Interlude: Noting 'Pets' And Eating Pizza / Caution: Pizza Eating In Progress......???

Dec 14, 2018 19:26

All I had to eat yesterday....was a couple of fries, and some honey buns / apple turovers lol....., so I held writing.....and got to baking lunner =^_^=!

Me noted messages at my Messenger?

Old boy, 'A_________', also dropped by at the house :P!

'Pets' =^_^=!

I prepared pizza dough by hand, and spoke some of my life lesson findings at old boy......since I note he 'always' 'makes' 'horrible' 'decisions'?

Checking to see if he had eaten or not, he said he had Little Caesar's in his car. Ulgh..... . Poor....lil feller..... . I groaned.....audibly, and asked why he didn't just shoot a text or message at me. He claimed how he never liked pizza that much......(even though he had a box from Little Caesar's in his car like he often does), but the deal is that he is ***VERY*** competitive.....(his spouse claims at my pizza that it is the best that ever had).....:P..... . came time to eat, and ooooooooohhhh.....the smelll........(*swoons*).

Soon as I got that pizza to me fangs.....with the cheese stretching, and experienced the sensation of my nails glowing / blazing...., dude paused kinda strangely.....and watched? Lololol. Then he shot some strange sounding farewell, and practically flew from the house? (*Cackles*). Hahahahaha!

I did some bite cam pics, and sent them at the 'entertaining' 'enhanced' 'mortal' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' (referenced at in the last post) that takes at my IRL medicines & has tasted at many of my foods?

Lol. I also mentioned bout old boy acting strange?

*Nods*. Me enjoyed dinner.....(*swoons*) (*blinked as felt a loving caress to the top of my head*)..lunch...lunner... .

I went to sit in the recliner for a while, but noticed old boy blocking at the driveway........with his caution blinkers on?

W......what was going on? Hehehahahahaha!

Did my blazing nails and fangs cause some type of reality manipulation field to take ppace or something? Was his car fried? What happened?????

As soon as I took my sleepy self to the door, he got back in the car, turned his cautions blinkers off, and drove...away....(lolololol).....? Hahahahaha! true form.....(!!!!!!!!) (yiiiiikes!!)....wasn't revealed as I chowed down O_O......=^_^=.

Oh well........ .

Me sleepy now.............*^_^*.

I will continue reports...after a nap..... . (*Exhales happily and peacefully*).

house of filling meals, fun, chilling in the crib, pets, house of fun

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