Hunh....... . Do you think my writings this week have any relation to this???
............. .
Ever since I said certain words on here, and especially since yesterday, the air has been kinda chilly and carrying a sorta "vibe" of sadness.... .
Too, I noted an 'abrupt' 'end' to 'P*kemon' 'D*wn' 'week' 'streak'.....…I guess....... .
Yea. This storm is not what I was particularly looking for. My major training item was supposed to arrive M*nday, but ice and snow would make my driveway and area like a big ice slide till Wednesday or longer..... .
I have plenty of food. I have plenty of heat. And if the electricity goes down, I'll warm my guitars and my coll*idal nanometals with my body heat (lololol) =^_^=....... .
Still, I kinda worry...a little. If this was a dual trial, would another trialer...*also* have storm directing abilities....??? I mean, the "timing" here..... .
I really hope I am not 'burdened' '/' 'saddled' with 'F*nrisS**r' '/' 'P*kemon' 'D*wn'. I mean, I flew through this trial, noted 'G*d' 'himself' 'defeated', forged my way to these mountains......, and acquired an immaculate riverfront m*ning sheer defiance at 'all' the 'h*ters' 'and' 'naysayers'... .
There is no reason for everything I have have to be put on halt for 'one' 'crying' 'and' 'b*tthurt'.....'catl*dy'.
(*Experiences a gleaming sensation for my fangs*).
(*Thinks about the Infiniversal Routing Expanse*).
I'll think about all of this stuff.....after the storm...... .
For now, I have more cooking to preparation.
Since I already had an early morning snack.......
......I'll just cook stuff (maybe Sharpard's Pie) and put it up for later.
Hmmmmmm...... .
K..... . I guess I need to wrap reports for Tuesday, and then Saturday / Sunday. Yea, I had to literally note 'A_________' put in the Boston Crab (*cackles*) during a fluid world a means to stop him from trying to stage a 'making' 'up' with 'F**risS**r'. Yeeeaaaaaaa. I was ready to be done writing reports at 'F*nky' ***years*** ago. I experience dread as I write this stuff. But it is what it is...... . Here goes..... .
Ulgh..... . Oops.. . Okay.
Some point Tuesday, maybe after midnight (???), I had just concluded avoiding that strange animesque sewer setting.
But rather than returning home, I perceived darkness...until....noting a floating vantage point......that viewed at a strange bed (*cringe*) that was filled with two occupants.
One...was a slightly chubby and unknown subanime anime hybrid 'celestial' 'blonde' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'type' that had hair that was like in a eavy and put up dtyle. The 'blonde' one was wearing (*cringe*) a 'subanime' 'bloated'' 'belly' 'revealing' top, and like pink silky night shorts.. . The one seemed about 'college' 'age' (according to the 'set-in' 'belly' 'girth'...).
Next to the 'blonde' though, to the left of the 'blonde' specifically, wads an unknown and somewhat bony...seeming 'L*tina' 'XX' 'chromosome' 'tyoe' that was fully dressed in a jacket, shirt, and jeans? The subanime one was what would be called '5/10' 'facially' by even subanime mortal males?
Oh no.... . I soon found myself apparently lying on my back somehow (!?!?!). I was on my back, fully clothed, and noting that strange bed? Ugh.... . I immediately sat up in horror, and back I witnessed the 'unknown' 'L*tina' 'crawling' 'at' my way..... . The one was crawling at my right side?
The one sought at my hug, or even my embrace? (*Cringes*).
I made a dodging lunge forward..and to the right, making sure not to crash into either one of the alien and strange 'looking'........'subanime' 'entities'. I held using self defense tactics until a point where and if...I noticed the one(s) 'attempt' 'to' 'force' 'themselves' 'at' me.
I I kept backing away, and found myself facing at a very large window...and a wall..... .
Uh oh...... .
But before I readied for self defense time, (*blinks and recoils*).....I viewed at the one (that had 'shoulder' 'length' 'hair'....and a stature alot like the '2016' 'author's' 'Caucasian' 'body' 'guise').......change...into a white...and f...furry......dragon-cat (!?!?!!) akin quadriped form. A little white dragon-cat?
Lol. I am **SILLY*.
I was like "Oh~~~", and calmed down....since looking after and caring for...snall animals (*facepalms*) is like instinct.....for me...... .
I did a greeting pet (*cackles*) at the unknown lil beastie, and hardly noticed (!??!?!) as a....wodden and luxurious (???)! chair just suddenly " manifested" under me??? (*Shakes my head*). A fire seemed to pop up in a hearth across the room and iilllumination revealed what seemed likena castle bedroom of sorts.
The beastie 'contentedly' walked at my lap, and aat 'cozily' 'at' my kner / lap. Lololol. As I petted at the entity, I noticed 'purring'. (*Inhales and sighs*). I was just chilling......O_O. But after a while.....I was wary again? The 'blonde' had stirred, and was asking questions (???) 'at' me..... . Did the white beastie sit up, and maybe say something?
Uh oh.... . I peered at the beastie's 'mouth'. The one had damaged 'front' 'upper' 'teeth', and some bad teeth / dental problems and 'decay' 'setting' 'in'..... .
Hmmmmm.... . I got suspicious, and figurative "gears" started turning in my head. I reached, and tried to gently examine at the beasties 'toofers'.
The beastie seemed to have an uncanny 'awareness' 'at' what I was doing and why, and 'mischievously' 'dodged' 'at' my discerning eye a bit? The beastie even did 'play' 'nibbles', amidst rolling onto back......? But I saw...... .
I *knew* I was witnessing 'F*nrisS**r', and one that has apparently been having too much 'sweets' and 'damage' from that 'stupid' 'lip' 'ring'.
I tried to calmly get up, making sure to not harm the 'beastie' all the while. Urgh! Why on earth did I note 'FelisSt*r' go to such lengths at my cuddles??? (*Facepalms and sighs*). Lololololol. The one just wanted to be held....? I can't even be 'mad'..... . Just confused a bit??? I mean, does my touch "glow" or something? (*Shakes my head*).
Maybe the event explained why, the next day, I noted 'happy' 'anime' 'P*kemon' D*wn'....... .
Hmmmm??? Do I experience guilt you ask? A little~....... .
If the one had just wanted at *harmless* and sex-free / innocent cuddles all along, why couldn't the one just 'shut' 'up', 'chill' 'out', and wait for 'A______'s' freakishly announced 'Mt. Rushmore' 'trip'? I could have noted a rented cabin, and, whilst noting 'witnesses' (A_____ and his spouse, as well as a recording to avoid any stupid and untrue sinister claims at my motives)...........done a (sitting position) "cuddle" at a fully-clothed...and blanket-nestled....(sitting) 'F_____S___r'. That, admittedly, just to test the dual trial scenario hypothesis.
(*Experienced a mysterious caress (to my backside*) as I groaned and facepalmed IRL*).
(*Expwrienced a responsive....startled glowing sensation for my fingernails*).
Okay...almoat done.
Saturday / Sunday:
I was amped...late Saturday....after what took place?
I actually had a chance to witness 'strong' 'anime' 'opponents'.
It's not that I like 'fighting', I just like the chance to see what I can do when and if necessary?
So...late Saturday, I am not sure if a dimension dive took ppace, or if I observed at an 'anime' 'change' whilst still in this plane.
I found myself viewing at a strange....anime cityscape.....that had a blue sky overhead, and as I peered to the distance..........I observed at an unknown 'pink' 'mecha'? (*Cringes*). The entity had conical extensions to the ends of it's arms rather than hands, and perhaps released a long distance attack at my direction?
Within moments I perceived myself on foot, and on the if I had been remote viewing moments before? Lol. The Negro male graft...was incongruently present to a high anime level city? He was probably being ripped apart...moment by moment, and 'regenerating' 'moment' 'by' 'moment'.......? ('Subanime' 'is' 'typically' 'totally' 'undead' 'by' 'default', hence the terrible 'behavior' 'present' 'to' 'subanime' 'worlds' '/' 'entities').
Ummmm.......I must have wanted to test my blast abilities, because I was pumped....and ready to go. soon as I wasz I perceived at some weird scene...... . It was as if I observed a strange anime mecha appear around my vicinity, and then lift at to "load a pilot"....... .
Uhhhh. Gazing within the interior of what seemed to be a mecha, though, I spotted at an unknown and perhaps pink-haired (very long hair..too).........XX chromosome type that was not very 'busty', and was clad in very scant clothing (a leotard-like attire that had akin to strips of reddish criss-crossing fabric for the front).
Was the one supposed to be a 'co-pilot'????
I dunno.
Hmmmm...... . The mecha cockpit.....seemed to be facing toward the oncoming pink attacker mecha?
Hehehe..... .
Not sure if I even used any "mecha", but a " heaviness" was present for the motion of my arms for some reason. Hunh I lifted my arms up, charged energy within my arms, and unleashed greenish blasts......, wildly even, attempting to blast at the enemy. Heh. The initial blasts were waaaaay wayward, and caused the entire horizon to ignite in massive waves of fire.....and pressure... .
Perhaps strange mecha arms....shown from the cockpit view mimicked at my arm motions?
The next shots I released, shots which released my inner held concentrations of mana energy bit by bit, landed as I planned though? Maybe IV shots caused the entire fisible horizon, and maybe the entire region behind it, to go...up in flames.
Not sure what was going on, but I was stoked =^_^=...... .
I was seeing a preview of what I will be able to do in this the coming years.
Okay... . So I was back to the mountain sanctuary......soon after that...... .
Ummm......after that the *last* series of events to report....took place..... .
Had I written this on Sunday, there would have been way more details...... . Oh well..... . Yea, my memory is a little fuzzy.......? .
Ulgh. I wanna rest a bit before I write this part =^_^=!
I need to restz and then cook in case electricity down a couple days.