After the last post, I had some of my hand-breaded tenders with dipping sauces....for lunch.
Those along with some "eyepatch stew".
(Just because I am having to wear an eyepatch.....doesn't mean a 'change' for my dietary
I noted a "McD*nald's" akin flavor.....for this batch.......for some reason. That on account if my spice admixture I guess....... .
I had some L*ng Zhi tea, and decided to take a nap......since I had noted a pesky 'J*hovah's' 'W*tness' 'church' 'goon'.....'interruptively' 'knock' 'at' my door...this morning. (*Cackles as recalls at the man's I approached the door with my eyepatch on*).
Jeez. I hardly ever get any actual sleep these days?
What followed immense fluid world event......that involved me facing at some strange and unknown 'video' 'game' 'world' 'maze' (?????); yes, and expanse events would happen... . Black expanse events that *may* have involved a search for a potential "player II".... .
After some time...I was trying to rest again....when I found myself noting that 2015 / 2016 XX chromosome type pair.....? The ones that were a reaction at a glitch day?
The one that messages at me.....was 'acting' 'kinda' 'withdrawn', and the one that is a 'behaviorally' 'unrecognizable'...'cl*ne' 'at' 'P*nkie' 'P*e'...was 'acting' '*S*VERELY*' 'b*tthurt'.
The one would not "speak up", and kept 'acting' 'b***hy' until 'going' 'red-faced', and 'sobbing'?
The one was 'breaking' 'kayf*be', and showing uncanny and freakish 'awareness' 'at' my last post...... .
Recoiling all the while, I heard at the one 'announce', 'in' 'tears', 'deeply' 'h*rt' 'feelings' 'ego'.
I experienced no sympathy for the I looked at 'it's' 'ugly' 'cry'
......'status' 'afflicted' 'face'. The 'tears' 'were' 'concptually' 'ugly', 'and' 'for' 'solely' 'for' 'the' 'self' '/' 'the' 'one's' 'wounded' 'vanity'..... .
Nope. I wasn't gonna go hug 'em'. (*Cringes and shivers*).
Me? I instead.....spoke about how *grateful* I was for the chance to witness and study at the one, and said how my performance levels consequentially underwent a massive transformation. I was stoked =^_^=.
Yea. Any time you experience any sort of victory / victories in life, you will always witness some 'b*tthurt' '***holes'........'going' 'on' 'about' 'their' 'bruised' 'egos'. That's life.
Yea though.
There was no 'reconciliation', no sympathy, rather......I extended my fist into the I spoke about the transformation I have undergone. Yes, and all sorts of eerie frequencies / energies.....gathered to my I got stoked..... . Happiness and excitement...for life...welled within me..... .
What a moment............ .
The chance to not 'be' 'manipulated' emotionally....., and be who I am today, was exhilarating. It was *FREEDOM*...... . Freedom no different than soaring through celestial a heavenly world / plane.
I just calmly...looked at the 'demigod' akin one......, and shook my a black expanse event swept onto the scene...... .
But get this. A world transformation event took place, and I noticed some unknown animesque 'world' 'taking' 'shape'. Some sort of fighting or tournmanent hall ring formed at the area under my feet?
Yea, and I noticed the Negro graft changing into some massively muscled and Herculean...animesque dude who had fair skin...... . (*Perhaps recalls seeings an eerie starbust halo effect around my head,, for some moments, I noted some animesque 'youth's' 'head'.......'grafted' 'at' my existence.
The clincher though, was witnessing at 'J*********', the pitiful 'once' peak subanime Caucasian.......'m*th-head', change into a 'FULL' 'ANIME' 'BODY' a realtime manner.
The one that had been all 'pi**y' 'and' 'b*tthurt'.......gained a 'larger' '/' 'more' 'round' '/' 'more' 'pert' 'chest', 'a' 'smaller' 'waist', 'a' 'smaller' 'manjaw', 'thicker' 'and' 'softer' 'hair', 'fuller' 'eyes', 'a' 'smaller' 'mouth', 'fuller' 'lips', and 'waaaaaaay' 'more' 'developed' 'legs' as the one changed into an unknown animesque kunoichi / miko hybrid..... . The one was wearing like a kimono style top, and purplish bodyshorts / a purplish bodysuit? (*Nods as recalls witnessing the changed one's dark hair up...*).
As always, the subanime dominant 'bad' '/' 's****y' 'attitude' 'disappeared', and instead I witnessed one that wanted to 'fight' 'at' my side? Hunh? Fight?
Yep. Looking to my left....I viewed at some unknown animesque man ready to fight....., and launch an attack at *me* (*blinks*).
Naw..... . I was not up for 'that' 'junk'.
I focused my energy, and made it back to the mountain sanctuary or reassembled (????) the mountain sanctuary / this plane.
Yea... . My days of studying at 'troublesome', and just 'd**ned' 'stupid' 'pets' art behind me?
The ones 'always' 'go' 'f*ll' 'r*tard', and either do 'drugs', 'become' 'drunks', or bring 'horrific' 'drama'.
As immediate proof of the last post I guess, I....just received news about an hour ago?
'A__________' 'has' 'been' 'busted', and right after my posts (done within the last month) I was done studying at 'him'.
It's not 'paranoia' or mortals' 'paranoid' 'schizophrenia' 'fanfiction' 'bull****' get proven right.....again, again, and again.
I cannot count how many times I noted that car? Be it store trips, Ash*ville trips, or wherever.... .
*Shakes my head*.
Only my choices, only my judgment, and the results of my training.....spared me from being in 'that' 'car' today...... .
[I knew I noted 'A________' was going to be trouble at my future progress, so I distanced myself......ahead of time.....rather than 'getting' 'framed' for 'his' 'crimes'. (Just like I avoided getting blamed for fake grandpa's crack dealing operation.....about XVIII years ago)].
....................... .
That said, I stand by my actions at the 2016 author II / III years ago.
I do not / did not consider the one a 'pet', no, but the same principle, the principle of judgment and discernment, still applies.
I am not accepting 'anymore' 'fake'......'woobie' '2016' 'author' 'bait'........ .
'That' 'one' 'wasn't' '/' 'isn't' my / a dream girlfriend........ .
(*Gasped as I experienced a mysterious caress rraltime*).
I was so vulnerable a couple years back....... .
Vulnerable, but showered with *luck*.
The 2016 author couldn't just *be* *quiet* (omitting all the drama / baggage about 'bad' 'exes' and etc), offer to play cute software on N*ntendo, and 'dress' 'in' 'designer' 'clothes'?
I was so vulnerable back then........ . *Facepalms in embarrassment*.
I got lucky....(again), and *had* to rely on luck rather than skill?
(Yea. I witnessed one with 'terrible' 'social' 'skills', and 'tons' 'of' 'easily' 'caught' 'lies'..... . I got *lucky*.......). (*Exhales in chilled embarrassment.....about how vulnerable I was*).
I got lucky with visions XVIII years ago, and I was lucky...II years ago....... . But today, I avoided 'A__________'s' 'bust' way of my own training....., my own judgment, and my own mental performance. (*Experiences a glowing sensation of my fingernails*).