I wonder if I note some 'gaslighting'?
I now note 'woefully' 'unequipped'...'but' 'grant' 'money' 'waving'....'Harvard' 'scientists' 'accusing' 'a' 'light' 'sail'.....'at' the ***specific*** mana based propulsion halo......that I propheseid about and even ***illustrated*** about II years ago....... .
https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/scientists-say-mysterious-oumuamua-object-could-be-alien-spacecraft-ncna931381 https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/chasing-oumuamua ![](https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/jagyggdrasil/5091036/906596/906596_600.png)
As always, I do the reporting ***AHEAD*** of time, only to note 'poverty' 'enforcement' ('no' 'millions' 'in' 'research' 'fund' 'grants'), 'cherry-picking' '/' 'plagiarism' 'at' my research data results, and 'not' 'one' 'contact' with an 'above' '140' 'sent' 'at'........my way IRL...('only' 'low' 'IQ' 'hicks', 'druggies', 'drunks', 'bums', 'and' 'common' 'wh*res').
Me? I am just going to control my temper, just like I did with the propheseid tsunami related cosmic blast XIV years ago or so. I must strive be be free from an 'ego', and thus free from a 'weakness' 'that' can be 'wounded' '/' 'exploited' '/' 'manipulated'.
I need to remember that I witness the 'ment*lly' 'ill'. 'Solipsistic' 'ones' 'not' capable of interpreting reality objectively....... .
There is no "educating".....'mankind'. You can not 'educate' the 'emotive' 'reasoning' 'instinct'.
Futhermore, I need to pay ***close*** attention to my ***own*** affairs.
Major stuff went down last night, stuff that has me worried......... . (*Remembers my blast event last night, and how I witnessed, I guess, a 'wounded' (???) 'TT' 'R*ven' (????)....*). [Experiencing guilt afterward, I ran / deployed from my spatial barrier to apply "medicine" 'at' the 'injured'].
I have a ***whole*** lot of reporting to do for a multi-tier event (such so I have to hold doing other duties, but I shall not complain).
But about the ship? (*Shakes my head*). I am going for an instant win now.
[That......although the abruptness of such an event might put me in ***another*** coma for decades or more.....after said instant win (with no starship assisted transition)].
And actually, in a testament to that, I may have just poked a literal stellar mass containing...fingernail / claw....through a portion of the Infiniversal Routing Expanse.... . I *may* have, today, set into motion a delayed onset cavitation shockwave (!!!!!)...that will cause a "Big Crunch".
Even though I noted some hideously powerful force......'interfering' 'at' the event, I made it happen...as the fabric of time and space...went ***INCREDIBLY*** wild....with oscillations and possibly gyrations. (*Wonders if I noted infinite gravity conditions*). I am not sure if a ship event would even be needed (unless this is a....dual trial......(*winces*)).
Yea though. What would a ship mean for me, if I had to just undergo more agony.....by way of witnessing 'relentless' 'resets' 'at' my timeline??? What would a ship mean for me....if I had to endure through....even more fluid world events every night??? I am ready to work, and live.....in the *real* world. My mission is my goal, and to do and complete that mission, I must survive.
If a ship comes, it comes. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
I'm not gonna 'lose' sleep.....over it.
Not sure if I will even focus any ship matter right now.
The only way to be done at 'worrisome' 'reset' 'blitzes' 'at' my timeline / history, and the only way for me to have some rest...after all these.....continuing...and continuing fluid world events, is for me to deactivate / slice through / pop that Infiniversal Routing Expanse "Bubble". That......is the key to my survival....... .
(*Continues to the report*).
(*Groans as thinks about how much time and energy this will take, but proceeds*).
Part I:
*Wrote most of part I, but then noted the console glitch somehow, and drop aaaaaaaalllllll of the data....even though some unlocked memories of last night took place*.
I am going to have to make another post for the sake of the saving feature lol.....(*sighs*).