Oct 31, 2018 20:41
I just got back from another of the recent usual eventw?
Yea. Amidst trying to rest / sleep, I woke up......in a kinda groggy manner (lol).
For the initial part, I noted a subanime 'crackhead', 'Ch*rlene'' 'grafting' 'at' a message a family member and friend tried to deliver me? The same family member whom 'Pinkie' 'P*ie' 'grafts' 'at'........... .
Some time and space sorta storm went down though, so, sadly, I did not even get the gist of the message sent to me?
When I next woke I, I guess I spectated at a warped '1998-2000'.
A fake payrent, of the 1998-2000 'reset' 'world', was dumping some 'psychi*try' 'setup' 'at' me....as I was not 'making' 'ghetto' 'babies' '/' 'knocking' 'up' 'ghetto' 'chicks' 'and' 'doing' 'drugs' 'like' 'all' 'the' 'other' 'fake' 'family' 'boys'? Lol.
I just flew away, flew away, and then got stuck noting a fluid world event gripped C**olina Beach.
Events that followed had me studying at strange 'lion' 'cubs', and hovering around (*now recalls noting '1990's' 'juvenile' 'Charles' around the 'cubs'*).
............... .
Eventually....I staggered aeake to the mountain sanctuary, and enjoyed the quiet and the peace therein.
Me? I am ready to apply the ultimate knowledge, experience the next surge event, and see about winning.
I am not sure...why I am back, and why I have not had the surge event yet. Maybe it is because of me gathering the energy / data processing capacities necessary for the event, and I say that because because for all I can tell.....I have no 'messiah' 'complex'. I have no intention whatsoever....to share the truth about reality.....with 'mankind'.
Yea, the truth is not 'sellable' anyway.
It would have no appeal to 'mankind' whatsoever.
'Mortals' 'don't' want to hear about work.....(LOL!!!!!!!).
The truth requires work.
The truth doesn't offer "something" for 'nothing'.
I have often studied Caucasians that mock 'Negroes' for 'gibs' '/' 'gibs' 'muh' 'dat', but yet I note 'most' 'humans' 'lack' 'at' any desire / capacity to endure great pain, great struggles, for the sake of achieving a goal that is beyond the self (or even for the self). 'Gibs' 'muh' 'dat' 'fake' 'religions' 'like' 'Chr*stianity', that 'state' 'gibs' 'acceptance' 'and' 'fake' 'salvation' available to any 'Caucasoid' 'or' 'Negroid' 'r*pist' '/' 'wretch' '/' 'tormentor'......so long as he uses a 'muh' 'Jeebus' 'card' ('spiritual' 'EBT' 'card')..........'exposes' 'mankind's' 'core' 'mentality'.
(*Modifies the post title accordingly*).
Yea. I'll just give the surge event time....... . (*Notices my left eye burning with pain, and decides, to go ahead and wrap up yesterday's recap.....so I am not backlogged, and theb go get some L*ng Zhi to ease my eye afterwards*).
(Notices how, if not for the inflammation easing and potent Ling Zhi...and full medicinal cabitnet available now, I would likely be noting 'total' 'blindness' 'at' both eyes IRL....).
(If these posts halt in the next month by the way, that'll likely be what happened / happens).
(*Wonders if I note 'glauc*ma' 'art' 'a' 'reaction' 'at' the ultimate knowledge, and the upcoming surge event. If so, the sacrifice was totally worth it......*).
Ok....... .
Yesterday afternoon.....had a bit of variwnce from the usual.......... .
I woke, in disgust, to....note, IRL it seems, a '2015' 'reset'..... . Looking around, I both saw and detected at a 'warped' 'version' of the '2015' 'homeless' 'shelter', and made it a point to get back home as soon as possible...... .
The setting was quite dark, meaning either a black expanse event, a nighttime setting or both...... . 'Hobos' 'slumped' 'at' the floor of the strange location... . I could detect at the 'thick' 'cloud' 'of' 'depression'...that 'hung' 'at' the air.
Within moments...I spotted at the 'pastor' and immediately proceeded to walk at 'him', and talk about my lapid*ry, my trip to J*pan, and my cozy mountain house. Lol, was 'he' a 'miniboss'? The more I spoke, it was like the more I noted 'him' 'collapse'........, and within moments...a fluid world event of an intense caliber went down..........until a full on black expanse event took place.
The next reported event..shall conclude the recap...and the post (*exhales with relief*)..... . As of yesterday, I thought it was worth reporting...due to me spectating 'R*bn*t', an entity that was involved with the '2004' 'battles, and an entity that....had power.....'around' 'the' 'ballpark' of 'Jevoh*h's' 'animesque' 'third' ('and' 'weakest') 'form'.. (*Nods*). A subanime to anime......spanning 'entity' that I studied amidst noticing 'the' '13th' 'grade'......all the way up to after the ts*nami related events.
K. Let's wrap this up.
So......the black expanse seemed to coalesce to a setting...that had me...seated in an auditorium (??!?!?), an auditorium with plush red seats, and red curtains...above what seemed like a "stage"....... .
Hmmmmmmmmm.......... .
Soon....I was noting a 'performance' 'at' the stage by....some quite 'tall'......subanime anime...hybrid 'Asian' 'entities'....., , one's wearing midriff exposing kung fu mini-vests, and baggy long panta. The ones, many of 'em anyway, had 'odango' hairstyles?
'Something' 'was' 'wrong'? Amidst the troupe going for handstand / elbowstand poatures amidst what wad 'supposed' to have been a 'synchronized' 'routine', one....of the XX chromosome type entities of the troupe....tumbled over awkardly.....and botched the performance....?
Hmmm.... . the one that toppled rose, and then..., after another portion of the performance that was supposed to (???) be like a big 'stunt' or 'showstopper', the entire cast botched the move..., and fell raucously onto the stage.....(*winces*).
Moments later, u...uh......I noticed the 'inexplicable' and 'random' 'appearance' 'of' 'J*ckie' 'Ch*n' 'at' the stage, as also a fluid world event (!?!?) of sorts seemed to be going down.......? Hmmmmm...... . A 'subanime' 'marina' 'setting' 'formed' 'behind' 'the' 'stage'....., a 'daylight' 'setting'...... .
And amidst the toppled over performers......skipped / traipsed forth (????) an unknowm subanime anjme hybrid juvenile (10-11) XX chromosome type that seemed to 'idolize' the 'Ch*n' dude..... .
Wondering if I had discovered at a force behind the 'annoying' 'alterations' 'at' my timeline, I flew / dashed feom where I was seated, and soon found myself witnessing the 'false' 'marina' 'world' in a direct manner (with no view of the prior auditorium / stage available).
It was likw I was spectating a 'really' 'stupid' 'scene' from a 'musical', and the 'tap-dancing' over a 'rope' 'bridgr' (!?!?!!?!) 'Jackie' 'was' 'showering' 'all' 'his' 'attwntion' on the 'immature' 'seeming' 'juvenile'...'who' 'was' 'just' 'eating' 'it' 'all' 'up'.
The juvenile 'wanted' 'a' 'father' 'figure', and soon I noticed the 'Ch*n' 'dude' 'clad' 'in' 'white', and the unknown juvenile clad in a 'white' 'dress'.
Lol. I flew in, having no interest in the 'schmaltz', and intending to see about noting 'some' 'fighting' 'power' 'levels' 'exposed'..... .
But...*something* haopened? (*Squints*)........ .
After watching at the 'Ch*n' dude, the prior 'dancing' 'troupe', and the unknown juvenile start 'sprinting', a...a...a...***WEIGHT*** that was like that of a caro ship (!?!?!??!?!) was upon me. I ran on though, by that point running along the beach shore of a fluid world setting.......and tracking at the 'targets'... .
But then I got winded...a.....little, body-wise, as even more weight, ***GRAVITY***......, seemed to press down my location.
By that point I had suspicions that the unknown juvenile was a 'reborn' '2016' 'author' and 'P*kemon' 'D*wn' 'related'....... .
Well....as that suspicion took place, I suddenly witnessed a strange and 'shadowy' 'barn'......'dumped' 'directly' 'at' my location....... .
Hmmmm...... . A ladder in the barn thing..., a tall and long ladder, lead up to a lit platform? (*Sighs*). Sighing, I climbed at the ladder, climbed only to gasp in horror as I witnessed 'some' 'jinx'......., and thus noted the ladder start to inexplicably move backward from the leadge it was perched to..... .
Even with the gravity stuff going on, I managed to hover to a lantern post or some such that was made of metal, and clung...... .
The floor seemed to be many many stories below (!?!!?!!).
After that, I niticed a freakish scene of some old 11th grade 'wrestling' 'coach' that seemed to be 'part' 'King' 'K*ng' (lol) (what the heck) 'stage' 'a' 'rescue' 'at' me? I leapt at the dude's 'shoulder' like a cat, and then leapt at the 'barn' 'ledge' 'doorway'.... .
A '1999' 'classroom'!?!???!?
Hmmmm.,.... .
Spotting at 'gym' 'equipment', and 'desks' 'alike', I spotted at 'R*bert'.......'/' 'R*bnet'....., and recoiked...... . The dude seemed agitated, and immediately started to break kayfabe....... . Hr made references 'at' my past, and made 'references' 'at' my present.....by claiming that I 'seemed' 'happier' 'in' 'nature' (the mountain sanctuary?)....... .
His eyes..., subanime, seemed to be showing hints of going 'anime', and that as if he was about to go into his anime XX chromosome tyoe ' " 'Knives' " ' 'form', and or his 'Pheonixc*t' 'form'....... .
I prepared myself, not sure if I was about to have to defend....nyself...or what..... .
Yes, and soon.....I was back to the mountain santuary.....and quite confused.
Hunh..... . 'Robert' eh?
(*Shakes my head*).
I dunno.......... .
time and space phenomena