I just made it back from enduring at a 'horrible' 'reset' 'blitz' 'at' my timeline. I had to refuse at some '1998-2001' 'reset'.
Guess I note 'some' 'force' 'isn't' happy with my last couple posts.
Oh well..... .
Ok. Let's continue reporting about Sunday stuff.
Picking up from the last report post, I, being silly, handed some "energy up items" at a 'strange' 'pair' 'of' 'Negroid' 'seeming' 'entities' that had been 'following' 'at' me. That..during a series of black expanse events.
I experience disgust.. . Very very deep disgust..., and some horror.....as I write this next part.
Ok. Here goes.
I noticed an entity take....'and' 'eat' 'at' a bit of the bread that I handed / offered. Bread which had magic related items on / between it.
*Noted a phone call for about half an hour......, and noted news about potential mining van for hauling boulders*.
*Resumes report*.
Hmmmmmmmm......... .
After having eaten the energy support item whiich I materialized for that purpose (I suppose)...., a drastic, sudden, and deep black expanse event happened......and happened whip fast.
Yes, and like a snapshot, *THIS* realm.....may have instantly transformed.....(*cringe*).
Ulgh.... . Yuck.
If I released a reality configuration wave, *why* did I immediately find myself viewing at a / the 'Blea*h' 'anime' 'world'?
I am disgusted as I testify to this, but I noticed the Negroid and obese entity, the one that 'ate' 'at' the item which...I offered...., change into a gagging, coughing, and 'maybe' 'puking'.........'high' 'anime' 'Or*hime' 'Ino*e'....(!?!?!?!?).
Very disoriented, I recoiled in shock...... .
The 'Orih*me' 'one' was 'very' 'well' 'dressed' ('like' 'usual') (wearing a dress blouse / blouse, and a mid-length skirt), 'had' long high anime.....orangish-reddish hair, a '17-20ish' 'appearance', and 'had' 'feelings' 'at' me...(!?!?!?!). Uh oh.
Yep......! In horror......I noted 'Ichigo' 'K*rosaki' 'grafted' 'at' my existence...(*cringe*)..., and that after years and years of not so much as viewing a 'glimpse' 'of' 'the' 'Bl*ach' 'world' '/' 'people'.
I.....I was horrified....at 'Or*hime'....., but not even waiting for the one to stop coughing and gagging, I approached.....at 'em' with the focused intention of asking some very serious questions.... .
Lol. Yea, but guess what happened?
Lolololololol.....(*cackles aloud IRL in shock, horror, and disgust*)......O_O....... .
'Obviously' 'in' 'lurv'......, and 'seeking' 'at' my acceptance '/' 'hiding' 'their' 'flaws', the 'Or*hime' 'hid' 'their' 'stomach' 'and' 'face', and ran away at my approach...??? The one started 'sobbing', and apparently started having a 'mental' 'breakdown'......('not' anything new.....with 'clones'...really).
Knowing full well...that I *ALWAYS* note subanime / anime entities.....'****ED' 'in' 'the' 'head', I questioned at 'what' 'the' 'damage' 'was'......'with' 'the' 'Or*hime' 'incarnation' 'which' I viewed at. That too...as I glanced about at an 'animesque' 'dwelling'....'/' 'residence'.
(*Growls...a...bit with my eyes...glowing red*).
So what happened next......? I kept walking at the 'Or*hime'..until....freezing up.., freezing as I heard at a '****ed' 'up' 'tearful' 'admission'..... . The 'clone' was 'crazy'? (*Gasps as experienced a mysterious caress to my backside amidst typing*).
I suddenly heard / sensed at the one.....blurt out a statement about not being able to face 'oncoming' 'disapproval'. 'Disapproval' 'over' 'their' 'pr*gnancy'....(!?!?!!!!?!??!!?!!). The one was 'hiding' 'their' 'body' 'and' 'face'..... .
Me? I have been celibate....., and I have adhered to celibacy. During recalled fluid world events & dimension dives, I have not even kissed 'Or*hime'..... . The / a / any 'gestating' 'baby' 'shouldn't' be.....***mine***!!!
Did I actually view at a 'anime' 'world' 'reset'........featuring a 'baby' 'trap'........'angle'???
Me? I am not looking to be a 'cool' 'dad'..........who 'has' 'a' 'peak' 'anime' 'beauty' 'level' ....'anime' 'wife'...; an 'anime' 'wife' 'who has 'peak' 'anime' 'thick' 'and' 'athletic' 'legs'......, 'big' 'squishy' 'chest' 'parts', and a 'peak' 'anime' 'heart'. I would not be writing this....and present to this world....again....unless I *didn't*.
Ugh..... . The 'Or*hime' had 'unnatural' 'awareness' 'at' my repulsion and disgust, and 'wouldn't so much as face me.
The one was a shaking and sobbing........mess at my approach, and turned away..... .
The 'Or*hime' was 'falling' 'into' the 'stereotypical' 'behavior' 'set' 'whereby' 'unstable' 'clones'......'frantically' '&' 'neurotically'.....'try' 'to' 'hide' '/' 'obfuscate' 'any' 'evidence' 'of' 'their' 'flaws'......?
I was actually ecstatic in a way.....as a realization came over me....... .
The one was 'acting' 'in' 'a' 'formulaic' 'way' with the whole 'neurotic' 'breakdown' 'stuff'.
The one was 'acting' 'like' 'P*kemon' 'D*wn'.......'has' 'been'.
But you see..., *usually* I have noticed 'Or*hime' 'graft' '/' 'grafting' 'at' the spiky blonde-haired hyperdimensional being who I have written about for over a decade. The being who does not seem to be currently undergoing the Infiniversal Routing Gem trial (discussed plenty in prior posts over the years).
Maybe the real Starry Maiden....isn't trialing either then.....?
Maybe I note 'P*kemon' 'D*wn' and the subanime '2016' 'author' 'incarnation' 'of' 'P*kemon' 'D*wn' are just like 'that' 'Or*hime'.....?
My ***biggest*** concern now, is striving for a chance to not have to be 'stuck' with the '2016' 'author' as a trialing partner. The one, just like that 'neurotic' 'Or*hime', 'can't' even face me........ .
Me? I didn't stand up..., face at 'J*hovah' '/' 'G*d', and note 'him' 'defeated' for 'this' 's***'...... . I didn't do all this training and work....to have to 'deal' 'with'... 'neurotic' '&' 'bawling' 'chicks' that 'want' 'at' my body.......'and' 'freak' 'out' 'at' my refusals at 's*x'.
I have the suspicion, too, that I note the ones 'seek' 'validating' 's*x' 'to' 'feelz' 'better' 'about' 'themselves'. (Yea? I have learned at 'bimbospeak'.....even though I cannot experience 'ego' 'feelz' 'like' 'bimbos'). The ones, too, ...likely...just want 'relief'.....from 'feeling' 'ugly'...... .
Naw. No 's*xual' 'intercourse'. And I will *keep* refusing at the '2016' 'author's' 'approaches'.....'at' my fluid world events. That as long as it takes. (*Blinks as seemingly heard at a strange.....cry of nooo from some strange force*). I will not so much as even hug 'P*kemon' 'D*wn'? I am not going to be 'used' nor 'manipulated' 'for' 'the' 'sake' 'of' 'someone's' 'ego' '/' 'feelz'.
Before I go, yesterday.....I noticed an event...where I viewed at some 'elite' 'academy' and / or 'mansion' related to 'R*bin' from 'Teen' 'T*tans'.
Ugh. Soon I even viewed at an animesque 'Rob*n'... . The dude kept waiting at me to note a 'St*rfire' 'graft' 'body', but I refused, and kept noting a 'teen' 'Negro' 'male' 'body'. I am not sure, but I may have dodged another 'reset' 'event'.