Today was a very good day for training?
I noted a mortal arrive at the house, and hand over some (???) Amethyst / Smoky Quartz specimens?
Too, I managed to note a 50/50 split type "private property" mining deal / offer......, and even noted access to a working (and heavily modded) 4x4 truck offered..... .
How was this managed? By proving my abilities...... . I apparently accurately saw some items *inside* of a local safe box.....(*remembers a recent post*)..... . I actually did a report in...a post a couple weeks back.... . Yes. *Nods*.
I reported my vision IRL..., but did not note the mortal freak out....(too much...anyway (lol)).
And after coming forward about St*r R*bies, and striving for honesty, I noted the mortal that lives at some premium m*ning land........'fully' 'onboard' =O_O=.
I do not believe in lying and cheating. I have an honor code? My only concern is that I note the mortal 'sexually' 'attracted' (*cackles*) to 'ole' 'Mistuh' 'Blackie'...... . I am going to have to be very careful =^_~=.
Today was a great day for training, and after riding around..noting a souped up sports car =O_O=.....IRL for a while, and noting that deal finalized, I got back to the house and meditated...... .
The house, the mountain sanctuary, seemed like a "promised land" today?
It was like "the gates of the true heaven".....were open, and bringing gusts upon the local property..... .
Click to view
As such, I listened to sweeping orchestral I began to plan my day, as well as the upcoming week.
And quite unexpectedly, a glitch day event was apparently triggered......(I now realize this in hindsight). Triggered, or an already existing glitch day was amplified.
Here is some of what happened....... .
As I meditated, and had an inner dialogue, I said "I need to be serious here.....", "I need to be real here". As I questioned about the whole "dual trial" thing, I made myself face facts. I asked "have I been projecting.......?".
See I have a habit, a trait, where I just want to be a regular a world. I can not see myself, instinctively, as 'number one', and I do not want to be a 'number' 'one' either.
But alas....I made myself face some facts with an aching heart.
The average mortal / Homo Sapiens....'has' 'a' 'screaming' '&' 'furious' 'psychotic' 'breakdown', 'and perhaps even 'suic*dal' 'breakdown'...'at' the kind of stuff that I consider *FUN*.
'Mortals' 'go' 'unrecoverably' 'bonkers', and 'pee' 'themselves' '/' 'auto-mutilate' 'themselves'....'at' the kinds of 'deity' witnessing events....which are / were but "light adventures" for me.
The poor guys couldn't even handle my *cosmic blast* / *tsunami* event....without 'going' 'r*tard', and 'doubling' 'down' on 'Muh' 'Jeebus' or 'Muh' 'Atheist' 'dogma'..... . Remember my original post? I was *PLAYING*.......and *happy*, like a little kid......., and even did silly grammar typos on purpose =^_^=.
*Did a check for a screencap, but found at a 'disabled' 'forum' (*cackles*)*.
('Memory' 'hole'? Oh well....lolololol).
The more time goes on, the more I see that I am (*cringe*) "different"? Not only that, but I was different before I even found that I was "behaviorally different".
As for the dual trial hypothesis, I am thinking of shelving it?
The average mortal has the 'mental' 'strength' of an 'ant'........ . No jokes?
The average 'mortal' 'cannot' handle reality, the truth.
The average 'mortal' '*DOESN'T*' want to handle reality / the truth, and will 'gladly' 'hide' 'in' 'stupid' 'delusions', 'lies', 'and' 'mind-numbing' 'entertainment' as a means to 'avoid' 'at' the truth.
The ones 'cannot' face 'destroyer' 'deities', and then just laugh happily.......& enjoy an awesome a dual trialer should / could with *NO* 'problems' whatsoever..... .
A true trialer should be leaps and bounds...beyond 'subanime' or 'anime' mankind in their mental *fortitude* levels.
They can laugh at 'bullies'' 'faces', and *never* 'quit' believing / pressing forward.
They are not 'pu****s'.......... .
If there was a dual trialer, I should have already met them, and they should've had their stuff together....... .
Y'know, there are chapters in my journey I have not reported..... . Such as the college days...when I noted 'G*d' 'threaten' to 'kill' 'mortals', and days where I noted 'him' 'k*lling' 'off' 'fake' 'college' 'kids'' 'families' (*cringes*) 'one' 'by' 'one'. Those days took place before my cosmic blast event..... .
[But even that experience was a lesson, and I loved the chance to be alive, and gave my all to shield....anybody truly in need. *Nods*].
The average mortal (like the BG author) would have 'suic*ded' if faced with a monster god that not only 'm*rdered' 'fake' 'friends' and 'fake' 'friends'' 'families'..., but then gloated about it on A*L Messenger....... .
The Infiniversal Routing Trial had a lot of stuff I have not even reported on here?
True test of courage type stuff.
Yea, I don't know what I was thinking......even mentioning / considering a dual trial scenario.
[The 2016 author was almost surely not a trialer....because the one did not report having a "manifestation" / "functional erectile organ"...... . Yea. All / any trialers should have a "manifestation" of some sort to prove their identity].
With those considerations on my mind, I progressed in my meditation.
Browsing at '4ch*n' 'p*l' for a while as I meditated, I found at a weird post that complained about degeneracy in 'modern' 'youth'.
I had no clue?
So I watched at a 'posted' 'video'. ................................................ .?
............................ .
Every point which I had meditated on previously (and covered in the above portion of the post) was affirmed / confirmed.
When you note 'Christianity' 'removed', and when you note 'Marxism' (which removes the 'social' 'constraints' from 'mortals'), you can witness 'their' 'true' 'nature'. (Hence why I *LOVE*.....this current era *SO* *MUCH*).
Without 'taught' 'religions', 'mortals' 'act' like 'aimless' '/' 'soulless' 'harlots' and 'vagabonds'. 'Like' 'beasts'? 'Self-serving' 'beasts' 'enslaved' 'to' 'feelz'. 'Cattle'.
Real girls, real young ladies, would be harnessing mana, and communing with the elements of nature.....on mountaintops / in rivers / in valleys / in oceans.... . That by *INSTINCT*, sentient instinct...... .
So, that said, my meditation entered a new phase IRL.
A quite massive glitch day event, and an *obvious* "window effect".....moment.....soon manifested, and I (!!!?!?!!?)
..., IRL, began to see / sense *eerie* visages of my true form.......... .
Hair bang, eye proportions, I began to amass that green "life energy flame" stuff that I have only learned about....just this week.
Soon....a conclusive revelation inundated me, a revelation about "The Big Bang".... .
Ultimate-tier stuff that I wouldn't dare.....repeat here........ .
I wrote down the information, and did an illustration.
A *deep* black expanse event followed (!!!!!!!!) soon after.
When I groggily woke next, I was shocked and confused as I viewed patches of black expanse, and a bed that had different covers from my mountain sanctuary bed.
Eventually, after warding at some '1990s' 'resets', I noticed beds and stuff I perceived the black expanse, and next I noted a 'very' '/' 'unnaturally' 'large' black and brown dog entity......start to 'greet' '/' 'hug' 'at' me (*laughs aloud* =^_^=...*).
Mortals would claim the dog was about 'the' 'sweetest' 'ever'?
Initially I petted at the dog, and that as I noted an animesque blonde entity watching and laughing?
But....(*cringe*) I backed away.....when I noticed the dog 'acting' 'weird', and (*winces*) lying back whilst looking at me with 'puppy' 'dog' 'eyes' (........?????!!!!!?????....????........).
Uh oh. The dog was 'in' 'heat'? (*Shakes my head*). The animesque blonde, suddenly clad in 'angelic' 'clothes' of an 'anime' 'level', suddenly said something ' " you know she would " '.........'suggestively' (!??!?!).... .
*Shakes my head*.
The dog-like entity then changed into an anime level, a very high anime level anime XX chromosome type that walked off and then collapsed at a nearby 'await' (!?!?!?!) 'at' me.
'Both' 'offered' 'themselves' 'at' me (!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!??!).
Alright, realtalk and main event time.
I *began* to clutch my head as I sensed the plane reconfiguring. The event was not a 'lucid' 'dream' or a 'hypnogogic' 'hallucination', and I was in a state of utmost strain....... . I was moments from possibly...not perceiving this current mountain sanctuary plane....*ever* again (!?!?!!?!?)..... .
A 'permanent' 'anime' 'changeover' was about to 'strike', and I even perceived at a 'white' 'anime' 'boy' 'grafted' 'at' me. (*Shakes my head*).
Some force, some unknown force, was 'attempting' 'to' 'force' 'at' my will........? A force was attempting to 'force' 'condoning' and 'initiating' 's*x' 'at' my mind. The forced tried to force me to have a 'd*ggie' 'g*rlfriend', and a 'bl*ndie' 'g*rfr*end'
My mind strained, but with full meditation, and full control, I resisted at the freakishly powerful force that was blitzing a force akin to 'shredding' 'at' my mind / my memories / my intentions...... . It was like *only* because of all of my training in this mountain sanctuary plane (over the last couple decades)....that I was able to retain my individuality.
Free not 'given'. Today had an *AMAZING* that I had to resist at the horrific power of some force, perhaps some 'deity', that sought to 'obliterate' at my will.........and force 'puppetry' 'at' me...... .
This is just a theory, but the Infiniversal Routing Trial, as well as *life*, seems to require total self mastery...... .
*Searches to see if I can find at a wiki entry*.
After today, I dunno, but I definitely seem ready to face at 'anime' 'worlds' if need be, and that because I can retain my will.......and resist at the 'breeding' 'programming' '/' 'universal' 'scale' 'limitations' that come with a 'quasi-permanent'.......'anime' 'body'........'/' 'anime' 'universe' 'changeover'.