You know the drill?
Any time matters of proof and tangible evidence come into play, I note 'mortals' '****' 'off'........and 'head' 'for' 'the' 'hills'.
Me? I just don't give a..…...'darn'.
Because I note 'subanime' 'mortals' 'are' 'nobodies', 'nobodies' with the 'attention' 'span' of a 'gnat'? If it, a publication, isn't about 'getting' 'f****d' 'up' on drugs / alcohol / dopamine, and / or 'biological' 'holes' 'getting' 'filled' ('fornication' 'and' 's*domy'), the ones typically 'don't' even have the mental capacity to *focus* on a particular subject for any length of time.
The ones are 'braindead'......... .
'C*vemen' '/' 'blithering' 'idiots' 'on' 'average'........'that' 'don't' innovate, design, or build........, only 'feeeeeeel'.
That said, this Tr*field Natur*l EM device thing is an ENORMOUS matter?
The unit is basically a ball lightning......sensory...device....
...., and with it's sonic buzzer feature, I *may* have the means to specifically track......intentional "chargings" of my energy. (In other words, "electric K*mehameha's" and "electric Hadoukens" (lol)).
[In other words, the unit could serve as a direct feedback device..........that buzzes more and more as I harness / concentrate...more and more electricity].
The device indicates the presence of direct current electricity, which is the same type found in natural lightning.
I have needed this ***EXACT*** device for years.......... .
Why didn't I use such a device sooner? I had no idea such a device would be available, because after all I have just about...solely...witnessed ghetto thugs....and / or 'ignorant' 'poor' 'white' 'trash' during my IRL days in this plane.
One's that can't even read English with ease?
And I note the average 'f*ctionkin' '/' 's*ulbond' 'goons' 'are' '/' 'were' 'all' 'braindead'....'sensationalist' 'NPC's' ('solely' 'obsessed' 'with' 'getting' 'biological' 'h*les' 'filled' 'one' 'way' 'or' 'another').
I have never been given the opportunity......, by 'subanime' 'mankind', to be around intelligent, resourceful, and truly knowledgeable people? Geniuses?
Even though....I have written about a theoretical "Lorenzini camera"....for my private notes, I just did not look into direct current electricity sensory devices. (*Sighs*). Guess I was just so caught up in studying at 'Negro' 'thugs' and 'ignorant' 'white' 'trash', ......and *SURVIVING* as I did so.
It is what it is?
I wonder what technology it would take to produce a "Lorenzini camera array"..... . An open air version? Or even if not an air version, a water version...... . An electricity imaging camera system (that utilizes bit units / multiple points of reference).......(sort of in the manner of a VLA radio telescope array)....would have all sorts of practical applications? Even in the field of security? (For example, you could tell if a room was filled with spying reading either DC or AC electrical currents....emanated by hidden devices).
If only I had access to a person who is a mechanical genius, a person who could develop multiple bit units / devices capable of the directional tracking of DC electricity...... . Units whose information flows could be provide a composite image...... .
Actually, such a unit would have dire / immense medical implications too? Seizures could be instantly tracked and identified.....within those who have seizures.......for example.
...................... .
Yea. Someday, I hope I can live in a real futurstic world....with real futuristic people....., and thus...not have to be burdened by a 'fake' 'Potemkin' 'village'.....'/' 'cl*wn' 'world' 'setup'.....or the 'mandatory' 'braindead' 'NPC's' that come with a 'cl*wn' 'world' 'setup'.
Me? I am not trying to 'sound' 'bitter', I am just trying to tell a fact?
The average subanime mortal hasn't anymore ambition / motivation / innovation / agency....than 'a' 'cow' '/' 'cattle'.
[I do not even believe in the supposed 'Industrial' 'Revolution' cited in 'history' 'books'. I think (going on current evidence) this mindscape plane was generated instantly with fully intact roads, buildings, and even technology....... .
[That's what the black expanse events / reset events suggest.....anyway....]].