Going For An Instant Win Over An Intra-Trial Starship Event / Dual Trial Question Answered Soon?

Nov 08, 2018 07:46

I wonder if I note some 'gaslighting'?

I now note 'woefully' 'unequipped'...'but' 'grant' 'money' 'waving'....'Harvard' 'scientists' 'accusing' 'a' 'light' 'sail'.....'at' the ***specific*** mana based propulsion halo......that I propheseid about and even ***illustrated*** about II years ago....... .



As always, I do the reporting ***AHEAD*** of time, only to note 'poverty' 'enforcement' ('no' 'millions' 'in' 'research' 'fund' 'grants'), 'cherry-picking' '/' 'plagiarism' 'at' my research data results, and 'not' 'one' 'contact' with an 'above' '140' 'sent' 'at'........my way IRL...('only' 'low' 'IQ' 'hicks', 'druggies', 'drunks', 'bums', 'and' 'common' 'wh*res').

Me? I am just going to control my temper, just like I did with the propheseid tsunami related cosmic blast XIV years ago or so. I must strive be be free from an 'ego', and thus free from a 'weakness' 'that' can be 'wounded' '/' 'exploited' '/' 'manipulated'.

I need to remember that I witness the 'ment*lly' 'ill'. 'Solipsistic' 'ones' 'not' capable of interpreting reality objectively....... .

There is no "educating".....'mankind'. You can not 'educate' the 'emotive' 'reasoning' 'instinct'.

Futhermore, I need to pay ***close*** attention to my ***own*** affairs.

Major stuff went down last night, stuff that has me worried......... . (*Remembers my blast event last night, and how I witnessed, I guess, a 'wounded' (???) 'TT' 'R*ven' (????)....*). [Experiencing guilt afterward, I ran / deployed from my spatial barrier to apply "medicine" 'at' the 'injured'].

I have a ***whole*** lot of reporting to do for a multi-tier event (such so I have to hold doing other duties, but I shall not complain).

But about the ship? (*Shakes my head*). I am going for an instant win now.

[That......although the abruptness of such an event might put me in ***another*** coma for decades or more.....after said instant win (with no starship assisted transition)].

And actually, in a testament to that, I may have just poked a literal stellar mass containing...fingernail / claw....through a portion of the Infiniversal Routing Expanse.... . I *may* have, today, set into motion a delayed onset cavitation shockwave (!!!!!)...that will cause a "Big Crunch".

Even though I noted some hideously powerful force......'interfering' 'at' the event, I made it happen...as the fabric of time and space...went ***INCREDIBLY*** wild....with oscillations and possibly gyrations. (*Wonders if I noted infinite gravity conditions*). I am not sure if a ship event would even be needed (unless this is a....dual trial......(*winces*)).

Yea though. What would a ship mean for me, if I had to just undergo more agony.....by way of witnessing 'relentless' 'resets' 'at' my timeline??? What would a ship mean for me....if I had to endure through....even more fluid world events every night??? I am ready to work, and live.....in the *real* world. My mission is my goal, and to do and complete that mission, I must survive.

If a ship comes, it comes. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

I'm not gonna 'lose' sleep.....over it.

Not sure if I will even focus any ship matter right now.

The only way to be done at 'worrisome' 'reset' 'blitzes' 'at' my timeline / history, and the only way for me to have some rest...after all these.....continuing...and continuing fluid world events, is for me to deactivate / slice through / pop that Infiniversal Routing Expanse "Bubble". That......is the key to my survival....... .

(*Continues to the report*).

(*Groans as thinks about how much time and energy this will take, but proceeds*).


Part I:

*Wrote most of part I, but then noted the console glitch somehow, and drop aaaaaaaalllllll of the data....even though some unlocked memories of last night took place*.

I am going to have to make another post for the sake of the saving feature lol.....(*sighs*).

starship matters, infiniversal routing tear gem theory, infiniversal routing research, time and space phenomena, space fabric ripples, infiniversal routing expanse ejection, space fabric manipulation, dual trial scenario, solo trial scenario, questions

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