this world / plane......].

Again, too, I thank the being(s) whom I have recorded so far.

Yea. Me? I am living a lifestyle in line with the principles I had over III decades ago. I'm studying beings from other worlds in my own private research lab (*nods*), and writing / composing information based on said studies / observations.

housecleaning, studying hyperdimensional lifeforms, house maintenance, laboratory, lifestyle

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