Hunh.....? 'Ir*s'......? / Looks Like My Little Rest Period May Be Over

Nov 30, 2018 03:09

*Groaned in checked the resonance graph, and noticed a visual I was worried about possibly noting*.

(*Groans*). (*Recalls how I woke about an hour after midnight..........., and stayed up to get my N**tropics and G*ld....taken*).

I just noticed a broken reset.......again..., and that after the last couple days of a rest period...... .

'D*wn' 'is' 'the' 'likely' 'culprit'?

Yea..., after struggling to sleep for some reason, I soon found myself observing at the fake 1990's father that was 'yeaching' some bogus and fake.....'high' 'school' 'math' 'class'. (*Cackles*). The dude was 'unholy' 'p*ssed' 'off' 'at' me?

I defied at the 'brainwashing' 'dumped' 'at' me, discerned the fake class and fake timeline was 'b*ll****', and refused to comply with some fake exam...that enemy forces intended solely as a means to try to 'make' me........'feeeeelz' 'stupid' (*cackles*). (<<<---- and the whole " 'feelz' " reference thing......refers at 'emotive' 'reasoners' with 'faulty' 'solipsistic' 'reasoning' 'traits' '&' 'deleterious' 'by' 'default' 'egos').

After rising up, and trying to make my way back home, I got very dizzy, and suddenly found myself viewing at a warped version of the 'late' '1990's' '________'s' 'Chapel' 'Church'. Dazed and confused, and noticing 'changing' 'architecture' by the moment, I was waiting (???) the 'arrival' of 'P*kemon' 'Ir*s'....... . Yea... . I could detect the one approaching at my location, and could detect the one.......seeking at me?

Urgh... . I am kinda tired?

Looks like I may be about to note 'D*wn's' 'confession'......again soon..... .

(*Inhales and exhales with pain*).

I am *definitely* not up for another bout of 'tantrum' 'blitzes' 'at' my timeline....... .

If I note 'D*wn' 'reading' 'at' this, I am ready to note the 'c*nfession' 'over' 'with'.

Urrrgh..... .

I have stuff to do................and places to be...... .

I am quite tired at the force that 'keeps' 'unsuccessfully' 'messing' 'around' 'at' my timeline........ .

timeline, trials, defense protocols

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