My Opinion Has Shifted Since A Couple Nights Back...... / Solo Trial Hope?

Dec 26, 2018 02:36

I have been using the Sw*tch......yesterday and this morning, and I must say that my opinion has shifted.

(*Nods as listens to a Rainbow Road song pack via noting 'Sm*sh' 'Ultimate'*).

I like noting 'Sm*sh' 'Ultimate'......(although I still am wary at that 'uncanny' 'G*leem' 'stuff').

Hmmmmm..... .

The progress of N* and about the only observed thing in this plane...that has any sort of "mirroring" to my training progress levels through the ages....... .

Just like my current mental performance stats leave my stats from XIV years ago in the dust (whilst carrying on in the same spirit), the Nintend* Sw*tch and these latest software titles.......leave the stats of the prior systems & software in the dust (whilst carrying on (???) and developing on..prior established themes).

Noting 'Sm*sh' 'Ultimate', I can *sense* that this current era, this current plane configuration, is *going* *somewhere*.

That not shared with ***ANY*** of subanime 'mankind'...... .

'Mankind' 'hasn't' gone to Mars..., and now I don't even think the 'moon' 'landings' were real......... . All the worse, 'mankind's' 'overall' 'culture', 'mediocre' 'at' even it's '1980's' 'peak', has 'exploded' with 'blatant' degeneracy '/' 'degeneration'. I note the ones are far worse off 'mentally', 'emotionally', 'spiritually', and 'physically' the decades pass. (The ones 'lack' 'at' grit, resolve, mental & emotional...endurance....and durability, as well as focus).

N*ntendo...seems related, directly related, to what guides & shapes this world.......

N*ntendo....seems directly related to the *energy*....that guides this world...... .

The only "growth" that I can identify in this plane, is *my* consistent growth (as evidenced by my posts, performance levels, and studies through the years), and the growth of N*ntendo.

Gives me hope for a solo trial really =^_^=......... .

Nintendo has performed more consistently, grown more consistently, than any 'subanime' 'mortal' I have ever witnessed.

Hmmm..... .

Even in base form, a trialer should perform *wwaaaaaaaaaaaay* beyond the 'average' in a general sense, but even then, *growth* should be attested for a trialer?

A blog of a trialer...should reveal....and attest "expl*sive growth".

............ . The 'f*ctionkin' were 'dead' 'on' 'arrival' at a level of blogging & blogging transparency, as well as general spiritual, emotional, and & performance.

The ones were blatant 'disappointments' 'at' any person looking for fun, dependable, resourceful, passionate / goal-driven, interesting, intelligent, and *stable* friends.

The ones 'hid' 'mediocre' and 'boring' 'feelzstronaut' 'talk' behind 'private' 'friends' 'only' 'locked' journals'.

Even that 'priorly' 'infatuated' '2016' 'author'.....'bugged' 'out', 'freaked' 'out', 'deleted' 'journals' ('evidence' 'of' 'failings'), and 'disappeared'.

Maybe this is a solo trial?

Currently, I can run circles around my performance levels from even II years ago........ .

If this was a dual trial, a partner of mine should also be displaying accelerated growth? That, rather than 'accelerated' 'degeneration'.

(*Recoils as hears the piano solo in this remix*).

image Click to view

Yea... . The 2016 author was, likely, just a 'product' 'created' 'at' a particularly deep glitch day event. One with a 'backwritten' 'fake' 'history'...that was 'inserted' 'at' my timeline...(just like the rest of the 'products' at fluid world events...'/' ones like that 'P*nkie' 'P*e' 'Jo_________').

nintendo switch, solo trial theory, solo trial scenario, detective work, hope, determination

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