I am not sleeping for some reason (???), so it is time to casually drop some hyperdimensional realm related knowledge / a word or so..... .
Looks like, as of last year, I notice that 'sh***y' 'S**lor' 'M**n' 'anime'........'realm'... 'utterly' 'left' 'behind' 'at' my wake / dust. (*Recalls III years ago, and how I blasted at 'S**lor' 'V***s' 'entity' in defiance*).
And since shifting the name of this journal to reflect ***ALL*** of my years in this place, all of my adventures / studies in this place, things have been looking up =^_^=.
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Yea. I have hardly even noticed any 'S**lor' 'M**n' 'visions' for the bulk of this year, and if I did, I am not actively remembering 'them'.
And, heralding that, I can now perceive the Infiniversal Routing Expanse.......during specific ejection events, and thus hath the possibility of an instant win (via my new technique developed in the last week or so).
Things are looking up....indeed... .
Maybe I'll pour couple drops of G*ld...at the 'grave' of that 's****y' 'anime' 'antiverse' that was just 'chock-full' of 'b*nerk*llers'.....
....., and 'just' an 'utter' 'existential' 'dead' 'end'.
I would not touch that 'universe' with a pole, and to try to be honest, I don't want to spend a day 'in' 'it'...., because too, I don't want to have to smell 'Us*gi's' '/' 'S*rena's' 'stench'....(*gags, groans, and experiences some nausea*).
I'm not trying to be 'cold' here, but fact is, doing what I do means evading at 'existential' 'prison' 'layers'. 'Prison' 'layers' which are 'fake' 'universes'.....that comprise the 'fake' 'multiverse'. 'Prison' 'universe' 'layers'.......of which the 'S**lor' 'M**n' 'universe' was 'just' 'one' 'of'.
Discipline, meditation, focus, and striving to be free from 'ego' (and thus not get caught in 'ego' 'traps'....., like the 'false' 'approval' and 'ego' 'validation' 'traps' of some 'multiversal' 'THOT')....art the key to survival. (*Nods*).
I'll defy at 'fake' 'bodies' 'grafted' 'at' me, and I'll defy at 'fake' 'universes', and bit by bit.....I will travel closer and closer to my goals. My dream.
And that whilst ***not*** 'forsaking' my true form, my true identity........, and my true......physiology / anatomy.
In the meantime, and while I am here, I will continue my N**tropic therapy regimens, and continue my m*ning plans...(which involve land, and constructing rudimentary tunnels for m*ning purposes).
I am an adventurer..... .
An actual scout / scouter.......that seeks, discovers, and studies....mysteries / treasures far and wide.
I got dreams =^_^=!
(*Dreams about Yggdrasil Heavy Industries........, and my own...eventual full-scale m*ning operation...in the hyperdimensional overworld*).
Yeaaaaaaaa~~~~, I am ready for this Infiniversal Routing trial to wrap up, because I have stuff to do..... . (*Perceives a pair of intensely blue glowing eyes*). I got a mine to run. I got a company to run. A sovereign nation to run. A sovereign planet to run. A sovereign solar system to run. A sovereign galaxy to run. A sovereign universe to run..... . I got stuff ~~~ toooo DOOOOOO =^_^= ~~~!!!!!
If I could visually see some actual....good-looking women whilst traversing an Infiniversal marketplace (whilst away from my m*ning planets for a little spell), that would be great too ;)...... .
And if there is / would be.....some actual non-NPC's to protect, as in actual, real, thinking, breathing, dreaming, and honest people, yea......I still would give / sacrifice everything I am to protect / guard / shield them. That hasn't 'changed'....... .